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in flames at sentenced show 9/28?

[Aug 12,2002 5:33pm - dreadkill ""]
i have been waiting for this tour for a long time and heard it was going to be sentenced, lacuna coil, and dark tranquillity. what happened to dt? i heard from alot of people that they were on this tour. i even got this from century media's website: "The band will be touring North America for the first time in the Fall with Sentenced and Lacuna Coil." so why is dt out and shitty in flames in? they just ruined this tour. i've been waiting to see dt for a long time and i'm getting in flames again, the most disappointing live band i have ever seen. this really sucks. this tour could have been great. i bet in flames will headline, leaving lacuna coil and sentenced with short sets. what a waste. if anyone has any info about this let me know. <br>
[Aug 12,2002 7:20pm - the_reverend ""]
1) I believe that tour is hitting CT, then going across the country and then coming back to mass (or vice versa) <br> <br>2) I didn't know dark tranquility was out. I will e-mail century media and ask.
[Aug 15,2002 1:09am - the_reverend ""]
ok, so I forgot to reply to this yesterday, sorry. <br>the words is that the original plan was that In Flames, Sentenced, and Lacuna Coil was going to tour, then In Flames would drop off and Dark Tranquillity would take up there spot. I guess that's not happening. <br> <br>so now, century media is looking for a bigger, longer tour for DT. <br>got it?
[Aug 15,2002 1:44am - dreadkill ""]
excellent, thanks alot for the info
[Aug 18,2002 9:21am - the_reverend ""]
ok.. I got that killswitch engage is on the tour from Amy at Roadrunner.. <br>then one of the kids from <a href="http://theundergroundscene.net" target="_blank">http://theundergroundscene.net</a>/ told me that lacuna coil was off the tour and Dark tranquillity was back on. <br>of course <a href="http://www.lacunacoil.it" target="_blank">http://www.lacunacoil.it</a>/ told me nothing. <br>but of course, that is the rumor.
[Sep 14,2012 6:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
This show will be Killswitch Engage opening, then Dark Tranquillity destroying them afterwards, then In Flames in queer white jumpsuits. Finally, a drunk, but awesome Sentenced set. I don't know where you guys get your news but it's old news. Can't wait to see the show in a few weeks. Probably won't ever see Sentenced again because the guitar player might die. Also, this show will officially make In Flames horrible forever. Gayman sucked, who cares about them.
[Sep 14,2012 6:46pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Everything after whoracle is garbage
[Sep 14,2012 7:52pm - YearoftheDragon ""]
The lead guitarrist of Sentenced - Miika Tenkula - died February 2009.
I was at that show though in September 2002, even met Ville Laihiala walking around the Met after their set. Fuckin' guy was about 6'6".

Their best shit was North From Here (1993.)
[Sep 15,2012 12:45pm - Uh ""]
Hahah. I remember this show.

Sentenced opened and were mixed kind of quiet and I was disappointed they didn't play much from Down. Dark Tranquillity were good but didn't play more than a couple songs from The Gallery. Killswitch played in between DT and In Flames which was fucking awful. In Flames had a pretty decent set, much better than when they played new england metalcore fest. Still played stuff off Jester and Whoracle and of course Behind Space which they played every show. I think this is the tour before their had white jump suits. I remember talking to Mikael about him being on the first In Flames releases and how they all grew up together in the same town.
[Sep 15,2012 12:48pm - Mark_R ""]
I'm envious of everyone who got to see Sentenced :(
[Sep 15,2012 1:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
heh I could be wrong about the order. I went to the one in Providence. KSE sucked.
[Sep 15,2012 1:35pm - Uh ""]

arilliusbm said:heh I could be wrong about the order. I went to the one in Providence. KSE sucked.

Yeah I was there at lupos. Sentenced opened and got a short set. :(
[Sep 15,2012 2:09pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Sep 15,2012 3:11pm - dreadkill ""]
One of my favorite shows ever. I wish sentenced was still a band and mikka wasn't dead :(
[Sep 15,2012 3:15pm - Spence ""]
I honestly never got the hype with Dark Tranquility, their guitar is the only part of them that sticks out to me.
[Sep 15,2012 3:26pm - the_reverend ""]
Wasn't spence born right after this show?
[Sep 15,2012 3:27pm - Spence ""]
I was conceived in the bathroom at this show.
[Sep 15,2012 4:32pm - YearoftheDragon ""]
I was only 13 at this show because - as some allege - I "was born in 1988."

Yeah Sentenced's set was only about 30 minutes and mostly 'Cold White Light' material. Good use of a September night though.
[Sep 15,2012 7:38pm - the_reverend ""]

Was at the lupos show.
[Sep 15,2012 7:46pm - YearoftheDragon ""]
Killer show pics. Too bad I didn't know all of you, we could've raged it.

Instead I went with my girlfriend's retarded acquaintances who were not metal people at all; they were grotesquely overweight half-dykes and/or Stone Sour fans. They went to see KSE or whoever.
[Sep 15,2012 8:20pm - MikeOv  ""]
I also attended the show at Lupos. It's crazy to think that this happened a decade ago. Feels like it was only yesterday. This was still around the time when I was either at the Palladium, Lupos/Met, or a few other venues almost every weekend, guaranteed.

The highlight of this show, for me, was definitely Sentenced and Dark Tranquillity.

I was completely satisfied with Sentenced playing mostly songs from the Cold White Light, as that happens to be my favorite record from those guys. I love North From Here just as much as the next guy but the true Sentenced sound comes later in their career and peaked with CWL. It really does suck about Miika; I love Sentenced and wish I could have seen them a number of times after this. At least there is some satisfaction in having seen them tour in support of my favorite Sentenced record, R.I.P.

Dark Tranquillity...

One of those bands that I appreciated along with the rest of the Swedish Melodic Metal scene from the 90's. The Gallery is far and away their best album, and remains a standout among the best records from that era. I thought they played well and had good energy, but I do wish they would have played more older material, as I'm more a fan of Skydancer, Of Chaos and Eternal Night, and The Gallery, as opposed to stylistic changes found on the Projector and Haven records.

In Flames were definitely rocking their matching milkmen outfits and continued to destroy any credibility they once had with me. I'm pretty sure this tour was in support of Reroute to Remain which, for me, both closed & sealed the casket lid on their career. Before that record I remember hating Clayman with a passion. I remember picking it up at Newbury the day it came out, before I went into work, and I sold it off the very next day. Oddly enough I've come to dig that album, over time. I think I was able to appreciate Clayman after I looked at it separately from the rest of their catalog and refused to acknowledge it as a real In Flames record. Also, the fact that they'd never go back to the style that once made them great to begin with. Having said all that, I still can't subscribe to anything they did afterward and I really wish they would just call it quits. Band is a total embarrassment.
[Sep 15,2012 10:31pm - YearoftheDragon ""]
In Flames jumpsuits were fuckin' stupid, they looked like ABBA and that was probably the in-joke (ABBA being Swedish.)

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