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new terrorizer track

[Aug 21,2006 1:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I just fixed the link for the banner
[Aug 22,2006 12:40pm - charlie infection  ""]
I really have high hopes for this new album !!!! Their 1st was so fucken great.. this either will be the best album ever or a sorry disappointment!! Lets hope its great !!!!
[Aug 22,2006 1:24pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I have the whole album, it's exactly what you would hope for/expect from them, I love it!
[Aug 22,2006 6:38pm - diamond_dave ""]
i think it sucks actually
[Aug 22,2006 6:39pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I have this CD too, I think it is killer!!
[Aug 22,2006 6:51pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I heard the whole thing too, it's good.
[Aug 22,2006 7:15pm - Euronymoustache ""]
I'm very disappointed in the vocals, they're not nearly as harsh as the greasy guy.
[Aug 23,2006 12:00am - hunterhunter ""]
its defintely good
[Aug 23,2006 12:38am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 23,2006 4:13pm - charlie infection  ""]
I hust heard the 1 track and it is definitly worthy !!
[Aug 24,2006 2:05pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I am amazed at how good this is. Jessie scared the shit out of me when he said they were bringing all kinds of gay influences. I guess he was just kidding.
The new singer is just as good as Oscar too.
[Aug 25,2006 3:21am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

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