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[Aug 25,2006 1:33pm - porphyria  ""]
Due to personal reasons, Vocalist Tim Murphy has decided to leave Porphyria to focus on other aspects of his life. While this was sprung on us at an unexpected time, we weren't all that suprised since we're obviously aware of what he's doing aside from the band. There were no fights, none of us are mad or anything negative like that. We've had a lot of good times together in the band and he'll still be one of our best friends. We obviously wish him luck with everything that's going on and his future endevours.

He will be playing his last two shows on these dates/locations so come out and wish him luck, give him a hug, or blow in his ear...

8/26 - New Wave Cafe in New Bedford, MA
9/13 - O'Briens in Allson, MA

After the 13th we will be completely focused on writing new material and not playing any shows until we're god damn good and ready. Details about filling Tim's position at a later date.

Live for the dark, Not for the light, motherfuckers.
[Aug 25,2006 1:37pm - Sacreligion ""]
sucks balls
[Aug 25,2006 1:37pm - the_reverend ""]
too bad you don't log in and now I have to file it until your band. done.
[Aug 25,2006 1:38pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
That sucks... I may need to go on the 13th.
[Aug 25,2006 1:40pm - shrapnel !  ""]
ill be at the 13th show
[Aug 25,2006 1:42pm - porphyria  ""]
[Aug 25,2006 1:51pm - brian_dc ""]
sorry dudes..I'll defintely try to be there on the 13th
[Aug 25,2006 1:51pm - Anthony nli  ""]
wow that sucks. Tim is a really good vocalist.
[Aug 25,2006 1:54pm - anonymous  ""]
What is he doing that he's focusing on?
[Aug 25,2006 1:55pm - brian_dc ""]
his own damn business?
[Aug 25,2006 1:57pm - porphyria  ""]
anonymous said:What is he doing that he's focusing on?

he's getting married in a couple of weeks, he's got a mortgage now as well. I'm sure he'll have more on his plate to come and he won't be able to devote the amount of time the band needs.
[Aug 25,2006 2:07pm - Cadaveryne ""]
That fuckin sucks.
Best opf Luck to Tim, and Porphyria.
[Aug 25,2006 2:09pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:What is he doing that he's focusing on?

growing up?
[Aug 25,2006 2:27pm - BornSoVile ""]
shitty, all the best to Tim and Porphyria
[Aug 25,2006 2:50pm - robbieofthedeparted ""]
That sucks, growing up is the pits. You guys will be all set your a great band. best of luck to the band and Tim.
[Aug 25,2006 2:54pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Good luck home slices.
[Aug 25,2006 3:46pm - hutch ""]
any of those last 2 shows 18+. best of luck to the band and tim
[Aug 25,2006 3:56pm - mOe ""]
now i'm PISSED that i didnt go last night
[Aug 25,2006 4:07pm - hoser ""]
It's a real bummer to lose anyone.

You have our condolences from the Hand Choke Neck camp. Hope to play many shows with you guys down the road.

I also wish Timmy a lot of luck. I also am married and have a mortgage and I can tell you that it's hard as hell to balance them all. I definitely don't get to practice as often as I would like. Gets harder and harder the older I get. Especially with the cost of living in New England.

Take care guys,

Jake (Hoser) HCN
"Football Riffer"
[Aug 25,2006 4:15pm - pam ""]
Good luck guys, sorry to hear it.
[Aug 25,2006 4:29pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
shit, that does suck. best of luck like everyone else said. i think all the people who have recently quit bands because they need to focus on being an "adult" (myself included) should get a band going, haha. i kid, i kid. i will definitely be there on september 13th. that show is going to be monumental.
[Aug 25,2006 4:34pm - pam ""]
I wish I could have quit for a good reason like that.

Where's the band for the ones who couldn't deal with their bandmates' terrible availability/choices/100 other bands/communication?
[Aug 25,2006 4:41pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
we can start a side project.

shit, then we'll all have to quit because we have the adulthood band.

i guess it can be both reasons for leaving bands in one band.
[Aug 25,2006 5:49pm - fishcakes ""]
WOW! that is a total fucking bummer!
[Aug 25,2006 5:58pm - dyingmuse ""]
that sucks balls! he's the fucking man too!

bigtime bummer

good luck guys!
[Aug 25,2006 6:45pm - mcmahon ""]
[Aug 25,2006 7:11pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Wow that sucks.....Hope you all keep things goin and find a replacement soon, as hard as that will be, Tim is killer and those are big shoes to fill!. And good luck to you Tim, with everything in the future.:NEWHORNS:
[Aug 25,2006 7:17pm - Dankill  ""]
I've never even had a band to quit due to having to work and go to school and be broke all the time.
Mark, I gotyour ass first for side projects!

Shame he has to leave though. Awesome band, those boys,
[Aug 25,2006 8:30pm - powerkok ""]
hoser said: I also am married and have a mortgage and I can tell you that it's hard as hell to balance them all. I definitely don't get to practice as often as I would like. Gets harder and harder the older I get. Especially with the cost of living in New England.

Ya...about that...heh.
While you were busy doing other 'stuff'
Me and steve wrote a new song.
[Aug 25,2006 11:59pm - Joshtruction ""]
well this means I am gonna be at tommorows show for sure no matter what. Sad news guys!!!
[Aug 26,2006 2:52am - anonymous  ""]
When are tryouts?!!!?
[Aug 26,2006 12:20pm - blue nli  ""]
well let you know soon enough.
[Aug 26,2006 12:55pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
That sucks!! Good luck to both parties. Glad we get to play his last 2 shows w/ the band!!
[Aug 26,2006 3:06pm - tomx nli  ""]


tim is an awesome vocalist, and he's the only dude that has never ragged on my cool stop n shop brand seltzer. best of luck to him though!

another porphyria question: did you guys ever press your ep, or did things fall through with pathologically explicit records? lemme know, because 1. my cdr copy has gone to hell, and 2. you guys really deserve to have it pressed and sold all over $in all sorts of distros. its such a good record. but im sure the next record will be too.
[Aug 26,2006 3:15pm - Nash/nli  ""]
Not only was he a good vocalist but his stage presence was awesome, he could pump up any crowd. Good luck dudes, and i'll be sure to keep you guys in mind if I come across a good vocalist.
[Aug 27,2006 3:26am - pam ""]
After tonight I am even more upset about this news. He's gonna be a hard frontman to replace.
[Sep 5,2006 1:47pm - porphyria  ""]
bump for people who missed this thread.
[Sep 5,2006 1:55pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah this is lame news
[Sep 5,2006 2:00pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Shit -- good luck to Timmy and the rest of Porphyria. Timmy -- marriage and mortgage does not mean your music life is over, it's just more juggling and stress. Just push all the stress deep down inside, so the smallest thing will make you explode! Make sure you start something up in the future. Hope you guys find a new sicko soon.

Hugs and kisses from the old miserable men of Life at Zero.
[Sep 5,2006 2:04pm - dwellingsickness ""]
largefreakatzero said:
Hugs and kisses from the old miserable men of Life at Zero.


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