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Un Appreciation: Throwing Up At Work

[Aug 18,2006 8:05am - Messerschmitt ""]
today's going to be a long day:duffbeer::pukeface:
[Aug 18,2006 8:20am - Messerschmitt ""]
fucking cunts what are you looking at!
[Aug 18,2006 9:05am - thegreatspaldino ""]
ive done it a few times... it sucks
[Aug 18,2006 9:07am - xmikex ""]
i used to work in this shit office that basically had no control over the thermostat. it'd be way too hot in the winter, and even hotter in the summer. i'd get sinus headaches because there was practically no ventillation and I'd throw up all the time.
[Aug 18,2006 9:08am - sinistas ""]
yeah, that happened to me a few weeks ago. ick.
[Aug 18,2006 9:38am - xmikex ""]
When I was a freshman in college I had this awful sinus infection and left a class because I thought I was gonna throw up. The floor I was on didn't have a bathroom so I had to go down another flight. I didn't make it, and puked all over the landing in the stairwell. I went back to class, and had to pass through that same stairwell after class got out. Everyone was all mortified, but of course no one had any clue I did it so it was kind of funny.
[Aug 18,2006 9:43am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
I hate having a stomach flu and puking and having the bubblies at the same time. Slinging pond algae into the toilet and puking in a waste basket. Good times.
[Aug 18,2006 10:00am - anonymous  ""]
xmikex said:When I was a freshman in college I had this awful sinus infection and left a class because I thought I was gonna throw up. The floor I was on didn't have a bathroom so I had to go down another flight. I didn't make it, and puked all over the landing in the stairwell. I went back to class, and had to pass through that same stairwell after class got out. Everyone was all mortified, but of course no one had any clue I did it so it was kind of funny.

Dude! I did the exact same thing but only when I was a sophmore in High School. I was on the third floor of school and I was feeling sick. I asked to go to the nurse and I couldn't make it in time so I puked all of the stairwell and then ran down to the nurse. The stairwell was huge and it was all over the middle part of it. Nobody saw me do it either which was good. The best thing about it was it happened within I would say about 10 minutes of classes getting out and nobody noticed it until it happened. There were people walking through it and girls were putting their hands in it because it was on the railing. It was called the "Phantom Puking" nobody saw it happen, nobody knew why it was there or who did it, it was just there. I didn't even tell anyone until years later and they were are like "That was you". So funny. Definitely one of my favorite memories from high school.
[Aug 18,2006 10:00am - Beaver McD  ""]
That last post was me
[Aug 18,2006 10:47am - Yeti ""]
hahaha i didnt learn that you were the Phantom Puker until like 3 years after we graduated.
[Aug 18,2006 5:01pm - Messerschmitt ""]
isn't it awesome when scrambled eggs shoot out of your eye sockets?
[Aug 18,2006 7:31pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i totally honked at work today too! sucked...
[Aug 19,2006 1:26am - Messerschmitt ""]
doing it all over again tonight

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