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ha: video/fight scene

[Jul 14,2006 4:55pm - thedeparted ""]
[Jul 14,2006 5:09pm - Joshtruction ""]
"ya... see ya"
[Jul 14,2006 5:15pm - Mr Bleem Jeans  ""]
theres a good chance these guys are fighting because the other one didn't swallow...
[Jul 14,2006 5:25pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]

i love that the 'bad guy' isn't even holding the knife properly. only an idiot fights with the knife up.

And for the record, Cynthia Rothrock's ass is one of my favorites ever.
[Jul 14,2006 6:01pm - SteveOTB ""]
Fucking epic lol.
[Jul 14,2006 6:15pm - hoser ""]
"yeah, seee ya!"

[Jul 14,2006 6:29pm - niccolai ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:
i love that the 'bad guy' isn't even holding the knife properly. only an idiot fights with the knife up.

An idiot or a trained martial artist. If you know how to use a kinfe properly, it's acceptable to hold in a rosetro, or non rosetro grip. It also depends on the knife, I would hold that knife in the same way.

[Jul 14,2006 6:45pm - thedeparted ""]
hah, the noises are the best. i dont think they stop grunting for like 2 seconds in the entire scene

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