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Dinner with Hitler..

[Aug 24,2006 6:57pm - Tom Brokewhore  ""]
[Aug 24,2006 7:01pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Repost I think mang. I believe the rev already put this up.
[Aug 24,2006 7:04pm - Tom Brokewhore  ""]
DAMN IT! i've been busted!
[Aug 24,2006 7:07pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Tom Brokewhore said:DAMN IT! i've been busted!

Sorry man.:whipper:
[Aug 24,2006 7:18pm - DomesticTerror ""]
shit. there goes my idea for a chain called "Idi Amin's Buffet."
[Aug 24,2006 7:19pm - DomesticTerror ""]
"Pol Pot Pies." c'mon...
[Aug 24,2006 7:48pm - Phil ""]
brian brokennose williams.You're not on drugs.

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