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All Asia Cafe (Cambridge, MA) - [adult][buckhunter][hixx][randomshots][death_before_dishonor][downhill_fast][nothing_but_enemies][randomshots][uppercut][wrecking_crew][grief][randomshots][unearthly_trance][witchtomb]
[Jul 21,2006 1:08pm - Jimmy Flynn  ""]
Saturday July 29th


@ Club Lido
1290 N. Shore Blvd
3PM ALL AGES w/ Bar!

Club shares parking lot with Wonderland Blue line stop
[Jul 21,2006 2:27pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 21,2006 3:03pm - Jimmy Flynn  ""]
no crappy stage dives either from me...hopefully
[Jul 21,2006 3:11pm - the_reverend ""]
I have a feeling there will be.. since they have your motivation on tap
[Jul 21,2006 5:22pm - ninkaszi  ""]
i'm there.
[Jul 21,2006 6:29pm - ichabod ""]
Very fucking likely you'll see my jaded old ass come out for this one...
[Jul 21,2006 6:29pm - maslayer  ""]
omg...that's great!!
[Jul 21,2006 7:27pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I cant make it because we're playing some gay fest...
[Jul 22,2006 2:07am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Fuck!!! I wish this show was going to be on a different date........ I'll have to contact Keith Bennett to try and set up another show
[Jul 24,2006 11:23am - Jimmy Flynn  ""]
Wrecking Crew @ CBGB yesterday was insane
[Jul 29,2006 5:49pm - the_reverend ""]
NBE on now.
[Jul 29,2006 7:08pm - the_reverend ""]
ENEMIES FOR LIFE: I missed them.. Got there about an hour too late. Robin said they were awesome.

downhill fast: no stagedives?!? Wtf! This is jimmy flynn's new band. I ran in for the last minutes of their set so I didn't get a good idea of what they sounded like. The one thing I noticed was the band (besides jimmy) didn't look like they wanted to be on stage. I have a feeling that I was too late to see something that happened. Probably imvolving beer since the side of the stage is covered in beer. I got a demo so I can report back later.
[Jul 29,2006 7:10pm - the_reverend ""]
nothing but enemies: awesome set. The best way to describ it was misanthropic punk rock done in the style of the late 80's by people who were there when other bands were doing what they are trying to bring back. Did that make sense? Probably not. In short, bring back true boston drunk punk. There was tons of beer sloshed around and mike (for the worse) hit a girl hard. So hard infact that she spilt all her beer and then began hitting him.
[Jul 29,2006 7:12pm - the_reverend ""]
UPPERCUT: this is the first time they have been back in the area in something like 17 years. This is the type of music that bands like all else failed should have on their influences list. If not, they are probably lying. their bands sounds like it was punk influence by the post-punk/hardcore likes of minor threat. I'm probably right cause they were all around to witness that time period when it happend. their set started off a little rocky. The crowd didn't seem in to it, but towards the end, they started to play more songs from other bands (bands that members of uppercut were/are in) and the crowd totally got into it. You can witness this in the sing-alongs. Oh and the drummer looked like trevor (unearth).
[Jul 29,2006 7:55pm - the_reverend ""]
death before dishonor: when DB4D went on, the average age of the audeince dropped. out of all the bands. I'm more familiar with DB4B's music that the other bands. there was a dumb fight between friends at the beginning of their set. It was solved quickly, but it took longer than it should have. Though there weren't too many people up front for them, there was enough to make it a fun set. It was also weird that they were playing without a bassplayer. Franky was MIA. You would think b-roll would have hopped up on bass (doesnt he play bass too?), but they just went bassless. Because of this, they only played maybe 5-songs. This also probably is why they didn't headline.
[Jul 30,2006 3:04am - the_reverend ""]
pictures about to be uploaded.
[Jul 30,2006 3:07am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
the_reverend said:ENEMIES FOR LIFE: I missed them.. Got there about an hour too late. Robin said they were awesome.

i think tim from nadir plays drums for them.
[Jul 30,2006 8:07am - maslayer  ""]
how i wish roadrunner would re-release Balance of terror! that show looked like it was killer...wish i was able to make it!
[Jul 30,2006 9:22pm - anonymous  ""]
No wrecking crew review?
[Jul 30,2006 9:43pm - the_reverend ""]
I fell asleep and woke up to go to another show (after a movie). I need to write/post it still.
I'm actually at a show right now typing this.
[Jul 31,2006 9:15am - anonymous  ""]
It is being re-released on iscream records. Out some time in Aug.
[Aug 2,2006 8:56am - the_reverend ""]
wrecking crew: the first time I heard this band was back in 1994 when I called up and won a CD on WUNH's metal show "the pit". How many years ago was that? Way way way too many. Now, I'm the "return to the pit" dude.
before they started up, keith, the bass player, came up and introduced himself to me. Then he proceeded to sound check woth the song supernaut. He's the "other" guy in ramallah for you kids.
The pit filled up with a lot of people from the "older" generation, acting like they were 16 again... For about 19 second before their age caught up with them and they had to stop for a breather. Someone's going to be sore in the morning! Something that is a vehicle to transport you back to you youth is a precious thing. I suggest everyone get their "new" CD if you like this era of music. Otherwise, your head walking permit will be revoked. no bullshit, just people having fun.

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