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Sucker for BM Vinyl limited to 666 copies?

[Sep 14,2006 5:03pm - Troll ""]
....I am.
Please tell me this is just a bad Thy Repentance album. Anyone?

(Note to future BMers; If you can't afford a descent drum machine that doesn't sound like a $20 casio keyboard then go snare, kill and skin a large mammal, stretch its hyde over hollow tree trunk, fasten hyde down with its warm intestines and let dry overnight. In the mean time masterbate with a fist full of its brain matter while calling upon Belial for total black metal supremacy. By morning you'll have a real piece of kvlt percussive mastery. Just use the bones to strike a tone of pure anti cosmic mithanthropy that will echo throught the space-time continuum.)

What little bit of the rhythm-section I can hear beneath the keys its seems the composition isn't that bad.
Oh well, I would have just used that money to buy a bottle of whiskey and piss the night away anyways.

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