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What bands were you in?

[Oct 23,2003 10:07am - the_reverend ""]
please, give me
1) band name
2) instrument played
3) date started (year is fine)
4) date stopped (year is fine)

other band members, what they played, and dates start/stop.

[Oct 23,2003 10:17am - baneofexistence ""]
altair cross - guitar - 1986 to 1988
caligula - guitar - 1992 to 1992
the power of suggestion - guitar - 1992 to 1993
dspayre - guitar - 1993 or 4 to 1996 **
exceed - guitar- 1996 to 1998
bane of existence - guitar - 1999 to present

i could be off on some of them dates it's not like i wrote em down back in the day

** i probly could tell you the exact date of the end of this band i quit on stage at the rathskeller

the_reverend said:please, give me
1) band name
2) instrument played
3) date started (year is fine)
4) date stopped (year is fine)

other band members, what they played, and dates start/stop.


[Oct 23,2003 10:45am - joe/notcommon ""]
you moron you forgot TBA
[Oct 23,2003 11:04am - joostin ""]
laced(Mortician/Deicide infl.)- guitar/vocals, 95-96

good minor(shadowsfall/TYOUL worship)- guitar/bass/vocals, 97-99

the gacey prospect(metal-core crap)- bass, 01

fetus punt(noise)- vocals, 01

a year and a day(piratecore)- vocals, 01-02

shading the end(death metal)- bass, 02-03

in dire need(death metal)- bass, 03-...
[Oct 23,2003 11:17am - RustedAngel ""]

tripline / guitar (1999 to 2000)

halo suffocation machine / guitar and backup vocals (2000 to 2002)

letters from the dead / guitar (2002 to 2002)

porphyria / guitar (2003-now)


[Oct 23,2003 11:34am - baneofexistence ""]
tba dosent count

joe/notcommon said:you moron you forgot TBA

[Oct 23,2003 12:18pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Vomited Cavities ( 1999- 2001 ) stupid porn/goregrind
- vocals/ guitar

Fetus punt ( 2002 i think?) Noise/improv
- vocals

Shading the end ( 2002-2003) Death metal/grind
- guitar

Fall Of Decrepitude ( 2003--???) technical death/grind
-guitar/ back up vocals

Vomited cavities was my personal favorite. VxCx FOREVER

[Oct 23,2003 12:35pm - handinjury ""]
Anoxia - (deathmetal) (96 - 2001) guitar

looking to start something new in RI (guitar or drums)
[Oct 23,2003 12:38pm - joe/notcommon ""]
talk to zardoz, he knows whats going on in rhode island

[Oct 24,2003 1:30am - joostin ""]

haha, look how important AYAD was to me, forgot to list it.
thumbs down for shitty, desparation college bands
[Oct 24,2003 2:06am - Terence ""]
Butch (wicked silly awesome Mortician rip off to Hell) 1996-1998 Guitars and some Vocals

Circus Mutt (Same lineup as Butch, only so much sillier and demented) 1998-1999 Guitars and some Vocals

Vengeance in Blood (Ultra negative blasting black metal) January 5th 1999- May 6th 2001

Ascendancy (Death metal) June 25th, 2001- Present
[Oct 24,2003 2:55am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
crappy high school band that went nowhere: 199x - 199x
Vaginal Implosion: ~1997 - ~2000
DOM: 1998 - current
BWS: 1999 - current
Ascendancy: March 2002 - current
SFC: in the works, dreamt up August 2003

Something like that.
[Oct 24,2003 6:11am - BabysBreath ""]
O.N.S - yet another crap highschool punk band (bass)
Between Two Thieves (bass)
The:enclitic (bass, vokills)
Carbon Asphyxia (drum, vokills)

[Oct 24,2003 10:12am - litacore ""]
Chernobyl (86-89) / vox-guit-bs
Justine (91-94) / bs
The Tulips (94-95) / bs
Champale (94-96) / vox-guit
Mourn (96-97) / bs
Dog (97--one or two shows) / vacuum cleaner, radiator, a few drums
Maggotzoid (00-present) / guit
Pornbelt (01-03) / bs
Disemboweller (now) / vox-bs
[Oct 24,2003 10:44am - boobtoucher ""]

