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Gettin drunk in Toronto at Helloween/Jag Panzer/Beyond the Embrace

[Oct 12,2003 4:14pm - Lynneaus ""]
what a fucking awesome show... im having a blast up here.

im too lazy to write more so if ur interested u can see me wasted here

i have the grey evergrey shirt on...and yes that is me laying on the floor later on in the thread... such a great night!!!!
[Oct 13,2003 10:22am - the_reverend ""]
someone thought I was in evergrey this weekend.
[Oct 13,2003 10:25am - the_reverend ""]
someone rocked so hard, they forgot where the floor is and had to go looking for it.
[Oct 13,2003 10:29am - the_reverend ""]
mr. adrian is getting down with the ladies.
at least I think that's him.
[Oct 13,2003 10:49am - RustedAngel ""]
i want to see helloween live...
[Oct 13,2003 11:25am - joe/notcommon ""]
does anyone know how much i think beyond the embrace sucks?
[Oct 13,2003 12:39pm - succubus ""]

that's my fave
[Oct 13,2003 2:46pm - UNRESTRAINED! ""]

yes yes in fact that is Mr. Adrian.... all the girls play nice to make him feel better hahahah (im just teasing.. im on his computer and hes reading over my shoulder)

here is the real picture from the lobby that didnt get posted


and succubbus i agree.... thats my buddy andrew.... i think i scared the shit out of him that night hahaha
[Oct 13,2003 6:46pm - dreadkill ""]
i like beyond the embrace. they are excellent live, especially when they headline the new wave
[Oct 14,2003 9:09am - joe/notcommon ""]
isnt that the only place they can headline?
i'd piss all over new bedford
[Oct 14,2003 8:17pm - dreadkill ""]
i spent the last five years pissing on new bedford and now i miss the place ::cue sad wistful music::
[Oct 15,2003 2:14am - the_reverend ""]
I've become everything I hate...

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