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[Aug 11,2006 2:57pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
I drink this shit by the fucking gallon.
[Aug 11,2006 2:58pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
fuck, I forgot to add skim
[Aug 11,2006 2:58pm - sacreligion ""]
ive gone through three gallons of milk in the last 4 days
[Aug 11,2006 2:59pm - RichHorror ""]
Skim is for faggots and women. Nothing but Vitamin D, you fucking pansies!
[Aug 11,2006 2:59pm - powerkok ""]
Not so hot about milk.
Only in cereal...once a month.....that shit makes me fat, and gives me diarrhea.
[Aug 11,2006 2:59pm - powerkok ""]
%2 tho.
[Aug 11,2006 3:20pm - pam ""]
Milk rules!
[Aug 11,2006 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
Mom I'd Like to Kill
[Aug 11,2006 4:46pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
You forget how good whole milk is until you deprive yourself of it. I went for breakfast once several years ago and ordered a chocolate milk. They served me whole milk, which I haven't had in years. It was like I was drinking a fucking crack milkshake. So good.
[Aug 12,2006 4:47am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
This band was sick in Jason Lee's part in Video Days
[Aug 12,2006 6:21pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
1 tastes the same as 2 but almost a buck cheaper
[Jan 28,2009 2:55am - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Jan 28,2009 8:23am - SkinSandwich ""]

douchebag_patrol_2 said:[img]

Roast beef and milk. A great combo!
[Jan 28,2009 8:26am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jan 28,2009 9:06am - ddrummer ""]
i just need some vitality
you guys like vitality?

but heh, I am very pro-milk
[Jan 28,2009 2:27pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I like skim in my cereal.
[Jan 28,2009 2:31pm - arilliusbm ""]
skim milk is for pussies
[Jan 28,2009 2:32pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Whole milk tastes like drinking butter, which I don't dig.
[Jan 28,2009 2:33pm - Martins ""]
I am a pussy.
[Jan 28,2009 2:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
damn, and I thought I was the strange one.. eating sticks of butter and using them as deodorant
[Jan 28,2009 2:48pm - mortalis ""]
i am a faggot, a woman, and a pussy. but yeah, i drink milk like there's no tomorrow.
[Jan 28,2009 3:07pm - kramer  ""]
[Feb 13,2009 12:00am - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Feb 13,2009 5:25am - douchebag_patrol ""]

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