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Masshole invasion

[Jul 15,2006 7:40pm - hoser ""]
Another weekend....another 2 days of Massholes clogging up RT. 16
[Jul 15,2006 7:43pm - hoser ""]
"Hey deahhhh!!!!! Let's go ta New Hampsha and Maine this weekend!!! We can buy stuff tax fareeeee!!!! And they have L.L Bean!!!!!!! Tax Fareeeeee!!!! We'll pahk the cah theyahhhh and shop!!!!!!>

Fucking idiots.....
[Jul 15,2006 9:16pm - retzam ""]
Another weekend, another 2 days of hoser clogging up a perfectly good message board with useless shit. I hope someone takes advantage of those awesome gun laws you're always raving about and shoots you in the head.
[Jul 15,2006 9:17pm - retzam ""]
I kid I kid, I don't hope you get shot. But calm down you silly goose.
[Jul 15,2006 9:19pm - hoser ""]
All in fun....masshole.
[Jul 16,2006 12:07am - retzam ""]
My masshole is very itchy right now.
[Jul 16,2006 12:30am - chrisnli  ""]
Mass St Police are sooo dumb.. I went to Foxwoods and Mohegan last night and was gambling and drinking from 6:00 to 2:30 am and then left. I got pulled over out side of WOOSTAH. I had two open containers right beside me and the stupid fuck didnt see them. hahahaha fuck you MA
[Jul 16,2006 12:32am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hoser, I find your state bigotry to be amusing but, can't you...just condense it down into one thread?
[Jul 16,2006 8:34am - hoser ""]
Good point. Taken.
[Jul 16,2006 9:17am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
chrisnli said:Mass St Police are sooo dumb.. I went to Foxwoods and Mohegan last night and was gambling and drinking from 6:00 to 2:30 am and then left. I got pulled over out side of WOOSTAH. I had two open containers right beside me and the stupid fuck didnt see them. hahahaha fuck you MA

Haha, yeah. drinking and driving is so smart.
[Jul 16,2006 11:19am - retzam ""]
chrisnli said:Mass St Police are sooo dumb.. I went to Foxwoods and Mohegan last night and was gambling and drinking from 6:00 to 2:30 am and then left. I got pulled over out side of WOOSTAH. I had two open containers right beside me and the stupid fuck didnt see them. hahahaha fuck you MA

Fuck you, die in a crash.
[Jul 16,2006 1:22pm - ShadowSD ""]
chrisnli said:Mass St Police are sooo dumb.. I went to Foxwoods and Mohegan last night and was gambling and drinking from 6:00 to 2:30 am and then left. I got pulled over out side of WOOSTAH. I had two open containers right beside me and the stupid fuck didnt see them. hahahaha fuck you MA

You are everybody here's hero, what a stupid fuck that cop was. He would have felt so stupid if later that night he had found you with your grill sticking out of your skull. You would have shown him.

[Jul 16,2006 1:28pm - pam ""]
That would never happen, he'd kill a family and walk away without a scratch to be an idiot another day.
[Jul 16,2006 1:29pm - ShadowSD ""]
I've said it before and I'll say it again: legalize pot and federally criminalize driving with a blood alcohol content over 0.15 to get the people who don't get the message about driving drunk off the road PERMANENTLY.

We'll all be less dead and more happy.
[Jul 16,2006 1:34pm - KeithMutiny ""]
sorry that they interrupted you fucking your sister.
[Jul 16,2006 1:35pm - pam ""]
hehe. witty.
[Jul 16,2006 1:44pm - vomitthesoul ""]
ShadowSD said:I've said it before and I'll say it again: legalize pot and federally criminalize driving with a blood alcohol content over 0.15 to get the people who don't get the message about driving drunk off the road PERMANENTLY.

We'll all be less dead and more happy.

Legalize pot huh? While we're at lets legalize cocaine,crack,heroin and prostitution also.ANARCHY!!!

[Jul 16,2006 1:46pm - pam ""]
I think all natural drugs should be legal. If it grows in the ground, who is the government to say we can't have it? It was here before the government.
[Jul 16,2006 1:55pm - midgetstealer ""]
The government makes way more money off of drugs being illegal than they would if they were legal. The only way pot could be legal is if cigarette companies grew marijuana crops. Like "marlboro spliffs". Also our government puts hard drugs like crack and cocaine on the streets to destroy peoples lives. specifically minorities.
[Jul 16,2006 2:34pm - Through 88 Bring Us Stength  ""]
hoser said:Another weekend....another 2 days of Massholes clogging up RT. 16

You need to get a rifle and shoot all of the mongrels trying to enter your land. Now they're vacationing, soon they'll be living next door to you, fucking your daughter and making nigger babies.
[Jul 16,2006 2:41pm - ShadowSD ""]
vomitthesoul said:ShadowSD said:I've said it before and I'll say it again: legalize pot and federally criminalize driving with a blood alcohol content over 0.15 to get the people who don't get the message about driving drunk off the road PERMANENTLY.

