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anyone thats into horror movies

[Oct 17,2003 12:14pm - nick1762 ""]
you might want to check out the


@Columbus Theatre,
270 Broadway, Providence, RI

if you like violent shit, which i know you do, i recommend going sunday to see King of the Ants
[Oct 17,2003 12:22pm - the_reverend ""]
of course we are into horror...
we are metalheads, arent we?

I'm counting the days til TCM.
[Oct 17,2003 12:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
um, that comes out tonight?
[Oct 17,2003 1:16pm - succubus ""]
umm wow

they are redoing dawn of the dead too?

[Oct 17,2003 1:30pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
the_reverend said:I'm counting the days til TCM.

I still thought it meant Turner Classic Movies.
[Oct 17,2003 2:58pm - retzam ""]
Dude, they should redo Halloween. But not for another decade or two.
[Oct 17,2003 3:02pm - Dissector ""]
I gotta fuckin go to that. I'm a huge horror nut. The remake of Dawn Of The Dead should be gay, there's no way they can make that movie any better. Same with TCM, but I'll still probally check it out. They're also remaking The Tool Box Murders, and I heard rumors of remaking Suspiria, Demons, and The Hills Have Eyes.
[Oct 17,2003 3:42pm - nick1762 ""]
i wasn't really a huge fan of the original TCM, the end chase scene was boring as hell. but the remake actually looks decent

there is a script review for the Dawn remake at www.creature-corner.com and from what i hear, they change a bunch of shit around and pretty much butcher it

they're also re-making The Fog, only instead of pirate zombies, the zombies are dead gang members. i guess they think that will appeal to the new generation of horror fans. shoot me.
[Oct 17,2003 3:44pm - the_reverend ""]
yo, I'll bust a cap n dat Biotch mofo.
[Oct 17,2003 11:25pm - housebythecemetery ""]
tcm was so fuckin good, i never thought they could remake it but it was brillant, also dawn of the dead was preveiwed before the movie. meki phfier is in it so you know its going to suck.
[Oct 17,2003 11:52pm - xeatadickx ""]
nick1762 said:i wasn't really a huge fan of the original TCM, the end chase scene was boring as hell. but the remake actually looks decent

there is a script review for the Dawn remake at www.creature-corner.com and from what i hear, they change a bunch of shit around and pretty much butcher it

they're also re-making The Fog, only instead of pirate zombies, the zombies are dead gang members. i guess they think that will appeal to the new generation of horror fans. shoot me.

blah blah blah im nick philbin blah blah blah i read fangoria hey heres my opinion on one cares about i enjoy the fog please dont ruin it i love you giraffe im carrying your baby

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