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GRAND BELIAL'S KEY vocalist Rich Mills is dead...

[Sep 1,2006 2:51am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Another death, WTF?!


Always a cool guy when I saw him in NYC and at MDF.

:satancross: R.I.P. :satancross:
[Sep 1,2006 3:45am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Sep 1,2006 5:14am - BestialOnslaught ""]
[Sep 1,2006 5:56am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 1,2006 5:59am - BestialOnslaught ""]
That would be John...


What the fuck happened? :(
[Sep 1,2006 6:04am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 1,2006 6:04am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha... That would be Alex. Rich wasn't in the band at that point.
[Sep 1,2006 7:56am - litacore ""]
[Sep 1,2006 8:52am - the_reverend ""]
well kiss my grits.
[Sep 1,2006 9:09am - CNV  ""]
[Sep 1,2006 9:24am - Anthony nli  ""]
fuck.... there goes the headliner for my nov. 11 show
[Sep 1,2006 9:24am - paganmegan ""]
So it's true???
What the fuck, I thought it was a joke. That sucks.
[Sep 1,2006 9:29am - CNV  ""]
It is true

he has been dead since saturday

[Sep 1,2006 9:29am - paganmegan ""]
that's what I was told but I was hoping it was a joke because people seem to be dying alot lately
[Sep 1,2006 9:32am - litacore ""]
the reaper comes for us all, but some go before their time
[Sep 1,2006 9:32am - CNV  ""]
Anthony nli said:fuck.... there goes the headliner for my nov. 11 show

I had just talked to him about that too

Hopefully GBK continues


GBK live at New England BM fest
[Sep 1,2006 9:35am - litacore ""]
last summer > this summer
[Sep 1,2006 9:36am - Messerschmitt ""]
he died at 9:36pm
[Sep 1,2006 10:11am - Clinically Dead  ""]
Holy shit, thats terrible. When we played with them, he was nothing but the nicest guy. What the shit is going on lately?
[Sep 1,2006 10:40am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Clinically Dead said:Holy shit, thats terrible. When we played with them, he was nothing but the nicest guy. What the shit is going on lately?

Everybody is getting old and unhealthy. All that beer and ear infections.

[Sep 1,2006 11:34am - DreamingInExile ""]
litacore said:last summer > this summer

[Sep 1,2006 11:39am - Clinically Dead  ""]
"Everybody is getting old and unhealthy"

I admit that comes mind, but then i realize, none of these dudes who have died recently can possibly be past the age 45-50. Rich wasnt even close to that range, but i am not going to dig and find out how and when and where and all that. All i know is it sucks.
[Sep 1,2006 11:40am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Sep 1,2006 1:04pm - Euronymoustache too lazy to log in  ""]
GBK will continue, they had been around for many, many years before Rich was in it. Does anyone know what actually happened?
[Sep 1,2006 1:05pm - paganmegan ""]
Euronymoustache too lazy to log in said:GBK will continue, they had been around for many, many years before Rich was in it. Does anyone know what actually happened?

Actually, it is doubtful they will continue, but I hope they do.
[Sep 1,2006 1:35pm - Euronymoustache too lazy to log in  ""]
paganmegan said:
Actually, it is doubtful they will continue, but I hope they do.

What makes you say that? Source?
[Sep 1,2006 1:52pm - inject-now ""]
that fucking sucks so much. great guy.

RIP my friend...
[Sep 1,2006 2:15pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I'd be really surprised if that funny bastard was older than 32... Way way wayyyy too young.
[Sep 1,2006 2:23pm - paganmegan ""]
He was no older than 31. Definitely too young.
[Sep 1,2006 2:27pm - Dar  ""]
fuck that white trash
[Sep 1,2006 2:44pm - litacore ""]
paganmegan said:He was no older than 31. Definitely too young.

jesus. I feel pretty old!
[Sep 1,2006 2:45pm - litacore ""]
Dar said:fuck that white trash

even though I don't agree w/the politics I honestly believe GBK is one of the best US Metal bands ever. :satancross:
[Sep 1,2006 2:52pm - PROWORLD ""]
how did this guy die?
[Sep 1,2006 2:59pm - Dar  ""]
litacore said: even though I don't agree w/the politics I honestly believe GBK is one of the best US Metal bands ever. :satancross:

I enjoy their music too, but I still have the CDs....they didn't go anywhere :P

[Sep 1,2006 3:01pm - paganmegan ""]
Rich's label and distro were awesome..
[Sep 1,2006 3:09pm - PROWORLD ""]
so how did he die?
[Sep 1,2006 3:09pm - Dar  ""]
yeah I know you're going to miss this guy Meg, you always spoke so lovingly of him....hahaha
[Sep 1,2006 3:10pm - infoterror ""]

[Sep 1,2006 3:14pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I've never heard of this band.
[Sep 1,2006 3:15pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I sell 2 of their CDs.
[Sep 1,2006 3:22pm - hahaha  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I sell 2 of their CDs.

