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Quiznos Appreciation Thread

[Jul 15,2006 7:06pm - RichHorror ""]
Cowmaximus (7:05:05 PM): Dude, I back Quizno's hard.
Cowmaximus (7:05:14 PM): I would take a bullet for that shit.
Skullduggeryyy (7:05:54 PM): They're okay.
Cowmaximus (7:06:00 PM): Fuck you, nigga.
Skullduggeryyy (7:06:00 PM): They've got a pepper bar.
Cowmaximus (7:06:14 PM): I've got a problem solver, and its name is revolver.
[Jul 15,2006 9:06pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Quizno's = godly.
[Jul 15,2006 9:25pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
I got that prime rib sub there and it tasted like a shitty roast beef sandwich. I hope my next trip there won't be a disappointment.
[Jul 15,2006 9:30pm - Phillip nli  ""]
Quiznos is expensive as fuck
its like the Starbucks of sandwiches
and wtf is up with like 5 new Quiznos opening in New B and one closing super fast
[Jul 16,2006 11:19am - Dankill  ""]
yum yum
[Jul 16,2006 1:05pm - pam ""]
Quiznos frosts my cookies. All other sub shops pale in comparison.

I miss those commercials with the little furry things.
[Jul 16,2006 1:56pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
I loved Quizno's until they built one in Chelmsford and hired people who apparently assume "prime rib" means"beef jerky that came out of a homeless guy's anus"
[Jul 16,2006 1:57pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
CaptainCleanoff said:I got that prime rib sub there and it tasted like a shitty roast beef sandwich. I hope my next trip there won't be a disappointment.

this guy knows.

i usually get the mequite chicken with bacon on wheat. but Quizfords fucked that up too.
[Jul 16,2006 2:09pm - midgetstealer ""]
honey bacon club
[Jul 16,2006 3:07pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
if quizno's was cheaper... i would probably go there more than subway... but a large meatball ,a medium meatball, and two medium drinks for 17 bucks? fuck that. you can get the same shit for like 13 whatever at subway.
[Jul 16,2006 3:27pm - pam ""]
They're definately pricey, but it's sooo worth it.
[Jul 16,2006 4:06pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
pam said:They're definately pricey, but it's sooo worth it.

i know :(... i try to make every penny last and i cant do that with quiznos... if i had a job i wouldnt care.. but im broke as fuck and quiznos is so tempting.... :(
[Jul 16,2006 4:19pm - Troll ""]
New Hampshire ain't got none of that city stuff!
[Aug 29,2006 2:07pm - i_am_not_me ""]
The ones on Route 9 (Framingham westbound, near Game Universe, and Southboro eastbound [At least I think it's Southboro, may be Westboro]) are good, never had an order messed up at all.

But it is expensive, yes. But damn worth it.
[Aug 29,2006 2:08pm - xanonymousx ""]
quizno's is great but rosemary bread sucks don't get it on rosemary
there is one near new hampshire at the loop if you live in or around salem
[Aug 29,2006 9:34pm - dwellingsickness ""]
There is one in Manchvegas, Right next to Newbury comics.....When I win the lottery I will go eat lunch there.
[Aug 29,2006 9:42pm - anonymous  ""]
fat ass americans
[Aug 29,2006 9:47pm - mOe ""]
i have yet to eat here...now that i eat poulty again, i just might though
[Aug 29,2006 9:49pm - Aegathis ""]
i just got back from eating there, despite being flat broke, i couldnt resist.
[Aug 29,2006 9:51pm - succubus ""]
i guess you guys missed out the coupos i posted
[Aug 29,2006 9:58pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 29,2006 10:00pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 29,2006 10:02pm - succubus ""]
Print your coupon(s) now. You can only visit this page 3 times.

so first 3 to click get
$1 off ay small sub or $2 off regular sub.
that's the second coupo...first one is diff and unlimited
[Aug 29,2006 10:02pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Subway pwn quiznos, although quiznos has godly bread and godly soupbowls
[Aug 29,2006 10:03pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 29,2006 11:31pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
mmm.... i just got hungry... i bet you can find those stupid commercials with those fuzzy things on youtube

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