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scenester you spelling inept mental inferior

[Oct 23,2003 11:30pm - ieatpeople4god ""]
dude why is this message board thread bullshit interesting in any way?
[Oct 23,2003 11:36pm - xeatadickx ""]
give me a handjob
[Oct 23,2003 11:59pm - ieatpeople4god ""]
xeatadickx said:give me a handjob

sadly i cun't because my hands are just bloody stumps, maybe your flaming ass could cotarize them and then you can hump my back fat like an 11mo. old dog
[Oct 24,2003 12:05am - XeatadickX ""]
that made no sense

im hopped up on jesus
[Oct 24,2003 12:20am - faggynuts421 ""]
Lucifer... ...n. [ME < Lat., morning star < lucifer, light bearing : lux, light + ferre, to bring.]...
[Oct 24,2003 12:32am - ieatpeople4god ""]
you are like the 11 mo. old dog(puppy), my back fat will act as my hands for the hand job portion of our evening

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