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tama 11 peice drumset and MKII for sale

[Aug 7,2006 11:49pm - secthammer  ""]
Tama 11 peice rockstar (all hardware included except for bass drum pedals) for sale along with a Tascam Portastudio 414MKII 4 track recorder

i paid 1800 for the drumset and 250 for the 4 track

asking for 1200 for both of them (everything in very good condition) or 1100 (worth about 1600 or so now) for just the drumset and 150 (costs 250 on musiciansfriend) for the 4 track
[Aug 8,2006 12:05am - SeedBassist ""]
Throw in a trip to Australia with your mom, and I'll think about it....and I can think of at least one other person who would consider that offer >:]
[Aug 8,2006 2:14am - Sacreligion ""]
make that a mortal kombat 2 stand up arcade game and i'm down
[Aug 10,2006 11:37am - tsectpathogen  ""]
c'maaaaaan no one wants to buy this?

"make that a mortal kombat 2 stand up arcade game and i'm down" i have MKII on sega genesis...i can give you that if you buy the drumset or the 4 track

[Aug 10,2006 12:09pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
any pics of your mom and/or the kit?
[Aug 11,2006 4:24am - tsectpathogen  ""]


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