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[Aug 9,2006 12:29am - Abbath ""]
the gods have smiled upon us all!!!!!


"It is with our deepest regret that 13 Winters is no more. Die and I, being the only members left, have decided to move on. We want to thank all the fans we had spanning the globe for their support over the years. It’s hard to let it go, because for us, it was more than just a name. 13 Winters would have been six years old next month. Since then we had ironically gone through thirteen members. Sadly, the band only released one album. The lack of progress was due to the constant member changes. More time was spent getting people caught up than working on new material. Also there was the different styles coming and going. By the time the first album was released, 13 Winters was nothing what it was intended to be when it started back in September 2000.

In the end, 13 Winters was already embedded in Maine’s music scene as well as most of New England. Very few had not at least heard the name. 13 Winters indeed had fans concentrated in the north east U.S., they had fans spanning the entire country as well as, Canada, Japan, China, Finland, Norway, Britain, Germany, New Zealand, Australia and Turkey. Unfortunately with the name came a bad reputation, mostly in the Boston area. Simply put, 13 Winters is living proof that bad publicity is really just that…. Bad publicity. One person hated us for personally reasons and tells their friends, who in turn hate the band to fit in with their friends even when they admittingly state they never even heard us. In the beginning I mistakenly tried to defend us against those who hated us which only made more enemies. Near the end I realized that most of the negative statements made against us in the first place were true. But it was I who was blind to see that the band was rotting away at the core. For years I was polishing a rotten apple. I was fighting to redeem the name “13 Winters”. I wanted to put out an album that would blow all the neigh sayers and the haters, as well as the fans, away. I was fighting to produce what this band was originally supposed to be. But even if I succeeded, how do you get all those who already have a negative idea about you to listen to something without having their pre determined judgment determine whether they like what they hear? I carried this band through enough shit to make any other band break up four times over. But we got screwed every time we were starting to get back on our feet. It always seemed all the forces in the universe were against us. We lasted this long because I was dedicating every waking moment to this band. I put in every bead of sweat, every hour and just about every dollar into 13 Winters. Even the lack of members would not stop us from playing shows. I have filled in for every roll except for Die’s vocals when it came to live performances at one time or another. Die Winters(real name Diana Addams), who is my wife, and I have even put off having a family for this band because we want to be there for our children for they would come before anything else in our lives.

So what is to become of Diana and Me? The answer to this question is also the answer to why we decided to let 13 Winters go…. A fresh start. A chance to not repeat the mistakes I made so long ago.We have decided to seek out a new band, a new identity. And a band that actually knows what genre it is. One that will be more then just the embodiment of what we sought back in the summer of 2000. Over the years our musical taste had changed. We yearned to play a much more heavier kind of music. One that challenges us to write and play with more complexity and darkness.

Symphonic Black Metal

-Roy Addams"

[Aug 9,2006 12:39am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
This isn't really good news because they're still alive.
[Aug 9,2006 12:40am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
And now they want to play "heavier" and "darker" symphonic black metal?

[Aug 9,2006 12:48am - litacore ""]
who is this band?
[Aug 9,2006 12:50am - Chad Kroeger  ""]
what the fuck im so mad.
[Aug 9,2006 12:50am - DOM  ""]
Trading Type-O for Dimmu? Whatever.
[Aug 9,2006 1:18am - powerkok ""]
Abbath is a new man, I can tell.
This must have elated him to a new level of pride and self confidence.
[Aug 9,2006 2:28am - intricateprocess ""]
[Aug 9,2006 2:34am - powerkok ""]
wah wah?
Dunlop or morley?
[Aug 9,2006 2:48am - dwellingsickness ""]
no big loss I suppose
[Aug 9,2006 8:46am - The Revealer  ""]
It's true. I hated the band to fit in with my friends. I guess I've been busted.
[Aug 9,2006 11:55am - anonymous  ""]
their website looks like it was built using the graphix card from a sega genesis.
[Aug 9,2006 12:15pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I think it's really funny that, even in their BREAKUP notice, they have to get all defensive about the fact that people did not like their music. People didn't hate your music because their friends did, 13 Winters, they hated it because it was bad. Noone got 'cool' points for bashing 13 Winters, so give it up.
[Aug 9,2006 12:45pm - Abbath ""]
powerkok said:Abbath is a new man, I can tell.
This must have elated him to a new level of pride and self confidence.

hahahaha you know what i woke up this morning with feeling like a new man, knowing 13 winters was destroyed makes life almost perfect
[Aug 9,2006 1:00pm - xmikex ""]
so long to another band I never heard but was comfortable in assuming was stupid
[Aug 9,2006 1:02pm - pam ""]
xmikex said:so long to another band I never heard but was comfortable in assuming was stupid

hahah. My sentiments exactly.
[Aug 9,2006 1:38pm - Anon  ""]
If 13 Winters is gone. Great! Leigh Rush, argue amongst yourself.
[Aug 9,2006 1:40pm - litacore ""]

I don't know why I'm so fucking ADDICTED to this cartoon.

Maybe it's when Abbath goes "!" -- it looks so funny.
[Aug 9,2006 7:20pm - HeavenLeigh ""]
Anon said:If 13 Winters is gone. Great! Leigh Rush, argue amongst yourself.

Why does my name have to come up in this? But as long as I'm here... I told Roy that his band should be called 13 Ways To Die... kinda weird that they went through 13 members and Die is Roy's singer and wife. Just call your new band name that, Roy.. I promise to not take royalties from the new name.
[Aug 9,2006 9:51pm - HeavenLeigh ""]
Hey Roy, go suck a big fucking cock. By the way, my boyfriend checked his credit report and it seems that you stole the Holy Bible from the hotel Mike and I rented in Michigan during Pagan Fest. thanks for tarnishing Mike's credit... we just found out that you stole it. A poser and a thief!
[Aug 9,2006 9:57pm - mOe ""]
its funny how they're arguing and having band drama on a board where no one gives a hot shit about them
[Aug 9,2006 10:02pm - HeavenLeigh ""]
Alas, the tables are turned now and I admit, while drinking a glass of wine, I'm enjoying MY turn on this board for a change. Great photos at the show Rev, BTW!
[Aug 10,2006 12:50am - The Revealer  ""]
HeavenLeigh said:I told Roy that his band should be called 13 Ways To Die...

I promise to not take royalties from the new name.

First rate comedy right there.

[Aug 10,2006 5:31am - Troll ""]
"thank all the fans we had spanning the globe"

Ha Ha Ha!
...Who the fuck is 13 Winters?
[Aug 11,2006 1:09am - wakeoftears ""]
those fucks went to japan? wow
[Aug 11,2006 5:35am - Troll ""]
no no they had a pen pal in japan
[Aug 11,2006 12:08pm - pam ""]
HeavenLeigh said:Anon said:If 13 Winters is gone. Great! Leigh Rush, argue amongst yourself.

Why does my name have to come up in this? But as long as I'm here... I told Roy that his band should be called 13 Ways To Die... kinda weird that they went through 13 members and Die is Roy's singer and wife. Just call your new band name that, Roy.. I promise to not take royalties from the new name.



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