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New $20 bills

[Oct 23,2003 7:27pm - succubus ""]
What do you think of them?

Last weekend the bf and i went to the ATM a few times in hopes of getting some...but no luck.

and tonight...i went to the ATM and poof ALL new $20 and serial numbers were sequential.
[Oct 23,2003 7:35pm - thornnvine ""]
I had friends who got real good at counterfitting bills using certificate paper, a scanner and a printer. We'd break 5's, 10's and 20's in dark and busy bars and get real cash back. Evidently they (were married) and made a bad drug deal using bills with all the same numbers. The new bills make think of them. I'd show up at their apt and there would be piles of fake bills all over the place like dirty laundry. It was fucking unreal.
[Oct 23,2003 9:53pm - the_reverend ""]
I saw one the other day.
they look queer
[Oct 23,2003 10:21pm - retzam ""]
They arent as cool looking as I thought. I heard them being described as peach, so I am picturing a bill that is completely peace, not a green bill that looks like someone spilled tea in the middle.
[Oct 23,2003 11:53pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
It'd be better if you said "someone spilled pee in the middle."
[Oct 23,2003 11:54pm - the_reverend ""]
looks more like a drag queen wiped their face on it.
[Oct 24,2003 8:24am - the_reverend ""]
*insert disappointment here*
my bank had only those only $20 bills that only work 1/2 as well.
[Oct 24,2003 5:19pm - retzam ""]
the_reverend said:my bank had only those only $20 bills that only work 1/2 as well.

[Oct 24,2003 5:23pm - the_reverend ""]
um.. obviously, the new bills don't work as well as the old bills.
duh! otherwise the "new bills" would just be called "bills" and not "new bills"
it's like how when something is bigger than something else or the version # on it is higher, that is is obviously better.
aol 8.0 < aol 9.0 < aol 10.0
os 8 < os 9 < OSX
win95 < win98 < winme < winxp

where did you go to school?
definitely not in a new and improved school.
[Oct 24,2003 5:44pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
aol 8.0 = aol 9.0 = aol 10.0 = :pukeface:
os 8 < os 9 < OSX < :shocker:
win95 < win98 < winme > winxp < :satancross:
[Oct 24,2003 5:46pm - retzam ""]
the_reverend said:um.. obviously, the new bills don't work as well as the old bills.
duh! otherwise the "new bills" would just be called "bills" and not "new bills"
it's like how when something is bigger than something else or the version # on it is higher, that is is obviously better.
aol 8.0 < aol 9.0 < aol 10.0
os 8 < os 9 < OSX
win95 < win98 < winme < winxp

where did you go to school?
definitely not in a new and improved school.

Oh, I am sorry, I was thrown off by your satanic sentence of death. It had 3 "only"s in it! I believe one was meant to be "old".
[Oct 24,2003 5:48pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Rev's a hardcore only addict.
[Oct 24,2003 6:09pm - the_reverend ""]
no, I can stop only time I want.
[Oct 24,2003 6:20pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Face it. You've got a problem. You're a duck. Don't question it. Just accept it and move on.
[Oct 24,2003 6:21pm - the_reverend ""]
what's that sticking out of that thing that looks like a banana?
[Oct 24,2003 8:58pm - retzam ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Rev's a hardcore only addict.

the reverend:no, I can stop only time I want.

Best fucking quote ever! Personally though, I think my satanic sentence of death comment was pretty good too. Here is a template guys:

Satanic [insert word here] of [one of following words: death, rape, sodomy, blasphemy]

Rev, you should put that up there with Link, Image, Email, etc. Call it "Ret's template". It would fucking kick ass and take over the world and sodomize the virgin mary...

[Oct 24,2003 11:55pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm special, i finally saw a new bill today at work...
[Oct 25,2003 7:00am - Lynneaus ""]
i was in canada for two weeks.... i only saw them on the news.... :(
[Oct 25,2003 1:11pm - retzam ""]
retzam said:DeOdiumMortis said:Rev's a hardcore only addict.

the reverend:no, I can stop only time I want.

Best fucking quote ever! Personally though, I think my satanic sentence of death comment was pretty good too. Here is a template guys:

Satanic [insert word here] of [one of following words: death, rape, sodomy, blasphemy]

Rev, you should put that up there with Link, Image, Email, etc. Call it "Ret's template". It would fucking kick ass and take over the world and sodomize the virgin mary...

Seriously Rev, do it man! Do it for like 2 days or something to see how many people use it! Haha, yeah, look at me everyone, telling the Rev what to do. Someone shoot me.

PS: Seriously man!
[Oct 25,2003 2:36pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 29,2003 12:13pm - succubus ""]
yeah so...already counterfeiting them

[Oct 29,2003 12:16pm - succubus ""]
and in Brockton, MA

go Massssss
[Oct 29,2003 3:28pm - retzam ""]
the_reverend said:bendover

If you make the template I will bendover all you want.
[Oct 29,2003 3:34pm - 2cool  ""]
the new 20's are a step closer to electronic money(they're a joke they look gay like canadian money) and total social control... bend over rover and let uncle sam takeover
[Nov 2,2003 4:38pm - retzam ""]
2cool said:the new 20's are a step closer to electronic money(they're a joke they look gay like canadian money) and total social control... bend over rover and let uncle sam takeover

I am a loather of a four leaf clover.

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