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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to DrinkHardThrashHard.
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[QUOTE="DrinkHardThrashHard:489702"]VoidExpression said:[QUOTE]Ha, I knew he wasn't a "ninja", I just thought it was ridiculous that they had a (mostly) asian guy playing a native american (but I didn't know native americans also practiced martial arts). It's like how most movies don't think people will notice nationalities, just that they kind of look similar. Some other bad recent offenders are Banderas in 13th Warrior (although I suppose there could be spanish Muslims) and pretty much the entire female cast of Memoirs of a Geisha. The costumes did kick ass though[/QUOTE] True. Mark Dascasos is definitely 'Asianic.' A quarter Japanese, quarter Irish, and the other half Filipino. I think he could pass pretty well for a Native North or Central American though. He was probably just hired because he had the skills. People remember this guy from Iron Chef, but how about from the terrible Crow TV series? The Native Americans had a lot of martial arts, it's just that the Western World tends to ignore everything non-Asian when they think of martial arts. Scissorkicking cavalry off horses, grappling, throwing techniques (granted, aside from the kicking, Brotherhood didn't involve many real Native looking techniques). Then again, people rarely even think of wrestling and boxing as martial arts, even though Western-style ground and pound is one the deadliest there is (it doesn't look good in Hong Kong films though). I liked Banderas in 13th warrior mainly because of his lines. "I lisssssssennned". Hahaha. Part of Spain (Iberian peninsula) was actually conquered by Muslims in the 8th century, Moors in Cordoba, etc. But I believe (from my recollection of the original novel Eaters of the Dead, far better than the film) Banderas was playing an Arab so I can see your point there. Also, Buliwyf/Beowulf is played by a Czech, but he at least did a decent job :) God I am such a geek.[/QUOTE]
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