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The Gay that is myspace

[Jul 25,2006 2:36pm - powerkok ""]
just made me sign in to sign out....wtf?
I think myspace has gotten too big for its servers.
[Jul 25,2006 3:11pm - christraper ""]
Yea dude Ill sign in and then it'll tell me I have to be signed in to do that. Must be the down syndrome.
[Jul 25,2006 3:12pm - ShadowSD ""]
It's all that Tom guy's fault.
[Jul 25,2006 3:14pm - christraper ""]
we should hunt him down
[Jul 25,2006 3:14pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 25,2006 4:47pm - anonymous  ""]
some guy who came in for an interview in my office just got owned after my co-worker found him on myspace five muntues after the interview. he listed himself as his hero. LOSER.
[Jul 25,2006 4:50pm - Tim_John ""]
anonymous said:some guy who came in for an interview in my office just got owned after my co-worker found him on myspace five muntues after the interview. he listed himself as his hero. LOSER.

LOL. A post with such controversial content must be posted anonymously.


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