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655,000 iraqis prove not to be the terrorists we are looking for

[Oct 11,2006 8:56am - the_reverend ""]

[Oct 11,2006 9:07am - mcmahon ""]
interesting how only 31% have been killed by coalition forces....
[Oct 11,2006 10:38am - Yeti ""]
these arent the droids we're looking for
[Oct 11,2006 10:59am - vomitthesoul ""]
They might all not be terrorists but that still dont mean that they hate us Americans.I wonder how long it will be before we invade Korea.WWIII is coming people.

[Oct 11,2006 11:09am - the_reverend ""]
it's like CSDO songs are finally coming true.
[Oct 11,2006 11:11am - vomitthesoul ""]
the_reverend said:it's like CSDO songs are finally coming true.

Uh huh.I got an old Bolt Thrower interview on a bootleg DVD and they talk about how war fascinates them.Thats pretty fucking obvious, since 99% of their songs are about war.
[Oct 11,2006 11:16am - the_reverend ""]
the face of a fipflopper:
"the worst is coming soon, I believe in those mortal prophecies of doom.. war is coming..."

fast forward 5 years

[Oct 11,2006 11:34am - vomitthesoul ""]
the_reverend said:the face of a fipflopper:
"the worst is coming soon, I believe in those mortal prophecies of doom.. war is coming..."

fast forward 5 years


Thought u didnt like SFU? How do u know the lyrics to one of their songs? I agree,Barnes is definitly a hippie.
[Oct 11,2006 11:51am - the_reverend ""]
find any location where I said I didn't like them. I would like to see it.

I was there singing along with their songs on friday night and I even posted that they didn't play the song I wanted.
[Oct 11,2006 11:58am - vomitthesoul ""]
the_reverend said:find any location where I said I didn't like them. I would like to see it.

I was there singing along with their songs on friday night and I even posted that they didn't play the song I wanted.

Oh allright.I was mistaken.Anyways,Im gonna get off the subject for a little bit.Is there an Independent running for Governor in MA? Im not voting for either of the 2 main people.I dont even know their names.But the chick scares me.Remember Jane Swift? Anyone here in MA most likely does.
[Oct 11,2006 12:10pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought you lived in NH. you are a masshole?
[Oct 11,2006 12:27pm - hungtableed  ""]
mcmahon said:interesting how only 31% have been killed by coalition forces....

yeah, but you won't hear that anywhere....As far as the commie liberal left is concerned, george w. personally executed each one of them 655,000 iraqis. On virtually every corner of the earth where there resides a predominatly muslim population, you see war because they simply cannot get along with anyone they may have as a neighbor regardless of who they are.
[Oct 11,2006 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
funny, I heard on a "commie liberal left" talk radio show about the 31% figure.

when I tuned into a republican show, they didn't even mention it.. just started talking about bill clinton again. who's the president again? man, I forget.

and this isn't a muslim issue. other religious wars:
chinese with any religion
xtians in the US vs. abortion clinics and homos

most the muslims have a reason for their beefs. if the french came in and pushed me out of new england, I would be a little more than wicked pissed about it. how bout you? what about any siblings or family that didn't get pushed out? would they be a little pevved about it to? we can't get along with mexico and it's on our border. we couldn't get along with russia and that was on our border (alaska)
[Oct 11,2006 12:42pm - hungtableed  ""]
I'm more Native American than anything else, bout 20%. You don't hear me bitching bout' shit, even though Native Americans have undoubtedly suffered the worst - hands fucking down - than any other ethnic group at the hands of America.
Our relationship with mexico and russia (in light of how muslims get along with their neighbors worldwide ) make us seem like we are the best of friends. The difference is that muslims wage war and kill those whom the disagree with. Check their history, Islam has spread and converted more people by means of the sword than any other means.
[Oct 11,2006 1:06pm - the_reverend ""]
they out crazy us... now that is.

christian and crhstian societies would never do anything by the sword.

the only reason the native americans fell is cause of biological weapons AND we killed off most of them.
[Oct 11,2006 3:28pm - anonymous  ""]
hungtableed said:I'm more Native American than anything else, bout 20%. You don't hear me bitching bout' shit, even though Native Americans have undoubtedly suffered the worst - hands fucking down - than any other ethnic group at the hands of America.
Our relationship with mexico and russia (in light of how muslims get along with their neighbors worldwide ) make us seem like we are the best of friends. The difference is that muslims wage war and kill those whom the disagree with. Check their history, Islam has spread and converted more people by means of the sword than any other means.

another whiny bleeding heart!
[Oct 11,2006 4:22pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
One distinct advantage we (and by we I mean the US and our neighbors) have over the Islamic nations that are constantly at war with their neighbors is that we had the luxury of choosing and creating our own borders (of course at the expense of Native Americans). The most fucked up nations in terms of ethnic warfare, tribalism, and general chaos are post-colonial states who are still using the borders arbitrarily created by European powers back in the 19th and early 20th centuries because their leaders are too weak compared to their military or too frightened of losing power to allow the citizens to create their own nations.

While that can explain why there's so much tension and no sense of national unity in many post-colonial countries it doesn't excuse ethnic cleansing or the Arab nations' abandonment of their Palestinian refugee populations.
[Oct 11,2006 4:35pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
the_reverend said:

christian and crhstian societies would never do anything by the sword.

point taken.
Christian missionaries (primarily those from Spain) arguably contributed most to the genocide of the Native Americans through "sympathetic" mass murder (i.e. doing them a 'favor' by killing them because they are 'savages') I guess I was drawing a point based on the current status of the world based on their (muslims) past as a religion. 'Spreading by the sword' is something most religions are guilty of, however, muslims are pretty much the only ones still taking that route at such a scale.

[Oct 11,2006 4:40pm - the_reverend ""]
I think one of the problem is that muslims are trying to find their place in a modern world with antiquated values. it's like they got dropped in to the world out of the 1400's!
[Oct 11,2006 4:45pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
the_reverend said:I think one of the problem is that muslims are trying to find their place in a modern world with antiquated values. it's like they got dropped in to the world out of the 1400's!

pretty much, that's why they are completely forbidden to indulge in/take advantage of (probably) about 90% of any post-industrial revolution technologies and advancements. It is, ultimately, their religion that is holding them back.
[Oct 11,2006 5:10pm - the_reverend ""]
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