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My girlfriend just sent me this...

[Jul 19,2006 10:37am - ShadowSD ""]
[Jul 19,2006 11:11am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
That is prime! Chipmunks rule all.
[Jul 19,2006 11:12am - powerkok ""]
she sent you the chipmunk?
or the bowl?
[Jul 19,2006 11:13am - powerkok ""]
Notice the socked and sandal'd FUCKIN HIPPIE in the background!?!?!
[Jul 19,2006 12:24pm - ShadowSD ""]
powerkok said:she sent you the chipmunk?
or the bowl?

She sent me the bowl.

She cooked me the chipmunk.
[Jul 19,2006 12:25pm - intricateprocess ""]
powerkok said:P.S.
Notice the socked and sandal'd FUCKIN HIPPIE in the background!?!?!

[Jul 19,2006 12:27pm - ShadowSD ""]
Actually, ironically enough she did buy me my glass piece, come to think of it.
[Jul 19,2006 12:28pm - ShadowSD ""]
I hate sandals. Sandals give pot a bad name.
[Jul 19,2006 12:29pm - powerkok ""]
The ManchVegas PD donated a sweet dragon glass peice to HCN.
No lie.
[Jul 19,2006 12:32pm - ShadowSD ""]
Home Chopping Network?
[Jul 19,2006 12:33pm - powerkok ""]
Ho Chopping Network, actually.
[Jul 19,2006 2:15pm - Yeti ""]
that is fucking awesome.
[Jul 19,2006 2:45pm - Tommy DeVito  ""]
ShadowSD said:Actually, ironically enough she did buy me my glass piece, come to think of it.

Oh, you mean the glass strap-on that she bangs you in the ass with.
[Jul 19,2006 3:04pm - anonymous  ""]
powerkok said:P.S.
Notice the socked and sandal'd FUCKIN HIPPIE in the background!?!?!


[Jul 19,2006 3:08pm - anonymous  ""]
...even more Hand-Choke-Sandal-Socks[img]
[Jul 19,2006 3:10pm - powerkok ""]
Im sure its a seperate hippie, but trust me, my bassist does not hear the end of my bitching on his socks and sandals habit.

Stevus, the socked and sandal'd hippie Christ.
Sign in anonaho.
[Jul 19,2006 3:13pm - christraper ""]
ShadowSD said:[img]

Weve got this picture on our fridge. Our fridge that doesnt work. At least not well enough to keep my goddamn ice cream sandwiches cold. Bastard fridge. I hate summer.
[Jul 19,2006 4:47pm - RaineSong ""]
Tommy DeVito said:ShadowSD said:Actually, ironically enough she did buy me my glass piece, come to think of it.

Oh, you mean the glass strap-on that she bangs you in the ass with.

First, do glass strap-ons exist? It sounds dangerous to me. I would think that the pressure of the anal hole would shatter a glass strap-on. Second, I tend to question the sexuality of males that make unprovoked homophobic “jokes” at the expense of another male. Are you in love with my boyfriend, sir?


[Jul 19,2006 4:49pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
You are going to be fun
[Jul 19,2006 7:55pm - the_reverend ""]
glass dildos do exist:

and acrillic is much more dangerous than glass.
[Jul 19,2006 8:55pm - Hooker nli  ""]
[Jul 19,2006 8:57pm - powerkok ""]
AKA....massive glass shaft!!
[Jul 19,2006 9:05pm - mcmahon ""]
powerkok said:Im sure its a seperate hippie, but trust me, my bassist does not hear the end of my bitching on his socks and sandals habit.

[Jul 19,2006 9:48pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 19,2006 11:59pm - retzam ""]
RichHorror said:[img]

Hahahaha I remember that.
[Jul 20,2006 12:00am - retzam ""]
Hahaha oh man it's just so over the top.
[Jul 20,2006 12:09am - hoser ""]
anonymous said:...even more Hand-Choke-Sandal-Socks[img]

We've tried to get him to stop doing that....over and over. He insists on being a retard. He does it just to piss people off......welcome to dumb Steve.
[Jul 20,2006 7:59am - anonymous  ""]
hoser said:anonymous said:...even more Hand-Choke-Sandal-Socks[img]

We've tried to get him to stop doing that....over and over. He insists on being a retard. He does it just to piss people off......welcome to dumb Steve.

It's cool man, I was just teasing because of Powerkok's sock n' sandl'd hippy comment. I agree though, wearing socks with sandals is grounds for a beatdown...actually just sandals in general even without socks. It's one thing to throw on a cheapo pair of flip flops at the beach or something, but c'mon. Just don't let Hail the Leaf know that there's a socked/sandl'd hippy in HCN or it will shatter your image of being fascist in her eyes.
[Jul 20,2006 9:09am - davefromthegrave ""]
powerkok said:P.S.
Notice the socked and sandal'd FUCKIN HIPPIE in the background!?!?!

you know who that is, right? It's Joe Christianni.
[Jul 21,2006 5:57am - Tommy DeVito  ""]
RaineSong said:Tommy DeVito said:ShadowSD said:Actually, ironically enough she did buy me my glass piece, come to think of it.

