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Breaking News from PETA!!!!

[Aug 10,2006 1:43pm - hoser ""]
"We are opposed to the use of any wood or metal products in any form, as wood and metal are the primary materials used in the construction of fences which keep animals detained until they are led to slaughter."

-PETA Spokesperson

[Aug 10,2006 1:47pm - Sacreligion ""]
that doesn't sound like it actually happened
[Aug 10,2006 1:49pm - powerkok ""]
if so, wow, if not, thats a good story, hosey.
[Aug 10,2006 2:22pm - swamplorddvm ""]
That's fucking stupid. What about plastic?
[Aug 10,2006 2:23pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
This statement is either being taken out of context or it is the stupidest comment ever uttered by a human being outside of "I Do".
[Aug 10,2006 2:30pm - hoser ""]

No I made it up....but it's funny. I think that I read something at one time or another about the idiocy of PETA and the moronic philosophy of Veganism.

Hahahahahaha.....*blows smoke from finger*
[Aug 10,2006 2:31pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Damn you.
[Aug 10,2006 2:44pm - hoser ""]

[Aug 10,2006 3:08pm - xanonymousx ""]
my big thing with peta is they are at all these hardcore/metal shows promoting veganism but there is never any vegetarian or vegan friendly food at these events, shouldn't they offer some of the alternatives to meat rather than having you sign something saying you don't support meat or the fur industry?
[Aug 10,2006 3:11pm - blue nli  ""]
i can understand the PETA bashing (cus theyre freaking crazy extremists), but why do you guys seem to hate vegetarians so much?
[Aug 10,2006 3:14pm - xanonymousx ""]
i personally have nothing against vegetarians..... or vegans
i just don't get PETA's extreme mantality towards everything.
[Aug 10,2006 3:15pm - xanonymousx ""]
maybe people here don't like vegetrians that much because being vegetrian isn't "metal" even though many people in metal infact are vegetrians.
[Aug 10,2006 3:17pm - Yeti ""]
the rev is the only vegetarian i have ever met that isnt a complete douchebag trying to force their views on you. dont preach your bullshit. if i want to digest a slaughtered animal, i will. i know what happens, i know how its processed, i know how brutal it is, but i also know how delicious it is. the purpose of a cow and chicken is for me to tear apart with my teeth.
[Aug 10,2006 3:17pm - blue nli  ""]
im vegetarian, and you are horrible person for consuming meat. not really.
[Aug 10,2006 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
i personally only have problems with preaching, vegetarian or not. anyone can do whatever they want for whatever reasons they see fit, just dont preach it. my girl is catholic, which is everything i dont want to be a part of, but she doesnt preach it or even talk about it. she can do as she pleases. PETA would be fine if they kept to themselves. if vegetarians need a support group, ok then. but dont go telling me i am wrong because i am eating your friend.
[Aug 10,2006 3:37pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
When the Lions stop eating the Zebras, and the Wolves stop eating the Bunnies, I will stop eating the Chickens.

This is why Jurassic Park 4 needs to happen. A group of PETA maniacs get trapped on another hidden isle and learn about nature the hard way.
[Aug 10,2006 3:42pm - Beaver McD  ""]
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Lisa, honey, are you saying you're never going to eat any animal again? What about bacon?
Pork chops?
Dad! Those all come from the same animal!
Yeah, right, Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal.
[Aug 10,2006 3:53pm - Lamp ""]
This just in! Being a vegetarian makes you gay! Putting big, juicy slabs of meat in your mouth makes you a man!

[Aug 10,2006 3:55pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Yeah, you know, I always thought carrots and cucumbers were pretty phallic.
[Aug 10,2006 3:58pm - sacreligion ""]
"ok hold on now so you're telling me that you put these little guys in boiling water and they shriek and they turn red and they die"
"yes sir"
"that is the most metal thing i've ever heard in my whole life...high five"
[Aug 10,2006 4:05pm - Lamp ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Yeah, you know, I always thought carrots and cucumbers were pretty phallic.

Heh, owned.

I'm not even a vegetarian or anything...but I just felt that point needed to be made.
[Aug 10,2006 4:06pm - hoser ""]
I really don't look down on them as people, but as a group I think that most vegetarians are soft, whiny, overly emotional types that support anything within the Liberal mindset.

I work with a girl that is a vegetarian and she sits across from me at lunch, staring at my left over steak tips as I eat them and goes, "ewww...ewwww.....that's so disgusting." She says it almost under her breath and it makes me wanna smash her head in. Naturally, she's also anti-war, her father in law is married to another man, she's opposed to violence in any way....she believes that diplomatic solutions actually work.....it's just the whole "I wanna be so totally different from anything and everyone thing that pisses me off. Most Veggieheads do it because it's popular amongst their Liberal peers.

Bottom line: I don't talk about what I eat like it's a movement of some sort. I don't march and hold up signs that say "Meat Eaters Unite!!!" I don't wrap myself up in plastic and lay in the streets of downtown Portsmouth like packaged meat.

That shit annoys me....these people are like aliens trying to turn poor humans over to the dark side. So ya, if you're a vegetarian that doesn't act like any of these types....I don't mind you....but these types are making you all look bad.
[Aug 10,2006 4:09pm - hoser ""]
Like I've said in the past....it's the feminization of America....the great dumbing down of America.
[Aug 10,2006 4:10pm - powerkok ""]
Heard that.
good point.
[Aug 10,2006 4:11pm - Lamp ""]
I tried to be a vegetarian for no other reason than to see if I could do it. I lasted about a week and a half and I was relieved to be eating meat again after that. I'd never felt so crappy in my life. I only weigh 130 normally and in that time I'd lost five pounds. I don't know how vegetarians do it, really.
[Aug 10,2006 4:12pm - skullfucked ""]
or you can choose to not eat meat because gristle is disgusting. not all vegetarians are total bleeding vaginas who pretend to stand for a cause.
[Aug 10,2006 4:15pm - powerkok ""]
Gristle is found in cheap meat...good meat dosent have it.
And 'meat' to me is steaks, chops, etc, not burger.
I dont consider mc 'd'd or BK to be meat.
[Aug 10,2006 4:18pm - anonymous  ""]
why are you saying that everyone who is veggie is just "trying to be different"? is that just the easiest argument you can think of?

people have other opinions/morals and to just say people are doing things to be different without even knowing them is just an ignorant thing to say.
[Aug 10,2006 4:22pm - skullfucked ""]
i back that. i would be retarded if i passed up a steak at a good restaurant but its bad meat experiences like biting into a huge chunk of fat that make me want to renounce meat. i mean, fuck, i like clubbing baby seals just as much as the next person.
[Aug 10,2006 4:24pm - hoser ""]
anonymous said:why are you saying that everyone who is veggie is just "trying to be different"? is that just the easiest argument you can think of?

people have other opinions/morals and to just say people are doing things to be different without even knowing them is just an ignorant thing to say.

Re-read the post.....I'm not saying that every vegetarian is like that. I think that a lot of vegetarians do it just to be "like" their peers who are also confused. Hell half of them are still growing pubes. But again this all is only IMO.
[Aug 10,2006 4:26pm - hoser ""]
anonymous said:why are you saying that everyone who is veggie is just "trying to be different"? is that just the easiest argument you can think of?

people have other opinions/morals and to just say people are doing things to be different without even knowing them is just an ignorant thing to say.

Also, 9 out of 10 vegetarians agree that signing in is cool.

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