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vans warped tour today in fitchburg

[Aug 2,2006 11:44am - succubus ""]
After attending the 1997 one where I got to shoot social d (my main reason for going)...due to all the bands and stages and chaos and portolet's...I swore it was the last...but alas...AP asked me to shoot it and I said ok...not really tired from last night despite staying up late to work on ozzfest pics for the paper (they'll be on my site soon)...I've been stuck on route 2 west for an hour alongside the tv station vans on their way to cover the show...hopefully the 3 bands I have to shoot haven't played.
[Aug 2,2006 11:47am - succubus ""]
Exit 35 and I'm getting off at exit 31b..sigh
[Aug 2,2006 12:02pm - succubus ""]
Exit 34 half mile awa y
[Aug 2,2006 12:13pm - succubus ""]
Welcome to leominster..birthplace of johnny appleseed. Who is he anyhow?
[Aug 2,2006 12:31pm - succubus ""]
So far at diff points on route 2....3 cars with kids on the side of the roads....2 were accidents and 1 car just died....this is part of why I should have stayed home..blah blah
[Aug 2,2006 1:07pm - Anthony nli  ""]
succubus said:Welcome to leominster..birthplace of johnny appleseed. Who is he anyhow?

i thought he was a fictional character from a children's story...
[Aug 2,2006 10:49pm - xanonymousxx  ""]
this show was badddddd
[Aug 2,2006 10:51pm - xanonymousxx  ""]
$4 waterrr give me a break i'm surprised we all didn't die
[Aug 3,2006 9:54am - succubus ""]
You paid for water??? Damn...they were giving it away free and not just for press...so many kids passed out..I felt bad for EMTs and give them props ...they were working their asses off...I won't shoot it again...unless it's for mega bucks...it's rough..but saw some great bands..and cool pics and got to watch joan jett sign bad reputation....hell yeah....
[Aug 3,2006 12:48pm - tbone_r ""]
there's nothing more punk rock than charging 30$ for a show and 4$ for water. water was only a buck at the rockvegas/b9 merch table. and i got in for free, had an awesome time.
[Aug 3,2006 12:52pm - xmikex ""]
[Aug 3,2006 12:53pm - xmikex ""]
succubus said: and got to watch joan jett sign bad reputation....hell yeah....

i didn't know Joan Jett knew sign language
[Aug 3,2006 12:58pm - succubus ""]
Hah! Don't be so hard on me...I shot ozzfest tuesday..slept 4 hrs...then this show...then at night I went to shoot muse and now I'm in chicago..zzzzzz...
Highlights for me were joan jett, helmet, finding out my "buddy" is in damone, jared leto throwing countless popsicles into the crowd....the phoenix will have a slideshow of my pics soon..then all to be posted on my site...
[Aug 3,2006 11:27pm - tbone_r ""]
xmikex said:highlights??

my favorite part of the whole thing was during death threat when davey suture started running back and forth real angry, then winding up and slapping the butts of everyone standing against the barrier.

there were at least 2 fights during every band at the b9/rockvegas stage. during every fight chris nothing was getting in the kids faces who were fighting and squirting them with a water gun.

at one point, during either black my heart or on broken wings, some dude in a suit jacket was giving crap to ian ran. not sure exactly what was said, but there was a HUGE fight that went beyond my sight shortly after this argument.

death threat was awesome, but it was later in the day so a good amount of people had left.

death before dishonor got the best reaction at the b9/rv stage, although kids went off for obw and bmh. apparently cant stand losing did really well also, but i got there after their set.

it was an awesome time. the b9/rv stage was just like going to a roman's show, except way more fights. and i dont know of any of us that payed.
[Aug 4,2006 10:08am - succubus ""]
My pics from it are online @ thephoenix.com/onthedownload

I only shot part of the 2 main stages
Ihave a lot of $$$$$ equipment on my back and in my hands, only the mainstage had photo pit..even at that they didn't do a great job of protecting anyone. It must have been an exhausting day..but half of them just stood there, got in my way and then wouldn't even try to catch crowdsurfers..anyhow all that to say..no pics from those stages sorry
[Aug 4,2006 10:11am - pam ""]
succubus said:Welcome to leominster..birthplace of johnny appleseed. Who is he anyhow?

My husband's family are somehow connected to him. He's frikken Johnny Appleseed! Didn't you go to Kindergarten?
[Aug 4,2006 10:12am - pam ""]
also: I'm so jealous you got to see Joan Jett.
[Aug 4,2006 10:43am - xmikex ""]
at one point, during either black my heart or on broken wings, some dude in a suit jacket was giving crap to ian ran. not sure exactly what was said, but there was a HUGE fight that went beyond my sight shortly after this argument.

it had to have either been the CEO of Vans, or any random dude from a ska band.

and Ian Ran is the man.
[Aug 4,2006 10:58am - anonymous  ""]
who is ian ran?
[Aug 4,2006 10:58am - the_reverend ""]
if you read, he is the man.
[Aug 4,2006 11:02am - xanonymousx nli  ""]
tbone_r said:there's nothing more punk rock than charging 30$ for a show and 4$ for water. water was only a buck at the rockvegas/b9 merch table. and i got in for free, had an awesome time.

i wish i known that there was free water at their tent the people i went with left after 20 mins after a 2 1/2 hour dive i was pissed.... and they don't like hardcore so i was even more pissed when i didn't see death threat.
[Aug 4,2006 1:34pm - xmikex ""]
For more information on Ian Ran consult your local library... or probably Myspace.
[Aug 4,2006 2:05pm - succubus ""]
Oh...look at my helmet pics....anyone recognize the drummer? His band also played warped tour and he's just helping helmet out..
[Aug 4,2006 2:06pm - succubus ""]

The bled
[Aug 4,2006 2:11pm - the_reverend ""]
people hear wouldn't really know that.
the bled's last CD was terrible.
[Aug 4,2006 10:08pm - succubus ""]
ok..how am i supposed to know?
i figured the guys would know...he was relly good nonetheless
[Aug 5,2006 12:47am - tbone_r ""]
xmikex said:For more information on Ian Ran consult your local library... or probably Myspace.

i guess the guy had a bush mask on with a person carrying around a sign that said 'war criminal.' the guy was being annoying and ian told him off.

not sure how true that is, just what i heard.

i dont listen to the bled, sorry carina, no idea who that dude is.
[Aug 5,2006 2:10pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
that whole circle of hull bands kinda annoyes me....to full of themselfs
[Aug 5,2006 5:34pm - josh603 ""]
can't stand losing had a great reaction. shit load of people dancing for them. pretty much went from the b9 stage all the way over to the hurley (i think) stage. random kids over there were watching the bands on the hurley stage and they were getting punched and stuff from people dancing at the b9 stage.

energy was off the hook, though. their op ivy cover was sick
[Aug 5,2006 7:12pm - ian mckay  ""]
babyshaker not logged in said:that whole circle of hull bands kinda annoyes me....to full of themselfs

like you should talk, you kiss as much ass to colin of arabia as they do.
[Aug 5,2006 7:15pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Does this fest suck as bad as Locobazooka?
[Aug 7,2006 3:54pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 7,2006 4:48pm - Hooker nli  ""]
I was born in leominster.

Not proud.

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