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[Aug 22,2006 6:23pm - vesgore ""]
[Aug 22,2006 6:33pm - dertoxia ""]
simply amazing
[Aug 22,2006 8:17pm - Grizloch  ""]
I can hold off on Zombie Apocalypse, nothing too exciting happens, cept'n when the brutal four prepare to slumber and a brief spastic outburst by kyle "gut you then eat you using this broom as a spoon" eddy
[Aug 22,2006 10:51pm - vesgore ""]
yea hold off for now dude
[Aug 22,2006 11:56pm - anonymous  ""]
holy fuckin SHIT do these guys SUCK
[Aug 23,2006 8:58pm - vesgore ""]
anonymous said:holy fuckin SHIT do these guys SUCK

simmer dawwn naa. its all improv. grind.:shocked:i think we killed anyways:whipper:
[Aug 23,2006 10:58pm - dertoxia ""]
vesgore said::shocked:i think we killed anyways:whipper:


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