Dwyer, always looking to cash in

[Sep 1,2006 3:24pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I sell 2 of their CDs.

Really? I thought I've stolen at least 1 of everything you sell over the years.
[Sep 1,2006 7:00pm - BornSoVile ""]
One of the nicest dues I've ever met in metal.
See you in Valhalla.
[Sep 1,2006 8:38pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Sep 2,2006 12:21am - 88 CENT  ""]
PROWORLD said:how did this guy die?

assassinated by the jewish defence league steve spealberg arringed the hit.
[Sep 2,2006 9:05am - Nick_Nihilist_FR ""]
"The emo kids are aligning together to form assasination squads to fight back against all the woe we've brought to their lives."

Serious note though; R.I.P

Too many good dudes are being taken' from us in this fuckin' decade...
[Sep 2,2006 6:58pm - 88 CENT  ""]
I bet dropdead had something to do with his death, do you think there will be a law and order ''ripped from the headlines'' about this?
[Sep 3,2006 4:56am - CNV  ""]
Dar said:fuck that white trash

Your dead
[Sep 3,2006 11:02am - Kinslayer  ""]
CNV are playing a show in NYC to honor his memory.
It's invite only so as to keep politics out of it and avoid any bullshit or scene drama; we want to limit the crowd to people that actually knew and respected Rich. If you're interested, email me....
[Sep 3,2006 1:13pm - litacore ""]
I never formally met him, but my opinion about GBK's greatness stands firm.
[Sep 3,2006 2:47pm - infoterror ""]
[Sep 3,2006 2:54pm - anonymous  ""]
Jews for the jury still being out on Hitler.
[Sep 3,2006 4:41pm - litacore ""]
infoterror said:JEWS 4 GBK LOL

I'll surpise ya sometimes

but my mom ain't jewish. bummer for me.

uh......call me a zionist instead........would be about as accurate. :moe:
[Sep 3,2006 5:48pm - Dar  ""]
CNV said: Your dead

Sure I am Paulie, but I doubt you'll have much to do with it...though I like your band's music a lot, so if I'm ever back in New England I guess you'll probably get a shot! Hey Andrew, you guys should do a Battlecry cover at your NYC shindig, I can totally see Rich kicking it with the singer of that band...Meg could handle the vocals, ahaha
[Sep 3,2006 6:04pm - infoterror ""]
litacore said:but my mom ain't jewish.


[Sep 4,2006 6:38am - CNV  ""]
Dar said:CNV said: Your dead

Sure I am Paulie, but I doubt you'll have much to do with it...though I like your band's music a lot, so if I'm ever back in New England I guess you'll probably get a shot! Hey Andrew, you guys should do a Battlecry cover at your NYC shindig, I can totally see Rich kicking it with the singer of that band...Meg could handle the vocals, ahaha

No respect is the issue here Israeli boy

Your disrespecting my friend that died

and thus there is a lesson you must learn you little yid

[Sep 4,2006 6:50am - litacore ""]
infoterror said:litacore said:but my mom ain't jewish.


[Sep 6,2006 1:51pm - PROWORLD ""]
good another fucking retard off this planet!
[Sep 8,2006 1:27am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Oct 7,2006 10:13pm - shock_value  ""]
the dude died from an overdose. crack,coke or heroine ive heard. found dead on someones stairs in manhattan in the wee hours of the morning. pitiful & pathetic. karma is a bitch 14/88!!
[Oct 7,2006 10:41pm - Anti-Racism ""]
My god, this thread is overflowing with racism, anti-Semitism and anti-Richism. Have some respect.
[Oct 8,2006 12:50am - shock_value  ""]
well i knew the guy and he was always a complete choad. everyone hails him here but the fact of the matter is he was a complete scenester,shit talker and trouble maker. he turned his back on those who supported him,belittled those who supported his label and was a malicious backstabber. he may be missed by his white pride psuedo brethren but not by me and many others
[Oct 8,2006 12:54am - shock_value  ""]
Besides what I just stated, Cazz Grant (the black lourde of crucifixion) blew Rich away on vocals anyway!! Nuff said
[Oct 8,2006 2:12am - Anti-Racism ""]
Wasn't Rich originally in Mystifier?
[Oct 8,2006 10:08am - shock_value  ""]
Mystifier were from south america, werent they? Unless you are talking about another Mystifier. As far I know, Rich was just a scumbag and wannabe label owner.
[Oct 8,2006 2:45pm - Anti-Racism ""]