Fault-Guitar, '96-'99
-Other guitarist, Pete, started Ookla the Mok from '97-'99 with one of ex-Fault drummers

the_network-Guitar, 2002-present
-Pete and I once again join forces with exFault bassist on vocals and other exFault bassist on electronics. Also, exAs I Bleed guitarist hops in on bass
[Oct 24,2003 11:10am - ieatpeople4god ""]
boobtoucher said:Kevin

Fault-Guitar, '96-'99
-Other guitarist, Pete,ex-fault, started Ookla the Mok,ex-solomon grundy from '97-'99 with one of ex-Fault drummers

the_network-Guitar, 2002-present
-Pete and I once again join forces with exFault bassist/uncunted on vocals and other exFault/solomon grundy bassist on electronics. Also, exAs I Bleed guitarist hops in on bass

pete was playing with mark adam,justin w., jp and max before ookla the mok, ex solomon grundy-the name was tentatively arkham

[Oct 24,2003 1:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
im trying to remember the last fault show i went too.

i know i missed the 'merge' show in sanford, maine... but the last one i saw was at safe n' sound with.uhhhh....i don't remember, but i have the flyer in a pile of old safe n sound fliers i held onto. I even still have the first as i bleed flier to promote the band that just says "as i bleed" 4 times down the page. hahaha.

i also have a flier nate made with school pictures of chad, and me when we were like 10.
[Oct 24,2003 1:03pm - the_reverend ""]
why don't you scan them?
scan them and send them to me.
I'll host them... hm... that actually wold be a pretty cool addition to this site,
flyers of long ago shows.
[Oct 24,2003 1:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
im too lazy to setup my shitty scanner, i could take pictures of them? or if you have a scanner ill just bring them over sometime.
[Oct 24,2003 1:08pm - the_reverend ""]
I got a nice scanner.
you going to nile?
if so, bring them and I'll get them from you there.
[Oct 24,2003 1:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
i think id rather just bring my priceless fliers to portsmouth, rather than dealing with getting them back. hahaha
[Oct 24,2003 1:19pm - goratory ""]
Twisted Sac. (99 - 00) guitars this was my high school but I still think it was badass

GORATORY (00-present) Guitars

Anally Injected Death Sperm - guitars (new project with Retch and Goratory joining forces for a side project grind band. we are meeting in New Mexico to record in the first week in Jan.)
[Oct 24,2003 1:35pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Far From Redemption (joined about 5 months after i started playing bass) 01-02

Dysentery 02-03

Intricate Slaughter Process (side project of justin from ACR and eric from FFR and myself and geary) 02-03... last show tonight

TYAG summer 03 - present
[Oct 24,2003 2:28pm - BornSoVile ""]
Teenage Revolt 98-99 (Streetpunk)
Incinerate 2000 (Melodic Thrash)
Acephalus 2000 (Death Metal), I played with them 3 times they said I was in, but now they deny it, whatever.
Odium Vile 2002 - 2003 (Necro Black Metal) I never got my shit together for this solo project, I only had a few tracks that I laid down, but no drums.
Ascendancy 2003 - Present (Blackend Death Metal)
[Oct 24,2003 2:30pm - BornSoVile ""]
goratory said:Twisted Sac. (99 - 00) guitars this was my high school but I still think it was badass

Dude, I need a copy of that shit. SAWED OFF SHOTGUN!!!!

[Oct 24,2003 3:06pm - dreadkill ""]
braddis and the boys: 1993-1995: vocals and mouth riffs: not really a band, but it was a funny way to be creative when i was 13
dreaded silence: 1999-present: vocals, bass
corky snatcher: 2000: i forget what i did for this, doesn't really count anyway
tyrant falcon: 2001: vocals, curly hand [power metal band that failed after a week]
jeeperscrowi'mretarded:2002: beats: epic two man keys/beats project. mongoloid armageddon ep still awaiting release
[Oct 27,2003 10:05am - ieatpeople4god ""]
sandown/innerstorm 95-97-vocals
arkham 96-97 3 mo.-vocals
solomongrundy/ookla the mok 97-2000-vocals
band w/ no name 7 songs...good lyrics 2000-2001-vocals
battling seizure robots 2000-2001-vocals
high's cool sweethearts 2000-2001-vocals
jack van impe presents 2001-present- drums/vocals
RETARDSEXPARTY in my mind-anus ripper
[Oct 27,2003 10:08am - ieatpeople4god ""]
fault's old names were "chaotic youth" and "BASSment"
atkinson community center baby
[Oct 27,2003 11:48am - tyagxgrind ""]
the_reverend said:please, give me
1) band name
2) instrument played
3) date started (year is fine)
4) date stopped (year is fine)

other band members, what they played, and dates start/stop.


