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Oct 25th - Nile, Vader, Kreator, Amon Amarth!

The Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [amon_amarth][goatwhore][kreator][nile][vader]
[Oct 22,2003 1:39pm - RustedAngel ""]
NILE's "Art of Noise II" Tour:

w00t! who's going?

[Oct 22,2003 1:49pm - the_reverend ""]
*raises hand*
[Oct 22,2003 1:54pm - litacore ""]

who's NOT going?

Goatwhore ain't too shabby either, so show up early!
[Oct 22,2003 1:56pm - baneofexistence ""]
[Oct 22,2003 2:07pm - litacore ""]
baneofexistence said:I LIKE VADER

excellent band.
[Oct 22,2003 2:12pm - baneofexistence ""]

litacore said:baneofexistence said:I LIKE VADER

excellent band.

[Oct 22,2003 2:42pm - BornSoVile ""]
I gotta miss this one too because of work. What a killer lineup. I'd pay 20 bucks too see an hour from each band without this tour, together it's definately up there with Dimmu/Hypocrisy and Bloodletting.
[Oct 22,2003 3:03pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
They were here in AZ just a few weeks ago.
I had to miss it 8^( Stoopid exams!!
Someone better go on my behalf!
[Oct 22,2003 5:42pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I'll rock it like a pocket full of satan just for you. Hah, whatever that might mean.
[Oct 22,2003 6:33pm - succubus ""]
woooo i got my confirmation, i'm on the list with a photo pass...and she told me to :

be sure to get there early to see Soilent
Green's front man, Ben, with Goatwhore.
[Oct 23,2003 7:49pm - RustedAngel ""]

i didn't like goatwhore much last time i saw them.
[Oct 26,2003 2:30am - the_reverend ""]
I just got back.
give me like 10-15 minutes and the pictures will be up.
[Oct 26,2003 2:35am - the_reverend ""]
click it.
[Oct 26,2003 2:41am - succubus ""]
it was a great night before i got sick!
thank you Carl!

he let me in since my name wasn't on the list and he knew the Rev's site that he checks out to look at his "awesome" pictures
[Oct 26,2003 3:41am - RustedAngel ""]
my pics!

i took my new friend stacie to this, it was her first metal show. she didn't enjoy the bands too much, but she wasn't bored, plus i got her in anyways.

goatwhore: honestly, they kind of bore me. they played too long.

amon amarth: second time seeing them. they fucking owned. i wish they could've played longer.

vader: i love how the guitar player moves exactly like vitek of decpitated, he even has the same 'ramm' made guitar. it's cool though. vader is awesome live.

kreator: don't listen to any of their material, they were okay...slayerish...vocals weren't my thing.

nile: a lot of energy, they move around a lot more each time i see them. rev said the drumming was a bit off, i watched and he seemed alright, but perhaps a little sloppy.

good show...next show, morbid angel.

[Oct 26,2003 3:58am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, thank you carl. I guess with CMJ going on the guest lists are messed up.
the whole show moved really fast. It seems like the bands just flowed by. I was amazed how quickly the night went.

goatwhore: I was amazing by their drummer. I had never really realized how sick it sounded live. They played a bunch of tracks off the newest cd and the blashs from the drums sounded awesome. Oh, I also noticed that the newest addition to the band was missing. I guess he was in for a few months, and then quit. Word from the singer is that they are staying a 4-piece from now on.

amon amarth: another great set from amon amarth. I must say, like the last show, they played all the brutal songs and played all the non-brutal parts as if they were brutal. I thought that this time they would play some of the epic parts, but they didn't. this set was just a shorted version of their set from the met cafe.

vader: their cds aren't my favorite, but live, they rock. for some reason, they remind me of their polish brothers, decapitated. not musically, but the way they headbang. must be a polish thing. Also, ex-behemoth bass player is with them now (from what I was told). Odd that I saw behemoth yesterday.

kreator: yeah yea yeah, I was so excited to see them. they played so many great tracks, like tormentor, phobia, betrayer, flag of hate and so many more. they played for longer than nile too. their set in haverhill last year wasn't the best, but with a live cd and a bunch of touring later and they were amazing. Sammy from goatwhore ran out and sung along with them. then a sucky thing was how many people left after their set, leaving the die-hards for the main-course....

nile: trumpeted out with a midi-sequence of biblical proportions. They obviously love playing the palladium and worcester always gives them one of the best responses. One problem I have with them playing down stiars at the palladium is the echo down there. it's hard to pick up everything that's going on form their cds. Sounds are bounching all around in the wide open theatre space.* I got around to take pictures of tony, I think he was off tonight. he didn't seem to have the same energy while playing. once I got back in front you couldn't tell from the sound though. Sammy from goatwhore again ran out and sung. The ended with black seeds of vengeance and to my surprise, succubus points out Dallas, guitar and backup vocals, is oin the barricade, playing right there for all these fan who are rocking out with horns to nile.

