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red hot chili peppers???

[Aug 29,2006 12:05am - dertoxia ""]
The lady friend want's me to bring her to see them. Its fucking 55 dollars. Im thinking of trying to win tickets, but i dont really feel like putting forth much effort for them. Theyre pretty washed up if you ask me. Should i just tell her to get back in the kitchen?
[Aug 29,2006 12:07am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I saw them once in 1992 with MINISTRY, SOUNDGARDEN and PEARL JAM.
[Aug 29,2006 12:08am - dertoxia ""]
fuck i would have loved that. and i bet the tickets were like 20 bucks or something too.
[Aug 29,2006 12:15am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It was LotFullofLosers... I mean Lollapalooza II 1992, the only one that I ever went to, my friend Perry offered me an extra ticket.

I remember I wore my white CARCASS T-Shirt with the Symphonies of Sickness cover on it and people kept saying how gross it was.
[Aug 29,2006 12:47am - niccolai ""]
If you can't win them, don't bother.

Maybe keep your eyes on craigs list? I've caught some pretty cheep nfl and nhl tickets there.
[Aug 29,2006 12:52am - dwellingsickness ""]
tell her....Sex and a home cooked meal, And you will take her
[Aug 29,2006 2:08pm - metal_church101 ""]
Mother's Milk and before by the CHilli Peppers was the shit.
[Aug 29,2006 2:14pm - MadOakDevin ""]
i wouldn't date a red hot chilli peppers fan.
[Aug 29,2006 2:24pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Anal IN WRITING or I'd tell her it's a no-go. You'll NEED the anal to offset the Kinsey points you will LOSE by seeing the Chili Peppers.
[Aug 29,2006 2:47pm - succubus ""]
I'm going
it will ROCK
pfft to you all
[Aug 29,2006 2:49pm - RichHorror ""]
I dig them. Up to Blood Sugar Sex Magik, anyway. I saw them a couple years back before Californication came out, and it was a good time.
[Aug 29,2006 2:50pm - succubus ""]
those i took @ lolla this year
[Aug 29,2006 2:51pm - the_reverend ""]
I hadn't seen the middle one.
nice shot.
[Aug 29,2006 3:22pm - PilloryDan nli  ""]
Was going to go see RHCP but I think I would rather see Deicide in NYC that night
[Aug 29,2006 4:16pm - diamond_dave ""]
they still play lots of old tunes. i'm sure it'll be a good show no matter what. those dudes can still rock it even though their new songs are watered down. $55 is a fucking lot for a show by anyone...but if it's a date then you'd pay more than that for a dinner and a movie anyway. i'd say go for it man.
[Aug 30,2006 2:55am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
I'd rather slam my treasured wang in the door for an hour than have to endure a minute of that hogwash. These turds are SO past their expiration date. Go buy a Harley and have a goddamned decent midlife crisis, why don't ya?
[Aug 30,2006 4:20am - Allahthat ""]
Suburbia still would have been a good movie w/out Flea in it.

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