Shitty ass vocals in all of the following bands...

1.) Seven Deadly Sins (black/death metal meets hardcore) - early 1999
2.) Down In Flame (old fastcore "like" old Embrace Today) - mid 1999
3.) As We Fall (hardcore/metalcore in Buried Alive vein) 1999 - 2000?
4.) Manwhore/He-Bitch (improv Gore/Porn/Grind) 2000 - present
5.) TYAG (gay Death/Grind) 2001 - present

DIF changed name to AWF when we got new members.
AWF was members of Bleak Season.
MxW/He-Bitch was members of All These Years, Bleak Season + random people.

So were all a bunch of "band whores" so to speak.
[Oct 27,2003 12:06pm - boobtoucher ""]
ieatpeople4god said:fault's old names were "chaotic youth" and "basement"
atkinson community center baby

close, but it's BASSment baby...as in kick ass BASS brought to you by the man behind the sharkey elbow himself, SHA---KEY!

[Oct 27,2003 3:36pm - ieatpeople4god ""]
SHA KEY the man
[Oct 27,2003 3:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
before shroud of bereavement i was the singer in mourndrear for like 5 years that was half of december wolves but back then those were the days. we played with everyone death deicide suffocation vital remains bolt throwes carcass man i feel old
i was also in blistered earth before they were blistered earth i was also the singer. i also sang for josh sweeney for a while before he called it mental infection. i was in denero blast with ex mourndrear members as the drummer. i played drums in rape victim barbie for a while. im trying out as bassist for red right hand rite now. ive played with so many people i really couldnt rememmber all of the shit ive done. but hey fuck it it beats laying brick!
[Oct 27,2003 5:58pm - Lynneaus ""]
Retardnation (death/funk/prog metal) 1998-1999 backing vocals
[Oct 27,2003 6:31pm - Sinistas ""]
Sigma/Diadems/Despite The Sun (progressive thrash)
2000 - 2002
[Oct 27,2003 7:13pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Cursed For Eternity (black metal, guitar/vox) 94-99

Psycho Sadist (goregrind, drums) 95-96

Mortified (goregrind mixed with old school death metal, drums)96-99

Destro (grind/HC, bass) 95-97

Hirudinea (black/death/thrash/doom, guitar/vox) 99-present

Ninnixu (black metal, bass/vox/keys/effects/drum machine) 01-present

Morax (black experimental, keys/vox/drums/drum machine/effects) 00-00

Impurid (death metal, bass) 03-present

Witch Tomb (black/death, guitar/vox) 02-present

Gutter (HC, vox) 00-00

[Oct 27,2003 8:15pm - Cruelty ""]

A bunch of crappy high school bands without names

Emptiness (my wicked cool black metal solo proj.) 1997-2001

Legacy, (black metal) Guitar and Vox then drums 1999-2001

Immortal Sacrifice (Im surprised we didnt get huge we wore masks and everything. Dont people listen to terrible horror punk anymore!) Guitar

Richie Cunningham and the Rebals (may also have been known as Immoral sacrifice) Guitar/Drums 2000- I think we are called Cruelty Divine now

Cruelty Divine (used to be black metal, now artsy blackaned death that no one will like), Drums 2001-

The Lament Configuration (grinding death, the only band I ever got kicked out of), Drums 2002-2002

A Bleak Harvest (fizzled out and died, Aggaloch rip off) Drums/Vocals 2002-2003

These Ashes-(my crappy Industrial Solo Proj.)Everything, 2002-

Wretched Apperitions- (Seemed like fun dont know what happened to that one Punk metal thing) Drums 2003-2003

Frozen Oceans, (good music hope it actully works out) Vocals, 2003-
[Oct 27,2003 9:41pm - robsheol  ""]
late 2002

sept. 2003

[Oct 27,2003 9:43pm - robsheol  ""]
oh yeah i forgot my old bands...