We'll all be less dead and more happy.

Legalize pot huh? While we're at lets legalize cocaine,crack,heroin and prostitution also.ANARCHY!!!

Who are you, Pat Robertson? I'm sure that when prohibition was lifted and alcohol became legal again in the 1930's, people made that very argument. However, it's even more retarded when you say it about pot. At least alcohol, like cocaine, crack and heroin, can lead to overdose, death, physical addiction, car crashes, and aggressive/criminal behavior. Pot however, has NONE of those qualities, and is a plant that grows in the earth. Even conservative blowhard Bill O'Reilly always maintained that pot should be legalized, how does it feel to be to the right of THAT GUY?

Legalizing pot would not make other drugs more prevalent, in fact quite the opposite; law enforcement would stop wasting a good chunk of their anti-drug resources chasing millions of otherwise law-abiding pot smokers and use them all to crack down on hard drugs. Also, if legal, pot would stop being a "gateway" drug; marijouana as a substance has absolutely nothing to do with man-made drugs as I pointed out above, but the fact that it's illegal does force otherwise law-abiding people to do business with real criminals at some level in the chain, just like in prohibition, and the constant thwarting of one law diminishes power of all law, just like in prohibition. So whether you are pro or anti-pot, legalization is the only sensible solution.

Pam has it exactly right, if it grows from the earth, no goverment has the right to outlaw it. However, if it's an addictive poison concoction developed in a laboratory, that's different.
[Jul 16,2006 4:32pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Keep dreaming people.Pot will never be legalized in our life time
[Jul 16,2006 4:43pm - ShadowSD ""]
When did I make any predictions about when it will be legalized? I was just pointing out that the reasons why it should be.

The case has never been made before in the way I've presented it, so you shouldn't make any predictions about what will happen either. No one has taken the very reasonable position that legalization also serves the agenda of people who are against pot (for all those reasons I listed above). You can also add the fact that younger teenagers have a MUCH easier time buying pot, which is illegal, than buying alcohol, which is regulated. If you're a kid who wants booze, and you have no 21+ friends or unlocked parents' liquor cabinets, you're out of luck. But if you want to buy pot, you can get it from another kid at school, even if you're only 12 and go to a nice suburban school. This has been backed up by years of statistics that say kids try pot an average of two years before they try alcohol. It's just about impossible to make a case against legalization in the face of those facts.
[Jul 17,2006 1:50am - INFECT ""]
pot legalization is pure common sense, but like many other controversial issues, if the argument against can be summed up into a conveinient sound bite (drugs are bad!) and the argument against requires many tedious sentences and statictics which do you think will win over the american people???
also, heroin and cocaine both "grow from the earth" whereas many non-addictive and relatively harmless drugs such as LSD are synthesized in laboratories
[Jul 17,2006 2:29am - retzam ""]
INFECT said:pot legalization is pure common sense, but like many other controversial issues, if the argument against can be summed up into a conveinient sound bite (drugs are bad!) and the argument against requires many tedious sentences and statictics which do you think will win over the american people???
also, heroin and cocaine both "grow from the earth" whereas many non-addictive and relatively harmless drugs such as LSD are synthesized in laboratories

Well, heroin is synthetic, made partly from opium, which of course grows from the earth. Isn't it? Hmmm, not sure now.
[Jul 17,2006 10:00am - pam ""]
I'm pretty sure heroin and coke both require alertering before becoming as they're sold.

I think pot is no worse than booze. Booze ruins lives. I don't think you should be able to drive under the influence of ANYTHING. Pot should be legal so long as you're not high behind the wheel. I know it will never happen, but hey.
[Jul 17,2006 10:04am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
All drugs should be legalized. It will help cull the weak from the herd.
[Jul 17,2006 10:08am - pam ""]
Yeah but then there'll be so many cokeheads and I'll never have a decent conversation again.
[Jul 17,2006 10:21am - ram_girl ""]
pam said:Yeah but then there'll be so many cokeheads and I'll never have a decent conversation again.

Bill Cosby "Himself" quote

Cocaine enhances your personality...."yeah, but what if your an ASSHOLE".........
[Jul 17,2006 10:47am - pam ""]
hahah I love "Himself".

All I ever get from a cokehead is a lot of vacant stares..."what?"s...and the occasion sentence fragment. It's painful.
[Jul 17,2006 10:52am - Yeti ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:All drugs should be legalized. It will help cull the weak from the herd.

i agree with that. i think if they are going to legalize pot, they should legalize it all. i really dont think there will be a giant spike in heroin usage, it will probably actually lead to cleaner addicts and may even decrease usage. its more fun to use drugs when you arent supposed to. the thrill of getting caught goes away. people seem to think that legalizing will mean that everyone will want to smoke crack and shoot up. those that will already do.

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