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RTTP is live, SNAP IT F#%$ ITO IT

[radioshow]  _______________________________________
[Jul 24,2006 11:06pm - the_reverend ""]

tune in.
much good musica
[Jul 24,2006 11:10pm - mcmahon ""]
[Jul 24,2006 11:25pm - demondave ""]
[Jul 25,2006 12:02am - blue ""]
funny that you announced that FASSW show that happened on july 27th of LAST year.
[Jul 25,2006 12:04am - brian_dc ""]
I remember accidently posting that in the wrong year. Tried to get rid of it, but clearly someone fought me to leave it up.
[Jul 25,2006 12:05am - Tim_John ""]
[Jul 25,2006 12:22am - brian_dc ""]
damn...that new Unearth was pretty unlistenable. Even did the nu-metal whisper talk build up into breakdown thing that was really big in the late 90s. And this is coming from someone who actually dug everything up to and including Endless.
[Jul 25,2006 12:26am - Anthony nli  ""]
gonna listen to RTTP tonight.

play Forest of Impaled and Hate and/or Trauma if you have them. If not that then, new Internal Suffering. thanks
[Jul 25,2006 12:37am - the_reverend ""]
ok.. this AIM roney420t is messaging me dumb things, if you are board, feel free to chat it up with that dude. he doesn't seem to get the fact that I'm doing a radio show.
[Jul 25,2006 12:39am - Tim_John ""]
[Jul 25,2006 12:40am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
play something off of thenightmarecontinues disk, i cant find mine
[Jul 25,2006 12:40am - Tim_John ""]
HEy REverend, you have any SATAN JOKERS?

[Jul 25,2006 12:59am - Anthony nli  ""]
sweet i heard my request, now to sleep
[Jul 25,2006 1:22am - sxealex ""]
y not some psyopus
[Jul 25,2006 1:30am - sxealex ""]
hell yea
[Jul 25,2006 1:35am - dwellingsickness ""]
hey Rev, Can you play,"They were warned " by Frightmare
[Jul 25,2006 1:39am - the_reverend ""]
what number is it?
[Jul 25,2006 1:41am - anonymous  ""]

[Jul 25,2006 1:42am - Murph ""]
^^^ that was me, and damn proud of it
[Jul 25,2006 1:45am - Anonymoususerwhoisn'tRetzam  ""]
Hey Rev, you should play that band Guenhyvar, I think half of their upcoming demo can be heard at http://www.myspace.com/guenhyvar . ahem
[Jul 25,2006 1:51am - dwellingsickness ""]
the_reverend said:what number is it?

#5....Sorry I was occupied
[Jul 25,2006 2:37am - the_reverend ""]
dwellingsickness said:the_reverend said:what number is it?

#5....Sorry I was snorting coke off a hooker's ass

it's ok. you hit me back just in time.
[Jul 25,2006 2:39am - dwellingsickness nli  ""]
Do you have a live feed in my apartment somewhere?...You always know what the fuck I am doing?...Perv
[Jul 25,2006 2:41am - RichHorror ""]
Aaron, did you end up taking one of the Dissector/IWEIPH samplers at the fest?
[Jul 25,2006 2:44am - the_reverend ""]
I think si. shit. I forgot to play ANY of the CDs I brought from this weekend.
[Jul 25,2006 2:45am - the_reverend ""]
dwellingsickness nli said:Do you have a live feed in my apartment somewhere?...You always know what the fuck I am doing?...Perv

if you weren't such a cheap a$$h0le, you would have comcast HDTV and you would be able to see what you are doing too. just to warning you, it's about 8 seconds behind real time.
[Jul 25,2006 2:47am - dwellingsickness nli  ""]
Sorry dude, Disability don't pay shit in NH
[Jul 25,2006 2:47am - dwellingsickness nli  ""]
RichHorror said:Aaron, did you end up taking one of the Dissector/IWEIPH samplers at the fest?

