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soylent green: which one is the best

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[Jul 18,2006 6:05pm - sphincter  ""]
the band the movie or that wumpscut song, either way it's ppl
[Jul 18,2006 6:11pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The movie.

Then the Wumpscut song.

Then the band.
[Jul 18,2006 6:36pm - Anthony nli  ""]
never saw movie, never heard Wumpscut and love the band, so they get my vote.
[Jul 18,2006 8:41pm - retzam ""]
Wasn't the movie based on a book?
[Jul 18,2006 10:03pm - Anthill ""]
I saw the movie, I didn't see what the big deal was they were only using dead people as to make the solyent green. In the Movie the earth had become incredibly overpoplated and other food sources had been depleted, so it would make sense to use dead humans as a food sources to survive. If they were actully killing people to make soylnet green, I'd understand, but the people used to make soylnet green were already dead, what's the problem? Its only if you eat the brains of your own species is when a problem rises, if I understand what I saw on the discrovery channel. maybe some one saw that movie differently.
I the bands rules but I refuse to vote in this poll
[Jul 19,2006 9:24pm - sphincter  ""]

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