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Metal: A Headbangers Journey is on VH1 tonight at 9:00pm...

[Sep 9,2006 6:52pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Should be good, I hear they talk a lot about Death Metal and Black Metal.

:satancross: :skull: :satancross:
[Sep 9,2006 7:54pm - dugnli  ""]
I watched it on VH1 Classics last night. Very good indeed.
[Sep 9,2006 7:56pm - ZJD ""]
Could be, but have you seen VH1's other installments of the story of metal docuthing? Top 100 hard rock/metal bands ever? When metal ruled the world?

I'll probably watch, but I'm pretty sure VH1 doesn't know much about metal, and I wouldn't be surprised if they lumped Slipknot and At the Gates into the same category.
[Sep 9,2006 8:30pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
This isn't a VH1 Production though, they are just showing the documentary movie.
[Sep 9,2006 8:59pm - ZJD ""]
Oh. In that case, awesome, and I can still say VH1 knows nothing.
[Sep 9,2006 9:12pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Im watching this now.They still havnt mentioned Judas Priest.What the fuck!!! New Wave of British Heavy Metal is being talked about now.Wheres Priest??
[Sep 9,2006 9:18pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Yes they did, a couple times.
[Sep 9,2006 9:19pm - Hoser ""]
Already saw it...awesome BUT!!!...no Metallica????? Very little Slayer........hmmmmmmm
[Sep 9,2006 9:39pm - litacore ""]
hm--not bad so far.

if the voivod movie is gonna be like this I'm going to be so happy (in a sad way, RIP Piggy)
[Sep 9,2006 9:39pm - CNV  ""]
when is the replay

I want to tape it
[Sep 9,2006 9:50pm - Dankill  ""]
I heard some things about turning the Celtic Frost book into a movie. THAT would be interesting.
[Sep 9,2006 9:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
METALLICA were only relevant in the 80's and everyone knows them anyway, fuck them.
[Sep 9,2006 10:14pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Man that was weak.I just turned it off.Im all set with watching anymore.Glam aint Metal.I wanna see a documentary thats about the underground scence
[Sep 9,2006 10:17pm - CNV  ""]
I thought the Mayhem interview was pretty funny
[Sep 9,2006 10:36pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The stuff with GORGOROTH, HADES ALMIGHTY and BURZUM was great.
[Sep 9,2006 10:37pm - Phillip ""]
CNV said:I thought the Mayhem interview was pretty funny

they cut some parts out of it
I didnt watch the whole thing tonight but I downloaded it a while ago and some parts got cut

like this one!
second best part of the whole documentary

the best part is ...




[Sep 9,2006 10:38pm - CNV  ""]
yeah, the Gorgoroth one was great
[Sep 9,2006 10:40pm - CNV  ""]
I think this a great documentary

I do not understand why people on this board are crying about Metallica not being on there

We all already know the story of metallica, why the fuck do we need to heard it for the billionth time
[Sep 9,2006 10:44pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Sep 9,2006 11:03pm - Abbath ""]
bah! i bought this dvd months ago, the special features are killer, longer interviews and they added an extra 30 minute segment about black metal
[Sep 9,2006 11:13pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I might get the DVD.
[Sep 9,2006 11:18pm - paganmegnli  ""]
Are they going to reshow it anytime soon?
[Sep 9,2006 11:27pm - Abbath ""]
paganmegnli said:Are they going to reshow it anytime soon?

well they showed it on VH1 classic last night and tonigh on VH1, you know how they are.... they'll show it until it's unwatchable
[Sep 9,2006 11:28pm - ZJD ""]
They'll probably reshow it a bunch over the next few weeks at least. Vh1 replays their own metal docuthings all the time, I'm sure this won't be different.

Also, I liked it and thought all the black metal parts were hilarious. "What's the biggest influence on Gorgoroth's music?" "......Satan" :sips wine: Har har har!
[Sep 10,2006 1:43am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It's on again now.
[Sep 10,2006 1:44am - the_reverend ""]
yep, watching it.
[Sep 10,2006 2:23am - the_reverend ""]
the venom footage rules.
[Sep 10,2006 2:35am - ArilliusBM ""]

Did anyone see the short interview with Gaahl (Gorgoroth)?
[Sep 10,2006 2:42am - mostahthat ""]
did anyone see the mafia kiddie porn on limewire?
[Sep 10,2006 2:45am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I like the church burning, we need a hell of a lot more of that in the USA.
[Sep 10,2006 2:48am - Dar ""]
This was pretty fun, I had some problems with the guy's perspective but I went and saw it at the Coolidge and it was just cool to see and hear some of those guys on a big screen. I thought the guy seemed to have a bit of agenda with trying to make metal and the metal scene more palatable to a mainstream audience, like as if he was trying to say "look guys, they're not really so bad, it's just about having fun and anyone who says otherwise is sort of just a fringe nutjob."

