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Hekseri Review on Belgian E-Zine

[Sep 25,2006 10:41am - paganmegan ""]
Hekseri review is on the main page, under current demo review section

In other news, we will be releasing a new demo shortly, for promotion of what will be our first full length release.
[Sep 25,2006 10:44am - paganmegan ""]
HEKSERI «Belzébut, Prince»

I really love this demo but I shouldn’t because when I try to review it I end up rapidly using words and labels that wouldn’t inspire me to listen it. What we have is pretty rough and down to earth thrashing black metal from New England. In terms of technicality and feeling, the four tracks of «Belzébut, Prince» may appear quite basic. The demo kicks off very strongly with the nice «Der Hexenhammer», which with its underground sound, fast guitar patterns and solid bass drums frameworks gives you the right picture about Hekseri’s musical madness. The tempo in the songs is above all quite high, but there are also some noticeable oppressive slower passages in the music. The vocals of Megan Leo and Larissa Glasser, which consist almost of insane schizophrenic growled screams brings the needed madness and brings even more variation in the music. All of these elements are combined to form a quite unique and massively enjoyable death / black / thrash metal hybrid. Hekseri are definitely a very nice surprise and I really can’t get enough of this demo (to be honest I’m also completely unable to write something negative about such an attractive blonde guitar player).



[Sep 25,2006 11:29am - litacore nli  ""]
I gotta ditch the blonde wig

[Sep 25,2006 12:02pm - Shannon ""]
Sweet review,untill the ending of course. Its like wow,if you thought she wasnt attractive,then would you write something negative? Fucking dudes. Allways gotta throw in the vagina factor.
[Sep 25,2006 12:05pm - dyingmuse ""]
good reviews! awesome!
[Sep 25,2006 12:15pm - paganmegan ""]

[Sep 25,2006 12:22pm - Samantha ""]
Shannon said:Fucking dudes. Allways gotta throw in the vagina factor.

Seriously... The music matters a lot more than what any of the band members look like.

I should write a review that includes some comment like that about a guy. All I would have to do is write exactly what the guy above wrote but replace "such an attractive blonde guitar player" with "a guitar player with such a large penis".

"To be honest I’m also completely unable to write something negative about a guitar player with such a large penis." Ha ha ha! It sounds so ridiculous when you reverse the gender!

[Sep 25,2006 12:25pm - paganmegan ""]
This is all true. It is a male dominated genre of music, and so this kind of shit is to be expected. What is of the most importance is that people take the music seriously, and I think for the most part, the reviewer did that. It seems to me to be a mostly thought out review. He just had to throw that little blurb in the end.
[Sep 25,2006 12:25pm - anonymous  ""]
Use your illusions.
[Sep 25,2006 12:29pm - ShadowSD ""]
I agree, at least he threw it in parenthesis. It's not like the headline to the article was: "Hekseri, conquering the metal scene one Belgian boner at a time!"
[Sep 25,2006 12:30pm - ShadowSD ""]
Congratulations by the way, it's a very good review.
[Sep 25,2006 12:57pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Nice review
[Sep 25,2006 1:49pm - Anti-Racism ""]
That review is thoroughly sexist and probably anti-Semitic.
[Sep 25,2006 1:55pm - litacore ""]
hahaha, where do these people come from?
[Sep 25,2006 4:01pm - paganmegan ""]
the demo we'll have out soon is even better than this one
[Nov 5,2006 4:52pm - anonymous  ""]
dude your band fucking sucks
[Nov 5,2006 5:27pm - dreadkill ""]
Samantha said:
I should write a review that includes some comment like that about a guy. All I would have to do is write exactly what the guy above wrote but replace "such an attractive blonde guitar player" with "a guitar player with such a large penis".

thanks, but i'm not a guitar player.
[Nov 5,2006 6:37pm - anonymous  ""]
How come the guys are left out of the revies, like the long hair drummer with hand to satisfy and the topless bass player that gets the women hot at all the show...Where are those reviews...I'm pissed, no bitches reviewing our band...!!!!
[Nov 5,2006 9:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ShadowSD said:I agree, at least he threw it in parenthesis. It's not like the headline to the article was: "Hekseri, conquering the metal scene one Belgian boner at a time!"

Hekseri: Vagina-havers. (Also, metal.)
[Nov 5,2006 10:05pm - powerkok ""]
paganmegan said: (to be honest I’m also completely unable to write something negative about such an attractive blonde guitar player).

They said the same thing about me!!!!!
[Nov 20,2006 5:41pm - anonymous  ""]
She's totally hot! I would be her slave!

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