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Yet another amazing Craigslist post removed

[Jul 20,2006 12:32pm - xmikex ""]
My roomate pointed out this to me:

It's some woman talking about how awesome she is because she's knowledgeable about sports and how guys are intimidated by it. It was totally lame and full of trite crappy typical observations. So my roomate started making fun of her. So he wrote a response to her (which I'm sure one of us will post later) and so did I. Here's my response which lasted about 2 hours.

Title: (women seeking men) RE: MILLIONS FOR STUPIDITY

First of all, what a totally cliché, and (at this point) trite criticism of A-Rod. No shit he’s an overpaid athlete. What professional athlete in America besides the MLS isn’t? How do his paycheck, his high school transcripts, or the opinion of Suzy Knownothing effect his drop in fielding percentage, or the pennant race whatsoever? That’s why no one likes to hear from women when it comes to sports: lame, hackneyed observations about obvious facts, and trivial points. And every time you get the slightest bit of sports knowledge under your belt you tout it like you’re Peter Gammons in a sun dress.

Seriously, when was the last time you saw someone pull off a fake punt that wasn’t on Joe Montana Sports Talk Football? Sounds like someone’s read one too many books by Rodney Peete’s wife. Do you lead off all your conversations with an introspective on the infield fly rule? If so, no wonder you’re on Craigslist. Yeah, that’s what a guy wants; to sit and watch the game with a girl so she can’t point out every absurd fake kick opportunity, and jabber in my ear about what constitutes icing. I can’t wait to hear you tell me how Terry Francona should run the Statue of Liberty play. Nobody cares what you talk about during the game as long as you don’t burn the jalapeño poppers you better be making me. Take a seat.


[Jul 20,2006 12:35pm - niccolai ""]
You should have put in there somewhere something about how she shouldn't be able to vote.
[Jul 20,2006 12:42pm - anonymous  ""]
peter gammons in a sun dress...gold.
[Jul 20,2006 12:43pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
[Jul 20,2006 12:58pm - xmikex ""]
let women vote all they want.

elections are rigged anyways.
[Jul 20,2006 1:07pm - niccolai ""]
xmikex said:let women vote all they want.

elections are rigged anyways.

[Jul 20,2006 9:40pm - XdunnyX ""]
this is the orignal response to that listing.enjoy.

Re: millions for stupidity

At least a-rod gets his millions for being stupid, you just get to wake up in the morning. I can actually sense the giggles amongst you when you decide on a topic that is gonna shake man world to its very core. Women who like sports...borrrriinnnnggg , next question. Fake Punts: When they are going to happen. I don't know how that abomination came to thought. Maybe it was a blurb you read in the back of STAR magazine or the fondue you were slurping got stuck in between the keys of your keyboard, rendering your typing wand utterly useless and leaving you with a question so silly or pointless it makes me wanna take a forty pound shit in Eugene Chung's helmet. Points bitches if you know who that is.

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