Oh, you mean the glass strap-on that she bangs you in the ass with.

First, do glass strap-ons exist? It sounds dangerous to me. I would think that the pressure of the anal hole would shatter a glass strap-on. Second, I tend to question the sexuality of males that make unprovoked homophobic “jokes” at the expense of another male. Are you in love with my boyfriend, sir?


Dangerous, no but you probably need one for yourself. You have got to be the dumbest hole ever. Jokes directed toward your boyfriend are funny and either have to do with his sexual orientation or the fact that he looks like he has Down's Syndrome. Chromosone 21 definitely has something wrong with it. How can it be a homophobic joke if it is directed toward the "straight" guy you are dating? Otherwise, you have just come on this board and let everyone know your boyfriend is gay and I am telling gay jokes about him.

You seem like a pretty dumb broad. The modern eugenics programs are going to catch up with you someday. I was thinking, maybe I can introduce you to my singer and he can take you out for a night on the town. You can go out for dinner, a movie (you paying of course) and then go back to his place and he can give you a rufie. By rufie, of course, I mean a brick.

On a more serious note though. Quit fighting your "man's" battles for him and get in the kitchen and make me some dinner. While you at it. Clean the fucking house! It's like a fucking pig sty.
[Jul 21,2006 10:53am - anonymous  ""]
RichHorror said:[img]

that ladies vagina looks like a muppet
[Jul 21,2006 10:55am - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
^^ me
[Jul 21,2006 11:01am - RichHorror ""]
I never knew Tommy DeVito was in a band.
[Jul 21,2006 11:02am - pam ""]
RichHorror said:[img]

It must smell so bad in there...
[Jul 21,2006 11:37am - skullfucked ""]
does anyone else get a raging boner looking at this?
[Jul 21,2006 12:44pm - RaineSong ""]
Tommy DeVito said:RaineSong said:Tommy DeVito said:ShadowSD said:Actually, ironically enough she did buy me my glass piece, come to think of it.

Oh, you mean the glass strap-on that she bangs you in the ass with.

First, do glass strap-ons exist? It sounds dangerous to me. I would think that the pressure of the anal hole would shatter a glass strap-on. Second, I tend to question the sexuality of males that make unprovoked homophobic “jokes” at the expense of another male. Are you in love with my boyfriend, sir?


Dangerous, no but you probably need one for yourself. You have got to be the dumbest hole ever. Jokes directed toward your boyfriend are funny and either have to do with his sexual orientation or the fact that he looks like he has Down's Syndrome. Chromosone 21 definitely has something wrong with it. How can it be a homophobic joke if it is directed toward the "straight" guy you are dating? Otherwise, you have just come on this board and let everyone know your boyfriend is gay and I am telling gay jokes about him.

You seem like a pretty dumb broad. The modern eugenics programs are going to catch up with you someday. I was thinking, maybe I can introduce you to my singer and he can take you out for a night on the town. You can go out for dinner, a movie (you paying of course) and then go back to his place and he can give you a rufie. By rufie, of course, I mean a brick.

On a more serious note though. Quit fighting your "man's" battles for him and get in the kitchen and make me some dinner. While you at it. Clean the fucking house! It's like a fucking pig sty.

It seems that my comments have enraged you to the point of more insults. I, too, was joking. This may have been lost in the subtlety and sarcasm of my words. Thank you for offering to introduce me to your “singer,” but as you already know, I am with the retard of my dreams. (That was a joke.) I hope that your “singer” is able to differentiate between your insults and your jokes, unlike a dumb hole like myself. (That was a joke, too.) To address your “serious note”: You referred to me in your original post; therefore, I had every right to respond. However, I still reserve the right to squash anyone that insults “my man.” (I feel like I should have been shaking my head as I said that.) Anyway, since Shadow is “my man” (shakes head), then why the fuck would I make YOU dinner?

[Jul 21,2006 12:48pm - the_reverend ""]
how gay
[Jul 21,2006 11:24pm - horror_tang NLI  ""]
Very gay. Everyone just needs to get along.
[Jul 21,2006 11:30pm - Abbath ""]
this whole thread is a lie
none of us have girlfriends
[Jul 21,2006 11:57pm - Noodles  ""]
Ms. RaineSong consider Mr. DeVito a fucking dead man. I've have told him numerous times to keep his fucking mouth shut. I'm going to put a fucking bullet in his head tomorrow. Never to be heard from again. He will not be bothering you nor your family ever again.

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