The Bowtie Killers

my indie rock band
[Oct 27,2003 10:47pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
Poison Ivy (dirty punk)
Vox/ Guitar
??? (5th-6th grade, whatever years those were)

A Cold Reality (new era melodic death/thrash)
Guitar/ Vox

solo project (acoustic songs)
Guitar/ Vox/ Bass

Slaughtered at Dawn (ol' skool death metaL)

The Intricate Slaughter Process (grindy jazzy death metal KILLCORE)

As A Dead Rose Withers (depressing exerpimental death)
Guitar/ Vox/ Drums/ Bass
[Dec 15,2003 9:21pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
C.C.P.T. (crappy AxCx ripoff noisegrind) - drums/vocals 94-96

joe and orgy's abortion clinic (electro/cybergrind) programming/vocals
02-present www.cafepress.com/abortionclinic

ukrainian burger harvest (not even a real band, me playing alot of blastbeats while two assholes scream about eating burgers and chugging beer) - drums - nov. 02 - sep. 03

maggot feast (we play a little of everything.....doom metal/sludge, noise/goregrind, death/thrash metal) - drums/backing vocals 98-present we have mp3's on this site.....and we have two websites

[Dec 15,2003 10:02pm - XmikeX ""]
whendarknssfals: whats up
XihatebreathingX: yo
XihatebreathingX: whosssthis?
whendarknssfals: danna
XihatebreathingX: danna who?
whendarknssfals: i got you sn from moc
whendarknssfals: so whats up
XihatebreathingX: not much
whendarknssfals: where you from
XihatebreathingX: norway
whendarknssfals: the country
XihatebreathingX: yes
XihatebreathingX: i used to be in Mayhem
whendarknssfals: i thought you were from mass
XihatebreathingX: i am
XihatebreathingX: i moved her after we broke up
whendarknssfals: ohhh
whendarknssfals: why did you break up
XihatebreathingX: our bass player killed our guitarist
XihatebreathingX: it was all over the news
XihatebreathingX: well in norway at least
whendarknssfals: ohhh
whendarknssfals: that suck
whendarknssfals: s
whendarknssfals: i'm cold
XihatebreathingX: it's always cold in norway
whendarknssfals: i'm from russia its colder there
XihatebreathingX: sure
XihatebreathingX: if you say so
whendarknssfals: i do
whendarknssfals: what part of mass are you from
XihatebreathingX: you're boring
XihatebreathingX: bye
[Dec 15,2003 10:05pm - XmikeX ""]
Cruelty said:
Legacy, (black metal) Guitar and Vox then drums 1999-2001


[Dec 15,2003 10:09pm - brad  ""]

Iron Lung(punk)~guitar~91-92 also Nick Kevorkian on bass
The NOthings(punk)~guitar92-95,drums95-01 with Nick
Kevorkian's Angels(grind/metal)~bass96-97,drums97-98,guitar01-present
Continued without a Finding(doom grind weirdness)~bass/vocals03-present with John from KA
the Gunmen(homicide rock)~drums01-present with Mark Kevorkian and Nick
Adolf Satan(Larry Lifeless Rock)~drums03-present with Nick and Tom from Cont.waf
30 ton Crackrock(anything goes)~02-present with Nick,John, Joe NotCommon, Mango, and whoever else
[Dec 16,2003 1:25am - Dave Maggot  ""]
Sedate (punk/metal/stuff)- guitar- 94-96 then again on vocals(black/death)02-02
numerous random bands with justin of beyond the sixth seal- 97-99
in thy veins (pre-ViB with seth of ascendancy) black metal vocals-99-00
upon crimson wings-vocals- 00- present.

[Dec 16,2003 1:27am - Dave Maggot  ""]

Curbstomp Castration(grindgore) vocals as Logan Deverauxe, aka MC HAMMER SMASHED FACE.- 03-now
[Dec 16,2003 12:43pm - aeser ""]
guitar and vocals


third party
guitar and vocals
1995-whenever (fizzled out)

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