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It Will End In Pure Horror vs. Throwing Shrapnel

[Aug 1,2006 9:48pm - horror_tang ""]
Me and I( and me too) have agreed that for my own personal amusement our two bands will be going to war. I thought of having a dance off or perhaps some Puerto Ricans snapping their fingers, but it will happen as such.

Our drummer Matt and TS' guitarist Sean will fight for the honor of their respective bands. The winner will be crowned King of the Northeast for one year and be brought over to Spike's for all expenses paid dinner (no more than $5).

Sean Shrapnel vs. Matt Zombiefucker
Time and venue TBA.
[Aug 1,2006 9:49pm - RichHorror ""]
Dammit, I want a paid dinner at Spike's.
[Aug 1,2006 10:32pm - horror_tang ""]
Then you must run out of O'Brien's bathroom with an unwrapped tootsie roll (the largest size) in your hand hollering "I'm free! I'm free! I'm free at last!!!"
[Aug 1,2006 10:38pm - horror_tang ""]
Yo Gangsta Recognize!
[Aug 2,2006 12:36am - anonymous  ""]
Dance off on the roof of Lined Superette, c'm on don;t be pussies about something this seriouso
[Aug 2,2006 12:36am - RichHorror ""]
In English, please.
[Aug 2,2006 2:07am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
sure why not
[Aug 2,2006 2:11am - Joey Numbers  ""]
Taking bets at 5 to 1 odds in favor of Sean. Found out the little drummer got his ass kicked by a wet sock back in May.
[Aug 2,2006 2:30am - RichHorror ""]
Our drummer gets his ass kicked by life on a daily basis.
[Aug 3,2006 12:12am - Dankill  ""]
Do it at Club Hell on a friday night. Spikes is right next door and we can all get shitfaced while the club sanctions it.
Keith knows people.
I got money on Sean. CHICKEN WING EM, SEAN!
[Aug 3,2006 12:14am - RichHorror ""]
I'm into it.

Only it's CLUB BABYHEAD. I do not recognize it by any other name.
[Aug 3,2006 12:25am - Dankill  ""]
Same place. Same people. Same ending with me making money at Sean's expense.
[Aug 3,2006 5:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
the spikes next too hell closed
[Aug 3,2006 11:18pm - Dankill  ""]
[Aug 3,2006 11:24pm - KeithMutiny ""]
how can you declare bullshit?
[Aug 3,2006 11:33pm - Dankill  ""]
Because it pisses me off. therefore, it is bullshit.
[Aug 4,2006 2:33am - SinisterMinister ""]
wow, never thought I would take a bet on Sean in a fight... But let me put down $50 on the clean-cut white boy.
[Aug 4,2006 2:35am - RichHorror ""]
Wait, which one?
[Aug 4,2006 2:35am - RichHorror ""]
Dankill said:Because it pisses me off. therefore, it is bullshit.

You can't argue with that logic. It's air-tight.
[Aug 4,2006 2:44am - SinisterMinister ""]
Ok, ok.... So are we talking a cage match or what? Cuz all of this fucks with the spread.
[Aug 4,2006 5:07am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i am the man of la mancha

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