Personally, not to sound too Infoterror here but I think that metal (all rock'n'roll actually, it has nothing to do with the "extremity" of the music) DOES have a very real subversive side to it, hiding right under all the superficial posturing but for whatever reason, the filmmaker really didn't want to go there. It just seemed very defensive, and that really rubbed me the wrong way...anybody else see that or am I just nuts?
[Sep 10,2006 7:51am - Troll ""]
....Not to mention Cannibal Corpse had nothing intelligent to say in defense of Death Metal's imagery and lyrics. Hence, Death Metal cannot be taken seriously.
I did like the Gaahl interview he seems very intense. He's got a lot of hate inside. I think if he had anymore of that wine we would have heard some pretty interesting stuff, he seemed like he was holding alot back. Oh and of course there is the shit we don't see due to editing.

Me needs more coffee
[Sep 10,2006 9:47am - rotivore ""]
when I turned it on it was at the black metal segment, did have a grindcore segment? I got to watch the whole thing. yes the gorgoroth interview was bonechilling. that guy has hate on the mind
[Sep 10,2006 10:33am - litacore ""]
heh, yeah just ask the guy he ritually fucked up at some party in Norway (I forget what he did exactly, but there was blood letting of some kind)
[Sep 10,2006 11:11am - Kevord ""]
It's on again today at 1P.M. if anyone missed it.
[Sep 10,2006 11:22am - litacore ""]
good lookin out, Kevord!
[Sep 10,2006 11:41am - Kevord ""]
litacore said:good lookin out, Kevord!

No problem. :NEWHORNS:
[Sep 10,2006 11:41am - the_reverend ""]
I want to tivo it.
[Sep 10,2006 11:47am - maslayer  ""]
Abbath said:bah! i bought this dvd months ago, the special features are killer, longer interviews and they added an extra 30 minute segment about black metal

where did you get the dvd? i'd get it!
[Sep 10,2006 11:49am - Kevord ""]
They have the DVD at best buy.
[Sep 10,2006 3:20pm - CNV  ""]
Dar said:This was pretty fun, I had some problems with the guy's perspective but I went and saw it at the Coolidge and it was just cool to see and hear some of those guys on a big screen. I thought the guy seemed to have a bit of agenda with trying to make metal and the metal scene more palatable to a mainstream audience, like as if he was trying to say "look guys, they're not really so bad, it's just about having fun and anyone who says otherwise is sort of just a fringe nutjob."

Personally, not to sound too Infoterror here but I think that metal (all rock'n'roll actually, it has nothing to do with the "extremity" of the music) DOES have a very real subversive side to it, hiding right under all the superficial posturing but for whatever reason, the filmmaker really didn't want to go there. It just seemed very defensive, and that really rubbed me the wrong way...anybody else see that or am I just nuts?

He made it clear in the film that he was looking at the genre from a sociological perspective and he wanted to know why the general public hates it so much

I personally liked the way he went about it
[Sep 10,2006 8:22pm - Abbath ""]
litacore said:heh, yeah just ask the guy he ritually fucked up at some party in Norway (I forget what he did exactly, but there was blood letting of some kind)

ya in 2004 Gaahl went to court on charges of "torture lasting several hours" on a 41 year old man, he only went to jail for for months! gotta love the court system!
[Sep 10,2006 11:06pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I just watched it. It was more interesting than I thought it would be. I'm going to make a separate post so I can type up and prepare my long response composed of my reaction towards the documentary as well as my own thoughts and theories about metal. Here we go....
[Sep 10,2006 11:06pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
...metal is fucking stupid.
[Sep 11,2006 1:07am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Metal = great music for idiots that don't deserve it.
[Sep 11,2006 10:43am - Yeti ""]
i've really grown to hate the word metal.

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