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Emperor ticket for this friday

[Jul 11,2006 11:10pm - SoulsOfTheSlain ""]
I still have an extra ticket for Emperor in NYC this friday 7/14. Let me know if you're interested.
[Jul 13,2006 6:54pm - SoulsOfTheSlain ""]
bump to put this over davefromthegrave's post
[Jul 13,2006 7:09pm - animal_magnetism ""]
anyone know what the deal is with emperor?????
is this a one time mini tour, or they back together?....new album?
[Jul 13,2006 7:55pm - SoulsOfTheSlain ""]
They recently got back together and first they announced 2 dates in the US (NYC and Cali) so everyone, including me, stupidly rushed out to buy tickets thinking it was going to sell out quickly... but then they announced another date in NYC which is tonight... which didn't even sell out if i heard correctly. So now a bunch of us are stuck with these way over priced tickets for Friday's show.
[Jul 13,2006 8:15pm - sinistas ""]
yeah, but Samoth isn't at NYC tonight due to visa troubles, so you got a good deal after all.
[Jul 14,2006 12:45am - KINGDIAMOND  ""]
how much and where are you.. e-mail? a.i.m.?
phone #?

[Jul 14,2006 1:11am - davefromthegrave ""]
KINGDIAMOND said:how much and where are you.. e-mail? a.i.m.?
phone #?

I got one for you. email me, davefromthegrave@gmail.com
[Jul 14,2006 1:16am - davefromthegrave ""]
oh, and I'm in Connecticut. I could meet you at BB Kings, if you want.
[Jul 14,2006 1:40am - Kingdiamond  ""]
awesome I'll email you

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