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Torture Killer anyone?

[Jul 27,2006 12:18pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Any Torture Killer fans here? The new album featuring Chris Barnes on vocals is KILLER!!!

[Jul 27,2006 12:40pm - Yeti ""]
funny thing i was listening to this new Torture Killer and i thought "wow, that is complete garbage. Chris Barnes needs to give it up"
[Jul 27,2006 12:41pm - the_reverend ""]
it sounds like earlier SFU with earlier cannibal corpse. barnes's vocals are much better on this than the past 3 SFU albums.
[Jul 27,2006 12:42pm - Yeti ""]
see i thoroughly enjoy SFU's "Haunted" but anything post is bantha fodder.
[Jul 27,2006 12:42pm - the_reverend ""]
this is more like his maximum violence voice.
[Jul 27,2006 12:43pm - Anthony nli  ""]
i wanna check it out. havent gotten around to it yet.
[Jul 27,2006 12:45pm - xmikex ""]
Proof positive Vomitthesoul = Jugulator
[Jul 27,2006 12:55pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Im so sick of people dumping on Chris Barnes and SFU.SFU are far better than alot of bands out there today.Im looking forward to seeing them in the fall.I hope Chris makes another album with Torture Killer
[Jul 27,2006 12:56pm - largefreakatzero ""]
FYI: SFU = Not good. I heard one TK song on Sirius Radio. It stunk.
[Jul 27,2006 12:58pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 27,2006 1:06pm - xmikex ""]
[Jul 27,2006 1:15pm - vomitthesoul ""]
So what you people think is good Death Metal?
[Jul 27,2006 1:19pm - Yeti ""]
Nile, Decapitated, Incantation, Vital Remains, Malevolent Creation, Gorguts, etc...

either way black metal > death metal.
[Jul 27,2006 1:59pm - xmikex ""]
[Jul 27,2006 2:04pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Yeti said:Nile, Decapitated, Incantation, Vital Remains, Malevolent Creation, Gorguts, etc...

either way black metal > death metal.

good band list

booo-urns to the BM > DM comment. totally not true dude. black metal can be pretty damn awesome though.
[Jul 27,2006 2:05pm - Anthony nli  ""]
oh and this is what death metal is all about:


[Jul 27,2006 2:11pm - xmikex ""]
[Jul 27,2006 2:51pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Bhahahahahahaha, torture killer. Biggest joke to come out lately. Well, next to Al Gore trying to get attention. "I am totally serial"!!!
[Jul 27,2006 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
Anthony nli said:Yeti said:Nile, Decapitated, Incantation, Vital Remains, Malevolent Creation, Gorguts, etc...

either way black metal > death metal.

good band list

booo-urns to the BM > DM comment. totally not true dude. black metal can be pretty damn awesome though.

i was saying boo-urns. hahahaha nice one man. death metal is great, but to me black metal is where its at. i love all aspects of it. you can do so much more with it than death metal, because if you start experimenting with death metal, you can really muck it up. of course you can with bm too, but its more open to doing something obscure.
[Jul 27,2006 3:50pm - Josh_Martin ""]
vomitthesoul said:So what you people think is good Death Metal?

Nunslaughter, Repulsion, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, early Carcass, early Bolt Thrower....

SFU is gayer than two guys fucking on leather night at the Ramrod.
[Jul 27,2006 3:51pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Death metal could be played on southern fiddles and vomitthesoul would like it.

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