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10/10 Friday - Nientara, Invocation Of Nehek

Exit 23 (Haverhill, Ma) - [behelit][invocation_of_nehek][our_fate_ends][randomshots][the_auburn_system]
[Oct 10,2003 8:49am - RustedAngel ""]
Our Fate Ends
Invocation Of Nehek
The Auburn System
$5.00 Doors
7pm all ages

Exit 23 (Haverhill, Ma)
directions: http://www.returntothepit.com/directions.php?index=2

who's going? I'm going, Rev's going... That means you should go.

Gotta see my ION nigs for the 2nd time in one week!

[Oct 10,2003 10:14am - RustedAngel ""]
[Oct 10,2003 10:21am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going I'm going.
[Oct 10,2003 10:26am - RustedAngel ""]
CT sux, lets show that mass can truly bring the mosh!

you and me aaron, circle pit.. 8:05pm.


[Oct 10,2003 11:07am - xboobiesx@work  ""]
drive me there.

[Oct 10,2003 11:12am - RustedAngel ""]
someone drive ERIN to this! pleaaaaaaase! with condoms on top!
[Oct 10,2003 1:32pm - RustedAngel ""]
for a good time

go tonight.

[Oct 10,2003 2:06pm - the_reverend ""]
you're saltier than a semen sandwich.
[Oct 10,2003 2:42pm - succubus ""]
drink pineapple juice Tom
[Oct 10,2003 3:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
mountain dew?

free mountain dew at the show tonight! go!
[Oct 10,2003 3:35pm - succubus ""]

well i can't make it tonight unfortunately

i gotta do some running around:ralphie:
[Oct 10,2003 4:42pm - RustedAngel ""]
so the photography trio does not ride tonight...

i guess rev and i will ride solo on this one... like old times.

[Oct 10,2003 10:01pm - succubus ""]
well at least i got to talk to you both on the phone


hope you had fun
[Oct 10,2003 11:35pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm home from the show now.
working on the pictures.
give me a few minutes.
though... if I had some pizza this might go quicker...
the 4 apples I ate on the ride home's not cutting it.
[Oct 10,2003 11:37pm - the_reverend ""]
pictures are up now.
[Oct 11,2003 12:54am - the_reverend ""]
wow.. that was a lot like a gothic 7th grade dance. Once again, I figure that I'm was the oldest person there.

behelit: pretty good metalcore with melodic-ish clean riffs. I semi-expected a seven day curse cover, but no such luck.

the auburn system: of course, I've missed these guys live every single time. I was busy ouside talking about apples when I realized they were on. raced in, only missing 1/2 of the first song. unfortunately, it's my favorite of their tracks.

invocation of nehek: geez... is their bass player ever animated. Anyhow, they almost didn't get there due to traffic, but I'm glad they did. it was a pretty awesome set. I can't wait to get a copy of the new tracks.

our fate ends: wow.. the high school kids really liked them. I can see it because the emo parts of their music.
[Oct 11,2003 1:42am - RustedAngel ""]

my pictures: http://www.watchtomhumponline.com/gallery.php?view=0&data=402

tons of younger kids, but hey, thats cool. they are the future scene so it's good for them to be exposed to better music... if only more would show up at the total metal shows though.

benefit: ok.

the auburn system: missed first half was outside talking about apples and corndogs.

invocation of nehek: my niggz tore that shit up even with the lights on. had almost every kid in that place bobbing their heads which was awesome to see because that definetly doesn't happen even in their homestate of CT.

our fate ends: i didn't dig them in fall river, was the same for this show. glad the guitar player didn't play eminem this time in between songs. i went outside halfway through to talk about corndogs again.

[Oct 11,2003 2:08am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
RustedAngel said:our fate ends: i didn't dig them in fall river, was the same for this show. glad the guitar player didn't play eminem this time in between songs. i went outside halfway through to talk about corndogs again.

The best thing they ever made was a hole in the wall across from our rehersal room, and even that was rather annoying. They splashed paint on our door too, though most of it stayed on their door upon which they painted naughty words for some childish reason.
[Oct 11,2003 2:55am - somedude  ""]
Behelit was pretty good...a lot better than what I was expecting having never heard of them before, some very catchy songs that made me want to kick some ass

The Auburn System were excellent as always

Invocation was pretty good, great live show...the music was a little redundant for my tastes

Our fate Ends a little too emo for me
[Oct 11,2003 12:13pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, but one of those highschoolers came up and asked me if I was in Evergrey!
[Oct 11,2003 1:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
you might as well be, you were too cool for the flyer i put on your car. ahahaha.
[Oct 11,2003 5:55pm - Noah ""]
why is everyone knocking CT? we all love invocation. plus the new shit is awesome
[Oct 11,2003 6:07pm - RustedAngel ""]
oh yeah, and NIENTARA is fucking gay... way to show up!
[Oct 12,2003 1:02am - right  ""]
yeah, im so sick of that emo/hardcore/i wear girls pants/ scene shit. i dont really mind emo, i could care less what people like, i mean im sure there are some really good emo bands out there with great stuff. and i respect that to a certain level, but im just sick of these kids coming to these shows and starting these horrible bands just because its the fad of the week. OUR FATE ENDS= biggest example of this shit. its bands like this, and their fans/friends that make it just plain hard to go to shows anymore without feeling like u are at hot topic or just the mall in general. look guys, we know none of you really like these bands that u claim to "love" you are trying to fit in, u suck, go home or go to the mall, just leave the scene for the love of god. i feel bad that the rev has to deal with this and take pictures of you fucks.
[Oct 12,2003 2:28am - RustedAngel ""]
yeah, i'm unhappy with the direction of most the bands in the scene today that are 'popular'... hopefully it will change and there will be more originality.
[Oct 12,2003 3:00am - the_reverend ""]
I liked the wall painting there.
I liked it better in the original doungeon master guide.
[Oct 12,2003 4:13am - matty2tymes ""]
the auburn system were butal as fuck! every should check those guys out. espeacialy if you get a chance to see them. ION were fucking incredible. really great guys as well.
[Oct 12,2003 11:16am - OFEsucks  ""]
yes, our fate ends are a fuckign terrible band. im glad people are finally starting to realize that.
[Oct 13,2003 8:40am - v1olenc3 ""]
this show was alot of fun, The Auburn System were awesome, I'm enjoyng their mp3's as well! I thought Our Fate Ends was alot better live then their mp3's, i enjoyed their set. i missed the other bands because traffic was out of control driving up. Thanks for all the kind words, and thanks to rev and tom for coming out, taking pics and hanging out. Hopefully we get up that way more often.
[Oct 14,2003 11:31pm - robsheol  ""]
yo, to the guy who said Nientara is gay for not showing up....its not my fault. I was there. it was Georges fathers b-day, so he had to see him. It was said somewhere that the reason they didnt go is because their replacement singer couldnt make it.......dude, i was there. my fucking band played!!! I thought the show was awesome and i would like to play there again. Matt said he would hook us us whenever, and we would love that!! And the Auburn system is fucking awesome!!! they were playing when we got there and I didnt know who it was, but when i found out i dug them. plus, its always good to see Tom and The Rev.....:skull::ralphie:
[Nov 12,2003 12:38am - FUCK YOU  ""]
[Nov 12,2003 2:22am - RustedAngel ""]
they are gay, go away.

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