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Seasonal Allergies Unappreciation Thread

[Sep 11,2006 7:38pm - pam ""]
Seriously, this is fucking terrible. I can't breathe.
[Sep 11,2006 7:39pm - allahthat ""]
fuckin crackheads.
[Sep 11,2006 7:40pm - pam ""]
I wish I had some of whatever you're on.
[Sep 11,2006 7:41pm - allahthat ""]
thc stored in fat cells.
[Sep 11,2006 8:03pm - W3 nli  ""]
yeah gonna agree
[Sep 11,2006 8:04pm - pam ""]
I've tried every allergy pill and nothing fucking works. It doesn't even make it TOLERABLE.

Fuck ragweed.
[Sep 12,2006 9:35am - dreadkill ""]
i have allergies too. it blows arse.
[Sep 12,2006 9:47am - ram_girl ""]
Pam...have you tried Flonase? It really works for me......
[Sep 12,2006 9:49am - niccolai ""]
Or Coke? That's a good one as well.
[Sep 12,2006 10:35am - Yeti ""]
i havent suffered yet so far, but the spring of this year was by far the worst i have ever had.
[Sep 12,2006 10:36am - dreadkill ""]
spring was awful
[May 15,2013 11:18am - Alx_Casket ""]
I never got them before 2 years ago. Today is the worst, sudafed doesn't help.
[May 15,2013 1:28pm - Yeti ""]
i'd rather be sick, because at least then there is an end in sight. I've spent the last 2 weeks constantly on the edge of a sneeze. I want to gouge my eyes out. fuck Claritin, fuck Sudafed, none of that shit works.
[May 15,2013 1:49pm - Mark_R ""]
Not bothered yet, but now that I saw this thread, they'll probably slam into me promptly.
[May 15,2013 2:12pm - Samantha ""]

Alx_Casket said:I never got them before 2 years ago. Today is the worst, sudafed doesn't help.

I've had the same problem... never had pollen allergies until last year, and then it hit me like a brick to the face. Right now, I'm on Claritin and a prescription nose spray. It's under control, but I still have residual crappyness going on. The pollen level is really high right now.

I know a few people who have had success with local raw honey. Basically, you eat it on a regular basis throughout the year, and it causes you to build up a resistance to the pollen.
[May 15,2013 3:27pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I was a mess yesterday (pine pollen I think), but fine today. Maybe last night's cold snap slowed shit down. Hard tellin' not knowin'.
[May 12,2014 1:20pm - posbleak ""]

Shit is so cash, why didn't anybody post about this before
[May 12,2014 3:53pm - Yeti ""]
This year hasn't been bad so far, but due to the cloudless sky yesterday the plants went nuts and shot their sperm up my nose and now I'm a mouthbreather.

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