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NH= Booze, Satan worship and Guns

[Aug 20,2006 1:23pm - Troll ""]
[Aug 20,2006 1:29pm - joshua nli  ""]
[Aug 20,2006 1:32pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
that was pretty fucking sweet
[Aug 20,2006 1:34pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
these kids had a much better childhood than me!
[Aug 20,2006 1:34pm - Troll ""]
[Aug 20,2006 1:35pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
that one is private!!!
[Aug 20,2006 1:40pm - Troll ""]
hold on
[Aug 20,2006 1:44pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
[Aug 20,2006 1:45pm - Troll ""]
The Knob Creek vid is fuckin'awsome! I likt the music hah haha!
I heard about that event on that show Mail Call. I'm actually thinking on goin down to check that out...The next event is in october!
[Aug 20,2006 1:46pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
wow that would be fun as hell
[Aug 20,2006 10:23pm - Troll ""]
:duffbeer::gun: < can opener
[Aug 20,2006 11:20pm - powerkok ""]
nice, Troll.....whats that an Olympic Arms or a Bushmaster?
[Aug 20,2006 11:25pm - Troll ""]
[Aug 20,2006 11:31pm - Troll ""]
just incase anyone is interested in exotic firearms.
[Aug 20,2006 11:54pm - powerkok ""]
nice man. They got some sweeeeet accessory options!!
U can pick up a 100 round drum for under a hundred now!!
I heart NH.
[Aug 21,2006 12:02am - Troll ""]
The AR is fine but I really want a Kalashnikov. I don't know.... Maybe its cause I'm part Ruskey but that gun really apeals to me. It has less mechanical failures and shit .Very trustworthy and you can beat the shit out of em'.
[Aug 21,2006 12:07am - powerkok ""]
yup, I had a SAR-1 Romanian, and the thing was awesome.
They feel great, and like you said are tougher than fuck, and can fire with rocks in the piston.
Tom from LAZ has a sweet Ishmish 308 AK.
and its still a virgin!!

Myself, these days Im rocking the CETME, Mossy 500 and Mossy 3 1/2inch Ultimag Turkey Supreme.
[Aug 21,2006 12:09am - powerkok ""]
joshua nli said:"HEY GUYS, LOOK AT ME, I'M SO COOL WITH MY GUN."

Any cool Josh I know, calls themselves Josh, not Joshua, Faggot.
[Aug 21,2006 9:06am - Troll ""]
[Aug 21,2006 9:17am - the_reverend ""]
when the apocalypse comes, I will be hiding behind you guys since I don't like guns.
[Aug 21,2006 10:35am - CNV  ""]
the_reverend said:when the apocalypse comes, I will be hiding behind you guys since I don't like guns.

Rev, do not worry man! You can take pictures of us killing people from Mass
[Aug 21,2006 10:39am - the_reverend ""]
as someone who lives in a tourist town, I think you.
[Aug 21,2006 11:41am - Troll ""]
[Aug 21,2006 11:44am - Troll ""]
Ya know I've got your back Rev
[Aug 21,2006 6:36pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
Troll said:http://www.bushmaster.com
just incase anyone is interested in exotic firearms.

are these legal in mass (with FID of course)??
[Aug 21,2006 7:54pm - Troll ""]
Sorry don't know enough about Mass laws to care. lol! I'd have to do some research..I'm sure the laws for these types of weapons are more rigid in MA but don't take my word for it.
[Aug 21,2006 8:47pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
My_Dying_Bride said:Troll said:http://www.bushmaster.com
just incase anyone is interested in exotic firearms.

are these legal in mass (with FID of course)??

probably not. MA is fucking gayer than two boys kissings. That's why when I gradumatate from school I am moving to NH so an FID card cost me $10 and not $100. Fuck them red commie liberal scum that run my damned state.
[Aug 21,2006 9:44pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
ya fuck mass...i bet it is illegal

mass would be 10 times cooler if it was as easy to get a gun as NH

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