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Soooo, anyone want to sell me an Iron Maiden ticket for the Agganis show (without jacking up the price 30 bucks?)

[Sep 30,2006 10:29pm - retzam ""]
I waited too long before I went to buy my ticket. Someone please piss on me, or sell me your ticket if you can't make it.
[Oct 1,2006 2:28am - Kevord ""]
Or sell one to me.
[Oct 1,2006 3:13am - thegreatspaldino ""]
someone bought me a ticket for my bday
[Oct 1,2006 10:58am - retzam ""]

I'm so pissed at myself.
[Oct 1,2006 11:03am - vomitthesoul ""]
I wouldnt go see Maiden even if someone bought me a ticket.Im so sick of them.When I saw them back in 2000 at the Tweeter Center they didnt play enough old school songs.Instead they played half of Brave New World.Fucking boring!!!!!!
[Oct 1,2006 11:14am - Kevord ""]
Wow they played Brave New World on the Brave New World tour. What a bunch of jerks. I was at that Tweeter Center show with Halford and Queensryche and it was a great show. And I was stuck on the lawn. They've done a few greatest hits tours the past couple of years. You should have gone to those.
[Oct 1,2006 11:28am - pam ""]
Kevord said:Wow they played Brave New World on the Brave New World tour.

[Oct 1,2006 3:22pm - cavboredatwork  ""]
the tour with halford and queensryche they played a lot of new stuff. on ozzfest they played all stuff from the first 3-4 albums. so amazing!
[Oct 1,2006 3:58pm - MR. sphincter  ""]
it sux cuz they are playing with bullet 4 my valentine, gaaah!
[Oct 1,2006 10:39pm - retzam ""]
I would see maiden even if they were only doing 3 or 4 old songs. These three most recent albums have kicked so much ass, I could hardly be disappointed. Not to say I don't love the old stuff.
[Oct 1,2006 10:45pm - dreadkill ""]
Kevord said:Wow they played Brave New World on the Brave New World tour. What a bunch of jerks. I was at that Tweeter Center show with Halford and Queensryche and it was a great show. And I was stuck on the lawn. They've done a few greatest hits tours the past couple of years. You should have gone to those.

that show was awesome. unfortunately, i missed halford.
[Oct 1,2006 10:46pm - dreadkill ""]
vomitthesoul said:I wouldnt go see Maiden even if someone bought me a ticket.Im so sick of them.When I saw them back in 2000 at the Tweeter Center they didnt play enough old school songs.Instead they played half of Brave New World.Fucking boring!!!!!!

you like six feet under. your right to call anything boring has been revoked.
[Oct 3,2006 10:36am - TJ_Xenos ""]
They did tons of old stuff at ozzfest just because they were flogging the double dvd of the early years...
[Oct 3,2006 11:00am - vomitthesoul ""]
dreadkill said:vomitthesoul said:I wouldnt go see Maiden even if someone bought me a ticket.Im so sick of them.When I saw them back in 2000 at the Tweeter Center they didnt play enough old school songs.Instead they played half of Brave New World.Fucking boring!!!!!!

you like six feet under. your right to call anything boring has been revoked.

All the Maiden albums after Fear of the Dark are boring.You might not like SFU,but they consistently put out good albums.Its your loss if u dont like Chris Barnes anymore.Just because SFU arnt technical,faster Death Metal dont mean they suck:middlefinger:
[Oct 3,2006 11:01am - vomitthesoul ""]
dreadkill said:Kevord said:Wow they played Brave New World on the Brave New World tour. What a bunch of jerks. I was at that Tweeter Center show with Halford and Queensryche and it was a great show. And I was stuck on the lawn. They've done a few greatest hits tours the past couple of years. You should have gone to those.

that show was awesome. unfortunately, i missed halford.

You missed Halford,fucking LOSER!!!!!!:middlefinger:

[Oct 3,2006 3:00pm - xmikex ""]
I had a chance to see Maiden when they played the Tweeter Center. A kid I knew asked if I wanted a ticket and told me they'd only be $25 lawn tickets. I said sure because I thought it'd be cool to see Maiden for once. A month later he asked me for the money and told me they were $90 each. I asked him what the hell happened and he told me he got 3rd row seats instead of lawn (just because) and never told anyone. I told him I'd never in a billion years pay $90 to see a band. Half the kids that were supposed to go bailed when they found out, and a handful of the kids that did go never paid him back. He spent the next 2 years paying off credit card debts and hated me ever since. wahh wahhhhh
[Oct 3,2006 3:07pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
vomitthesoul said:dreadkill said:Kevord said:Wow they played Brave New World on the Brave New World tour. What a bunch of jerks. I was at that Tweeter Center show with Halford and Queensryche and it was a great show. And I was stuck on the lawn. They've done a few greatest hits tours the past couple of years. You should have gone to those.

that show was awesome. unfortunately, i missed halford.

You missed Halford,fucking LOSER!!!!!!:middlefinger:

Haha, you are like a little whiny six year old judging by all your posts. My six year old has more maturity than you. Haha, "fucking LOSER!!!!!!:middlefinger:"
You big meany jerk, haha. Grow up. SFU, puts out consistantly good albums? Now that is funny. You have to have the attention span of a gnat to listen to them. You are nothing but a drone and a tool.:whipper:

Get off of Chris Barnes' junk already fag.

[Oct 3,2006 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
vomitthesoul said:dreadkill said:vomitthesoul said:I wouldnt go see Maiden even if someone bought me a ticket.Im so sick of them.When I saw them back in 2000 at the Tweeter Center they didnt play enough old school songs.Instead they played half of Brave New World.Fucking boring!!!!!!

you like six feet under. your right to call anything boring has been revoked.

All the Maiden albums after Fear of the Dark are boring.You might not like SFU,but they consistently put out good albums.Its your loss if u dont like Chris Barnes anymore.Just because SFU arnt technical,faster Death Metal dont mean they suck:middlefinger:

so Warpath, Maximum Violence, True Carnage, Graveyard Classics 1-9 and all albums post those are good? fooled me. Haunted was a good cd, but it was more Obituary, and Barnes still sounded good. he didnt sound like a 12 year old trying to do death metal.
[Oct 3,2006 3:46pm - xmikex ""]
vomitthesoul said:You missed Halford,fucking LOSER!!!!!!:middlefinger:

no dude has ever been this excited about Halford that wasn't sitting on his lap.

[Oct 4,2006 8:10am - ShadowSD ""]
vomitthesoul said:I wouldnt go see Maiden even if someone bought me a ticket.Im so sick of them.When I saw them back in 2000 at the Tweeter Center they didnt play enough old school songs.Instead they played half of Brave New World.Fucking boring!!!!!!

Buy his ticket, retzam, I don't think he'll charge much.
[Oct 5,2006 8:10am - jrb2971nli  ""]
I am sooo bummed out that I didn't see this maiden show coming. Last time I saw them was 2000? I really really want to go, but I also find it crazy someone can sell them for $200 for tickets. Did it really sell out? I wish they would add another show (have they ever?) Heck, I'd pay more but not like 2x the price (well maybe I would but I have to save that money for my wife's bday). man this really sucks! I'm the #1 maiden fan! hehe anyone want to split the $200 to get row 5 on ebay? (2 tickets), isn't that scalping? and when did maiden announce they are playing some no name venue! They should play mansfield again! (5 mins from me)
[Dec 8,2006 7:32pm - xanonymousx ""]
a few songs from the boston show are on there good quality too.

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