Hi, I'd like one of those...please
[Jul 25,2006 2:56am - BornSoVile ""]
AHHHH, I missed you play WOODTEMPLE, you CUNT!!!
[Jul 25,2006 2:57am - RichHorror ""]
It's the songs that are on each band's myspace. Besides, the split is out next month.
[Jul 25,2006 2:57am - dwellingsickness nli  ""]
myspace is gay
[Jul 25,2006 3:01am - RichHorror ""]
So is New Hampshire. And dudes railing other dudes. And sobriety.
[Jul 25,2006 3:05am - dwellingsickness nli  ""]
hey now NH is not gay,well maybe the further south ya go haha
[Jul 25,2006 3:08am - RichHorror ""]
The only section of NH that isn't gay is where the Tunnelrats live. Because they always have a lot of beer.
[Jul 25,2006 3:16am - the_reverend ""]
disability? this is cause the bomb shelter fired you when you wouldn't hit on serge's wofe?

SCAM! I'm on to you now toddmister. I'm going to watch the HDTV feed waiting for the day you mess up and we see you running up a couple flights of stairs. YOU ARE GOING DOWN! I don't care how many hooker's asses I have to watch you blow lines off of until I catch you. live it up cause you're going dizzown.

on a side note: you already flipped your calendar to august so I can't see which suffocation show you are going to (it was before I hit record on the Tivo). which one are you hitting up?
[Jul 25,2006 6:04am - dwellingsickness ""]
I heard 1 tix gets you into both nights, So I am hopefully hittin up both, But definately Friday night.
[Jul 25,2006 6:05am - dwellingsickness ""]
RichHorror said:The only section of NH that isn't gay is where the Tunnelrats live. Because they always have a lot of beer.

The band?...They are killer, They played the shelter quite a few times I believe
[Jul 25,2006 7:55am - the_reverend ""]
thought the tunnel rats guys actually live in maine back when.

shit! I fell asleep and probably missed what I was looking for. hope my tivo doesn't get full. I can't keep both todd and aaron hours (seeing as your schedule is exactly opposite my schedule.)
[Jul 25,2006 8:26am - Tim_John ""]

TJ out
[Jul 25,2006 8:29am - Tim_John ""]

Sorry for direct linking, that is all I KNow.

[Jul 25,2006 8:30am - Tim_John ""]
[Jul 25,2006 8:51am - the_reverend ""]
you can't link to them.
[Jul 25,2006 8:59am - dwellingsickness nli  ""]
the_reverend said:thought the tunnel rats guys actually live in maine back when.

shit! I fell asleep and probably missed what I was looking for. hope my tivo doesn't get full. I can't keep both todd and aaron hours (seeing as your schedule is exactly opposite my schedule.)

Sleep is for wussies
[Jul 25,2006 9:02am - the_reverend ""]
then why do you sleep from noon until 3am? I'm on to you. I'm at work now and can't see what you are doing.
[Jul 25,2006 2:56pm - dwellingsickness ""]
haha, not me......never
[Jul 25,2006 3:08pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
And by grimmy grim you meant Gloomy Grim? Great band.
[Jul 25,2006 4:01pm - SteveOTB ""]
I'm sure this has been asked a million times, I'm just too lazy to search for it but why do you play Ministry's "Stigmata" at the begining of every show?
[Jul 25,2006 4:02pm - the_reverend ""]
it was the first song I played for some reason sept 2 1996.. and I just kept going with it.
[Jul 25,2006 4:03pm - SteveOTB ""]
Ahh best not to break tradition.
[Jul 25,2006 4:14pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I might die.
[Jul 25,2006 5:02pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I thought you were a superhero, Superhero's don't die. I think you should change it ,just once to fuck with people, see if anyone is paying attention.
[Jul 25,2006 5:04pm - the_reverend ""]
every super heroe has his kryptonite.
[Jul 25,2006 8:17pm - xanonymousx ""]
i heard a rumor that cut my throat as i bled was on this show? is this true?

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