[Oct 8,2006 3:34pm - shock_value  ""]
that i know of, rich only played in GBK and was asked simply because he was just as much as an asshole as alex. alex being the guitar player , shouting white power,hate niggers,hate jews and being a total spic himself. After Grant left , GBK went down hill. period. rich was just another nail in the coffin for gbk.
[Oct 8,2006 6:12pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Is there any white power music that DOESN'T suck? lol
[Oct 8,2006 7:31pm - CNV  ""]
Fuck the naysayers, GBK and Arghoslent are two of the best bands out there

shock_value is a cunt

[Oct 8,2006 7:37pm - Anti-Racism ""]
[Oct 8,2006 7:43pm - CNV  ""]
Anti-Racism said:Is there any white power music that DOESN'T suck? lol

Rahowa- Cult of the Holy War
Aggressive Force
Bound for Glory
Legion of St George
pluton Svea

[Oct 8,2006 8:13pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Downloading Hateful, Racist, Bigoted, Homophobic, Sexist, Anti-Semitic Music Now
[Oct 8,2006 8:48pm - CNV  ""]
The ADL is "...one of the ugliest, most powerful pressure groups in the U.S...Its primary commitment is to use any technique, however dishonest and disgraceful, in order to defame and silence and destroy anybody who dares to criticize the Holy State ('Israel')." --Noam Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
[Oct 8,2006 8:51pm - litacore ""]
can't we all just git along?

*sound of crickets*
[Oct 8,2006 8:58pm - CNV  ""]
The ADL keeps extensive espionage files on those who are critical of Israeli policies. Last year the ADL attempted to blackmail Benjamin Chavis, leader of the NAACP, with some of those files. (2)
[Oct 8,2006 8:59pm - CNV  ""]
The ADL spies on American dissidents on behalf of the Israeli government. Automobile license plate numbers of people attending a meeting of the Committee on the Middle East were recorded by ADL agent Roy Bullock, channeled through San Francisco police officer Tom Gerard, also an ADL operative, and furnished to the Israeli government. (3
[Oct 8,2006 9:02pm - CNV  ""]

America belongs to YIZZZRAEL
[Oct 8,2006 9:04pm - litacore ""]
I thought the Native Americans

[Oct 8,2006 9:08pm - CNV  ""]
It is pretty unfortunate the Indians were uprooted and butchered

I have no problem with them

but I also do not care that much either

Bomb Israel
[Oct 8,2006 9:16pm - CNV  ""]
3 semetic faiths
all inscribed in shit
in order to create
they must be destroyed
[Oct 8,2006 11:35pm - Anti-Racism ""]
litacore said:I thought the Native Americans

Who were part Caucasian... and in decline.

[Oct 10,2006 7:11pm - shock_value  ""]
No offense to CNV but rich was a cunt,sceneraper and shit talker. he was just as much of an asshole as alex is and thats tehe only reason why he was hired. that band stunk on ice after Cazz left.
[Oct 10,2006 7:39pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Nationalists just want anyone on their side, and they don't care who might or might not be fucked up as a person.
[Oct 10,2006 11:11pm - shock_value  ""]
Anti-Racism said:Nationalists just want anyone on their side, and they don't care who might or might not be fucked up as a person.

very true. its all very ironic, dont you think? rich yelled white power,elitism from the top of the mountain but died just like every other loser scumbag on the planet. pathetic and weak.

[Oct 10,2006 11:25pm - Anti-Racism ""]
The NSM just had a scandal where its chairman's wife was running a Satanic sex club for teenage boys. The guy from Project Schoolyard was half-Hispanic and on drugs, so got arrested and went to jail and the label went away. VNN's Glenn Miller is a certified federal informant. The list goes on and on... more reasons to fight racism, hate, neo-Nazism and anti-feminism/homophobia as far as I can tell.

[Oct 11,2006 3:56am - CNV  ""]
shock_value said:No offense to CNV but rich was a cunt,sceneraper and shit talker. he was just as much of an asshole as alex is and thats tehe only reason why he was hired. that band stunk on ice after Cazz left.

You do not even reveal who you are

Reveal your self if you really stand behind your words

Your the cunt
[Oct 11,2006 3:57am - CNV  ""]
Anti-Racism said:The NSM just had a scandal where its chairman's wife was running a Satanic sex club for teenage boys. The guy from Project Schoolyard was half-Hispanic and on drugs, so got arrested and went to jail and the label went away. VNN's Glenn Miller is a certified federal informant. The list goes on and on... more reasons to fight racism, hate, neo-Nazism and anti-feminism/homophobia as far as I can tell.

