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Any pictures from the Dragonforce show in Vermont?

[Aug 3,2006 2:35pm - anonymous  ""]
cause that would be sweet.
[Aug 3,2006 4:44pm - xanonymousx ""]
if the rev(or succubus) didn't go to it you will not find the pictures here or on http://defyunlearn.com
[Aug 3,2006 4:52pm - wakeoftears ""]
I didnt see them there. Dragonforce was killer considering the monitor's were fucked up all night. They had a nice long set and got a lot of songs in. Sam made fun of Herman's "tiny chinese cock", and the keyboardist came out and did sort of an intermission techno stylee on his keys.
Between the Buried and Me had trouble getting started cuz they couldnt hear anything either and only got 5 songs in, 4 being from Alaska. All Bodies, The Primer, Selkies, Camilla Rhodes, and Autodidact.
[Aug 8,2006 4:25pm - anonymous  ""]
the keyboardist's intermission was intense
[Aug 8,2006 4:58pm - Sacreligion ""]
dragonforce rocks my socks

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