*the place with the best sound that I heard them at was the elivs room in 97 cause it was so tiny and there was no room what so ever for sound to bounce around.
[Oct 26,2003 4:00am - the_reverend ""]
whoah.. that's weird that both of us noticed that vader->decapitated thing.. at least I'm not alone there.
[Oct 26,2003 11:30am - Lynneaus ""]
Kreator stole the show for me.
[Oct 26,2003 12:26pm - retzam ""]
My friends went and saw Nile a while back (I believe with Strapping Young Lad and Dark Tranquility) and they said that they played way too fucking loud and their ears rang for 2 days afterward.
[Oct 26,2003 12:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
"raise the flag of hate!!!!!" lololololololololol hahah so gay.
[Oct 26,2003 12:50pm - the_reverend ""]
kreator was amazing.
[Oct 26,2003 2:20pm - RustedAngel ""]

so amazing they were on fire!

[Oct 26,2003 2:24pm - blue not logged in  ""]
RustedAngel said:vader: i love how the guitar player moves exactly like vitek of decpitated, he even has the same 'ramm' made guitar. it's cool though. vader is awesome live.

not to be a jackass, but the drummer is vitek, the guitarist is vogg. is there a website for those ram guitars?

[Oct 26,2003 2:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
oops, i always get their names mixed up and you can see why i'm sure.

I think ramm are custom made guitars, and there is no website for them.

[Oct 27,2003 2:23pm - todayistheday  ""]
i really regret not going to this show...what was i thinking???
[Oct 27,2003 2:34pm - Terence ""]

there is a website for them SILLY!
[Oct 27,2003 2:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
sorry im dumb
[Oct 27,2003 2:37pm - RustedAngel ""]
whatddya know its peter/vader modeling

[Oct 27,2003 7:35pm - mindrevolution ""]
dear the_reverend, awesome pictures of the show. you really captured the viking-esque qualities of the singer of amon amarth. FUCKING INSANITY. ps i saw you in the parking lot beforehand i should have said hello
[Nov 5,2003 6:30pm -  ""]
hey foolish: just wanted to say thats "ran" guitars, a custom company outta poland...ram?? and they have been doing their thing since 86' so vitek mighta got it from some one else, like.....
thanks for comin bud:bartmoon:
[Nov 10,2003 2:17pm - RustedAngel ""]
interesting, i'd buy one of those, and a caparison if i had the cash.
[Nov 10,2003 2:38pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
all of those guitars are rip offs of BC rich and Jackson
[Nov 10,2003 4:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
they are still custom, handmade guitars which automatically makes them better for the most part...

[Nov 14,2003 10:57am - frank ""]
dude ran makes ill CUSTOM guitars...rip offs of BC RICH AND JACKSON?? well yeah but then again, NOPE...THINK CUSTOM, similar bodys indeed, but when you can put anything you want on it and in it, than thats just improving on designs that are already dope. RAN is clearly a musicians company, that being said it aint for all ya'll, hence th reason most of you thought the guitar company was RAM.
back to the tube..
[Nov 14,2003 10:59am - RustedAngel ""]
that was me dicknose, for some reason I thought it was RAM... sorry I don't live in Poland and I'm not aware of how it's spelt. Besides I didn't say they were bc rich ripoffs.

you probably have never even played a RAN.
[Nov 20,2003 6:09pm - frank ""]
rusty...seems as though you are exhibitig some of the Frailties Of Humanity:krusty:
[Dec 11,2003 3:40pm - katharsis  ""]
RAN GUITARS.... Are they good?
[Jan 5,2004 9:20pm - JellyFish ""]
Fuck you all. This was a better show than any in 2003. And Kreator, gay? You sound like helen keller when you say such things. The shows lineup was better than the last time Nile came about, and that lineup was with the mighty Napalm Death and Strapping Young Lad. Amon Amarth was great, though they should have had a longer set, Goatwhore was better than the last dozen times ice seen them, which made me very happy to see them improving their game, Vader was brutal, Nile rocked like usual. But Kreator. The most impressive band of the night, was the most enjoyable band thing in months. Great music, a brutal pit which I always love, and charismatic crowd control. Simply amzing. I raise my horns to all the bands, and look forward to seeing them all again soon.

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