Same with you fag
[Oct 12,2006 1:13am - shock_value  ""]
CNV said:shock_value said:No offense to CNV but rich was a cunt,sceneraper and shit talker. he was just as much of an asshole as alex is and thats tehe only reason why he was hired. that band stunk on ice after Cazz left.

You do not even reveal who you are

Reveal your self if you really stand behind your words

Your the cunt

Were you like, fucking this guy or something? why cant you just admit that he was a shitbag? What did he do for the underground or metal in general? do you even know?

[Oct 12,2006 10:36am - paganmegan ""]
Well his label was great for starters
[Oct 12,2006 11:28am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
This thread is 88 / 1488
[Oct 13,2006 2:04am - shock_value  ""]
paganmegan said:Well his label was great for starters

maybe in the beginning, his label was well known for being slow and a rip off. rich was a complete douche who hid behind his white power cronies.

[Oct 13,2006 4:38am - CNV  ""]
who the fuck ahhh, who the fuck ahhh, who the fucking hell ahh you?
[Oct 13,2006 5:04am - shock_value  ""]
CNV said:who the fuck ahhh, who the fuck ahhh, who the fucking hell ahh you?

im NO ONE. just a dude into the metal underground for over 25 years that watched assknuckles like rich and his ilk ruin the brotherhood and comraderie of metal with his backstabbing,philandering & shitalking ways. its almost poetic how he died after he preached shit about so-called sub-humans,muds and other folk that truely supported metal, regardless of their skin color and how inferior they were because of their genetics,social status. he was a typical asshole that thought the future lay with the "white man" when he himself fucked every spic and negress he could get his 3 inches into. like i said, pathetic,hypocritical and weak.
[Apr 14,2007 4:49pm - Hassan  ""]
I actually saw GBK in what seems to be their last show in West Springfield, VA last June, 2006. Was a small crowd when they were opening for Kult ov Azazel. I traveled each way 6 hours just to see them. Weird that they had no problem with me in e-mail telling me to come through, but when I got there, Rich gave me weird looks in the beginning, then saw I have some feel for metal, and then rolled his eyes at me after the show was done and I was trying to get his attention, intimidated at the same time. From what I read here, sounds as if life is indeed poetic justice. How did he die, anyway? Anyone know?
[Apr 14,2007 4:56pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Drug overdose, I believe.
[Apr 14,2007 5:33pm - Kinslayer  ""]
We played thier last show....and it wasn't that VA show...

It was with Absurd in NYC.
[Apr 14,2007 5:35pm - Kinslayer  ""]
And for the record, Rich was a scumbag asshole; that's why I and most others loved him...he was just like us.
[Apr 14,2007 5:39pm - Agrippa ""]
when is the new york show?

[Apr 14,2007 6:40pm - NIGGER ""]
Absurd fucking rules. Oh wait, I mean you're all hateful nazi bigot assholes who deserve to die of AIDS like Jesse Pintado and Chuck Schuldiner did.

[Apr 14,2007 8:15pm - Hassan  ""]
Damn, I was hoping they'd come to NYC! With Absurd being there, maybe good thing I missed it. GBK sure came up with incredible music, no doubt. One of the best ever in the US, in my humble opinion. Too bad Rich was a druggie. He should have known every race is a rat race!
[Apr 17,2007 11:26am - shock_value  ""]
rich died like a fucking dog, on the streets of new york, found dead and cold on someones steps at like 3 am. fuck him. got what he deserved
[Apr 17,2007 12:03pm - C.dead  ""]
I think this guy is obsessed with Rich or something. Yeah, we get it, you didn't like him and your happy he's dead. its getting kind of weird how you keep updating us on that.
[Apr 23,2009 8:44pm - Proud to be an aryan  ""]
Great band they were, great man was he, a tragic loss, a pure tragedy.
[Apr 23,2009 9:10pm - BILLY MAYS HERE /w SOMEDAY PROV.  ""]

Anti-Racism said:Downloading Hateful, Racist, Bigoted, Homophobic, Sexist, Anti-Semitic Music Now

[Apr 23,2009 10:28pm - WATER  ""]
I love the album Judeobeast Assassination with the judge Pontius Pilate betraying the black metal jesus. Divide and conquer.
[Apr 24,2009 7:58am - Yeti ""]
Mocking the Philanthropist is such a killer album.

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