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Opeth question

[Oct 25,2003 1:09pm - retzam ""]
I heard that in an Opeth song, you can hear a cough in the backround at one point and I read that it was in The Moor and the story was something like, Mikael and Peter were the only ones in the studio and Mikael heard a cough and Peter said it wasnt him, so they searched the studio for someone and no one was there. So they thought they were hallucinating because of lack of sleep, but then the cough turned up on the record and you can hear it? Does anyone know anything about this, like where it is in the song?
[Jul 4,2006 11:46am - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 4,2006 11:47am - anonymous  ""]
i actually just read that right now on their website but he doesnt say where the cough is at on the cd
[Jul 4,2006 11:50am - anonymous  ""]
here it is i thnk

On their album STILL LIFE on the song "The Moor" about 10 minutes into the song, during the very quiet transitional part into the heavier ending of the song, if you listen carefully, you can hear a sigh on the recording.
[Jul 4,2006 12:05pm - DreamingInExile ""]
is it a sigh or a cough? there's a huge difference in what to listen for, and from my understanding, said sound falls between 9:59 and 10:18 in the song, I'm going to break out my studio headphones and figure this out...
[Jul 4,2006 4:40pm - SeedBassist ""]
I heard about that too. Apparently, alot of stuff went wrong on that song. Mikael said that Anders Friden (who helped with the production of that record) noticed alot of things like tracks cutting out, and random background noises going on.
[Jul 5,2006 10:57am - xmikex ""]
i heard a rumor that opeth is really boring. and that you can hear vincent price doing armpit farts in the background on one of the tracks.

both rumors were confirmed.
[Jul 5,2006 11:11am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
I heard a rumor that when some allegedly heterosexual men see Opeth live, they unrepentantly announce atrocities such as "I love you, Mikael!" for all to hear.
[Jul 5,2006 11:32am - Abbath ""]
people still listen to opeth?
[Jul 5,2006 11:52am - dwellingsickness ""]
opeth is overrated, Aren't they a Hot Topic Band?
[Jul 5,2006 12:36pm - Yeti ""]
i have never heard that before. i'll have to check that out.
[Feb 7,2016 4:20pm - Vantro  ""]
Okay guys, after 10 years I will light this up. There is sigh in 10:03 which Mikael says "Melindaaa..." AND there are coughs on 10:15 which you can only hear from 5.1 mix in the 5th track (channel) of "The Moor". Yes I seperated the track to 6 channels from 5.1 mix and listened all to find out. So it is not a myth. Confirmed! You should listen carefully. Man coughs 2 times. You can roll back to 10:10 too. You will understant when it comes.

Thank You.

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