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Jan 27 (Sat) - OSWEGO METAL FEST W/ The Red Death, Clitorture, Fecal Corpse, Sexcrement, Sapremia, Zircon, What Weapons Bring War, Course of Extinction, Masonic, Entrail, Sea Creature, Glutton, Exsanguination, Infernal Thorn - 130 West 5th Street, Oswego, NY 13126 +[view flyer]


[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Sep 13,2006 2:38pm - anonymous  ""]
January, 27 2007 at Osewgo Metal Fest
130 West 5th Street, Oswego, NY 13126

The Red Death (bath)
Mucopus (Albany)
Fecal Corpse (NYC)
Sapremia (NJ)
What Weapons Bring War (CT)
Course of Extinction
Sea Creature
Sexcretement (MA)
Infernal Thorn

[Sep 13,2006 4:08pm - BSV@school  ""]
It's fucking SEXCREMENT - and I strongly doubt we're the 2nd band playing...
[Sep 13,2006 4:11pm - Infant_Skin_Suitcase ""]
CHeck out the rock star :shocked:
[Sep 13,2006 4:13pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BSV@school said:It's fucking SEXCREMENT - and I strongly doubt we're the 2nd band playing...

i'd hope you'd at least be playing after wwbw.

goodluck doods :bow:
[Sep 13,2006 4:17pm - BSV@school  ""]
Infant_Skin_Suitcase said:CHeck out the rock star :shocked:

Watch me grab a face!! lol
[Sep 13,2006 5:21pm - Infant_Skin_Suitcase ""]
staples, u are u loose cannon....or maybe a genius
[Sep 13,2006 5:29pm - RichHorror ""]
Or an exciting new hybrid of the two.
[Sep 30,2006 4:43pm - whatweaponsbringwarjp ""]
[Sep 30,2006 8:57pm - iren_the_viking ""]
is this near auburn? if so, fuck this
[Oct 1,2006 9:20am - RichHorror ""]
Fuck Auburn, NY and fuck Manowar.
[Jan 21,2007 12:47pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jan 22,2007 5:47am - Yggvidrir ""]
Oswego's about 50 minutes north of Auburn: 34N, 104 E
It's a shame I'll have to miss this, but I have to work. I picked up the Infernal Thorn demo and enjoyed it very much but haven't been able to catch any of their shows here in 'swego.
Oswego's not so bad, but Auburn... for fuck's sake, man! This whole "Prison City XXXStraightEdgeXXX" farce has got to go. This is the Auburn ghettofied version of the same Syracuse movement that helped ruin what at one time was a rather decent metal scene in Syracuse. Baseball bats and neck tattoos... nice tough guy legacy! Enecsnikufesin!
[Jan 24,2007 2:34pm - whatweaponsbringwarjp ""]
[Jan 24,2007 4:30pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
oswego is completely full of underage angsty scenester girls. I played in oswego, mightve been at the knights of columbus...not sure. But there was some chicken bbq thing going on outside and they were selling chicken dinners. We took some chicken and I had bad diarrhea and was puking the rest of the night.

...those are my memories of Oswego.
[Jan 26,2007 12:27pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Damn, I thought this was near Albany (which is about 3 hours away), Oswego is over 6 hours from here!
[Jan 26,2007 12:34pm - mOe @ work  ""]
yea, i was considering this show because i'm an hour and a half from albany but this show is like 4 hours from me
[Jan 26,2007 1:48pm - the_rooster ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Damn, I thought this was near Albany (which is about 3 hours away), Oswego is over 6 hours from here!

pussy :krusty:
[Jan 26,2007 1:49pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You are what you eat.
[Jan 28,2007 4:20pm - BornSoVile ""]
brutal weekend for Sexcrement! We played in Michigan on Friday night then drove out to Oswego yesterday. Lots of snow....Oswego was fucking NUTS! One of our favorite shows we've played yet, great crowd, tons of little kids who were very appreciative of metal. The crowd was basically half metalheads who stood strong in the front with a beautiful line of syncronized headbanging, while the back was moshed the fuck up by hardcore kids. A HUGE fight broke out while we were playing too. Grizloch was there, he filmed the entire set. Was disappointed that Fecal Corpse and Clitorture dropped, what the fuck guys-we were ready to burn it up!
[Jan 28,2007 11:25pm - the_rooster ""]
BornSoVile said:Was disappointed that Fecal Corpse and Clitorture dropped

tell me about it dude. WE were extremely disappointed that we couldn't make it out. we were really pumped to play the show. dusty caught a rancid stomach flu and was grand-slamming the toilet all day yesterday, so we couldn't do it. and after reading your description, i feel even shittier about it. oh well, couldn't be helped. hopefully they'll be willing to have us out there sometime soon. scott was really cool about everything when i spoke to him on the phone. glad you guys had a good time, and we'll see you on your turf in a couple weeks!


[Jan 28,2007 11:52pm - the_reverend ""]
that sstomach bug's still going around? it was like a death sentence up here and my insides are still a little tender from having it on new years.
[Jan 29,2007 12:50pm - the_rooster ""]
the_reverend said:that sstomach bug's still going around? it was like a death sentence up here and my insides are still a little tender from having it on new years.

i guess it is. i avoided it luckily (knock on wood), but everyone where i work got it, and a bunch of other folks around here.
[Jan 29,2007 1:18pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Yea this was a pretty sick show, alot better than the one on friday where we played with a bunch of emo bands. Sapremia is a fucking sick band, everyone make sure to go see them when they hit up mass.!
[Jan 29,2007 5:36pm - AR  ""]
I'm psyched to see the footage
[Jan 29,2007 9:34pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
Appreciate that.
[Jan 30,2007 12:59am - Grizloch  ""]
wasnt a total bust even though 5 of the 8 bands I was looking forward to seeing couldnt make it, sexcrement destroyed with the quickness, I was surprised by Sapremia, they were pretty awesome, and course of extinction were pretty frickin intense too, all of the above should play albany more

it was a pleasure meeting Evan Devon and Josh too, this weekend I should be able to get that video up and running, hopefully the sound comes out alright, gotta wait until I get on my desktop at the rents house to cut it up, and Ill throw the three sets I have of you cats on a dvd and figure out a way to get it out to yous guys
[Jan 30,2007 1:16am - BornSoVile ""]
fackin' a! you got three sets? i know the june backstreet gig and oswego, what's the other one?
[Jan 31,2007 12:32am - Grizloch  ""]
I got the backstreet gig from the 12th too, with criminal element I think, thats another one I need to go through, all the sets from that night are sittin on my computer desk back home

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