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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to DEATH2ALL.
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[QUOTE="DEATH2ALL:492497"]MadOakDevin said:[QUOTE]I'm the dick/pussy who dragged the kid out. All I saw was him jumping in and elbowing a few people. Ian grabbed him to talk to him and Ian got elbowed in the face. Ian then grabbed him to throw him out and he kept elbowing and pushing us away, so jumped in and grabbed him by the arms and tossed him out. Why? Because he wouldn't even let us attempt to get him to settle down. Ian even grabbed him a few times to get him to settle down before then. We've all been going to shows for years and we all know the gestures people use to get people to calm down. All of them were ignored. And since you were outside the whole fucking time and only saw me dragging him outside you wouldn't have seen him elbow ian in the face and knock out a lense from his glasses or any of the other bullshit he pulled. You would have dragged him out aggressively, too if you were getting legs kicked at you and elbows thrown at you for trying to boot someone. I wouldn't go as far as saying I was violent. You should look up the term. And if I let him get on his feet again he'd have just run and been 10x more of a struggle. and since you taking the effort to call me a pussy, hit your fucking drums instead of using triggers. [/QUOTE] wow, your calling me a pussy cause I trigger my bass drums? How does that make me a pussy? I've been playing drums for almost 20 years and playing in metal bands for about 13 years. I've been triggering my kicks for the last 6 years. before that I used metal kick pads on the drum heads & mic'd them.......... for 6 or 7 years. So lets do the math here... When I started playing drums, you were 1 year old. when I started my 1st metal band, you were probably 8 years old. When I started using triggers you were probably 15 years old. the few years you spent in school, learning to be an audio engineer, doesn't make you an expert on my playing or drums at all. I went outside to smoke 2mins before you tossed Jere. I heard the door slam open & turned around & saw Jeremy fly off the door stoop and land on the concrete sidewalk. I saw the look on your face when you did it & I saw him get tossed on the ground, it was violent. I don't need to look up the term. I did not see what he did to get tossed, which is why I asked you what he did. You said: "Well he was a little too rough in the pit, throwing elbows & stuff". I asked, "well did you try to talk to him first?" you said, "I tried to pull him aside but he just kept pulling away." I said, "he was in a pit, don't you think he's gonna naturally pull away when you grab him?" you said nothing. Then I said "he's in the 1st band that played tonight. So you just drag him out and toss him on the sidewalk?" You just shrugged your shoulders. I said thats fucked up & walked away. What you said to me that night is nothing close to what you said in this thread, as far as what Jere did to get kicked out. Jeremy even said he was completely surprised at being dragged out. I'm not doubting that he was out of line in the pit. But the way he was thrown on the sidewalk was fucking wrong & I'm not the only one who saw it or feels that way about it. I understand that you were just doing your job. But you should understand that when I see my good friend/guitarist get thrown on the ground, my 1st reaction would be to kick your ass. There was a kid who was way outta line in the pit the whole night. so outta line the the singer of the band on stage had to straighten him out. But he wasn't kicked out at all. You might want to put up a sign that notifies your patrons of your twisted mosh rules, since very few people knew there was any. While your at it put a sign that says "no triggers allowed". [/QUOTE]
Vers. 0.12
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