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Looking for band members

[Jul 8,2006 6:03am - XtoughX  ""]

My I play guitar and or sing. I'm looking for other hardline straightedgers to start a band with. You must be straightedge and be completely hardline about it. If you see someone smoking or drinking at a show we fuck them up. Simple as that. Email me at XbrokenfacetomatchyouredgeX@yahoo.com if you are interested.


[Jul 8,2006 6:22am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
s00per kewl tuff d00d gai
[Jul 8,2006 8:11am - XtoughX  ""]
You're damn right.
[Jul 8,2006 9:07am - Anthony nli  ""]
this is a joke... right?
[Jul 8,2006 9:12am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
What are you, Utah Hardline?
[Jul 8,2006 12:15pm - MadOakDevin ""]
I'm interested in joining this band. I'm going to pull a strife and lie about being sxe tho, that's cool right.
[Jul 8,2006 12:21pm - thedeparted ""]
im taking a shit right now, having sex and drinking a beer, with a lit cigar, wanna watch the show...
[Jul 8,2006 12:27pm - niccolai ""]
While some girl you aren't married to is sucking you off.
[Jul 8,2006 12:30pm - thedeparted ""]
hah, sorry that is key
[Jul 8,2006 12:33pm - thedeparted ""]
i think these kids have it wrong, this is America, the land of the free, not Cuba.


[Jul 8,2006 2:00pm - XtoughX  ""]
This shit is for real. Bring your drunk ass around and you'll get a beatdown.
[Jul 8,2006 2:04pm - Scoracrasia ""]
XtoughX said:This shit is for real. Bring your drunk ass around and you'll get a beatdown.

Haha. You probably take it in the seat from junkies. All straightedgers are pent up pillow biters.
I know this shit is a joke anyway. Keep it coming, it is funny.
[Jul 8,2006 2:31pm - intricateprocess ""]
XtoughX said:Hey,

My I play guitar and or sing. I'm looking for other hardline straightedgers to start a band with. You must be straightedge and be completely hardline about it. If you see someone smoking or drinking at a show we fuck them up. Simple as that. Email me at XbrokenfacetomatchyouredgeX@yahoo.com if you are interested.


haha thats awesome. there need to be at least a couple militant edge bands out there. i personally drink, but if you kicked my ass at a show,it'd be all good
[Jul 8,2006 2:32pm - luke not logged in  ""]
you'll probably do real well at all the bars you'll be playing at
[Jul 8,2006 2:35pm - thedeparted ""]
luke not logged in said:you'll probably do real well at all the bars you'll be playing at

[Jul 8,2006 2:36pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 8,2006 2:46pm - powerkok ""]
Can I shove a cigarette up your cock?
[Jul 8,2006 6:09pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
Sounds like your bands motto is already more imprtant to you than your music, and you haven't even started it yet.
You offer no description as to what and how you want to play your songs, so long as the members are willing to throw down at a moments notice in a parking lot cuz some dude is smoking a cigarette.
You are in essence asking people to fight for you, to hurt people for you, and possibly go to jail for you.

Who wants to go to jail for that shit? You are probably going to have a hard time finding people.
If u want your band members to be drug/alcohol free, thats fine.
But u are asking for so much more than that.

Just my 2 cents.
[Jul 8,2006 6:10pm - RichHorror ""]
Everyone who thinks this guy is for real is an idiot.
[Jul 8,2006 6:14pm - Scoracrasia ""]
RichHorror said:Everyone who thinks this guy is for real is an idiot.

Exactly. Maybe it is you Rich, fucking with us. You straightedger you.:duffbeer:

[Jul 8,2006 6:19pm - RichHorror ""]
I would die for my edge.
[Jul 8,2006 6:23pm - powerkok ""]
The movie 'The edge' was pretty neat, cuz a big fucker of a bear eats Micheal from Lost.
Fuck ya.
[Jul 8,2006 6:26pm - Scoracrasia ""]
RichHorror said:I would die for my edge.

You are wicked edgy nigga!!
[Jul 8,2006 6:33pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
Oh so then this is a thread to make fun of "What if" guys? That's even more gay.
[Jul 8,2006 6:34pm - RichHorror ""]
What If? was cool. Uatu is my nigga.
[Jul 8,2006 6:52pm - xanonymoshhxcdancerx  ""]
i heard this guys guitar work and he sucks wihxc don't support xtoughx cause hes a weenie
[Jul 9,2006 3:52am - crisis ""]
it'd be funny if a bus full of straight edged razor blades crashed into the stage at one of his shows, killing all bandmates!
[Jul 9,2006 4:02am - XtoughX  ""]
Say what you want. I just found a drummer. If anyone knows Joey Numbers then you'll know not to fuck with us. You are either with us or against us.

Kill anyone with a beer in their hand
Cause if you drink you're not a man
[Jul 12,2006 9:21pm - PryoryofSyn ""]
is this some kind of unfunny joke?

you're not a man unless you've been arrested for DUI, faggot!
[Jul 12,2006 9:23pm - PryoryofSyn ""]
hahaha, I like how you started your msg with "My I play guitar"
shouldnt it say "OH MY! I play guitar! WOW!"

what an asshole
[Jul 12,2006 10:24pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
XtoughX said:Hey,

My I play guitar and or sing. I'm looking for other hardline straightedgers to start a band with. You must be straightedge and be completely hardline about it. If you see someone smoking or drinking at a show we fuck them up. Simple as that. Email me at XbrokenfacetomatchyouredgeX@yahoo.com if you are interested.


Shut up asswipe with your pathetic scene straight-edge bullshit.

[Jul 12,2006 10:38pm - xmikex ""]
XtoughX said:Say what you want. I just found a drummer. If anyone knows Joey Numbers then you'll know not to fuck with us. You are either with us or against us.

Kill anyone with a beer in their hand
Cause if you drink you're not a man

If this is someone trying to drag Joe's name through the mud that's messed up. He's a totally polite kid who books shows, and helps kids out.
[Jul 13,2006 12:09am - Rick Flair  ""]
[Jul 13,2006 12:13am - anonymous  ""]
what the fuck, Hardline straitedgers that is the dumbest thing i have everheard, how much dick do you suck?
[Jul 13,2006 12:15am - Rick Flair  ""]
Wow, this thread proves how stupid everyone is on this board. Whooooooooooooo!!!
[Jul 13,2006 1:02am - anonymous  ""]
XtoughX said:Hey, I suck weenies

[Jul 13,2006 3:56am - Rick Flair  ""]
anonymous said:XtoughX said:

anonymous said:XtoughX said:

anonymous said:XtoughX said:

anonymous said:XtoughX said:

anonymous said:XtoughX said:

anonymous said:XtoughX said:

anonymous said:XtoughX said:

anonymous said:XtoughX said:

anonymous said:XtoughX said:

anonymous said:XtoughX said:

I say Whoooooooooooo!!!
[Mar 1,2008 3:30pm - mikey_northshore  ""]
If you see someone smoking or drinking at a show we fuck them up. Simple as that.

Go fuck your mother. Or, go fuck your mother AND move back to Russia you fucking loser.
[Mar 1,2008 3:35pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
WTF, did you really drag up a 2 year old thread to say fuck you to an obvious joke post?
[Mar 1,2008 3:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

mikey_northshore said:If you see someone smoking or drinking at a show we fuck them up. Simple as that.

Go fuck your mother. Or, go fuck your mother AND move back to Russia you fucking loser.

Hey, this thread's back! Also, caress my balls slowly, motherfucker, I don't want to get a friction burn.
[Mar 1,2008 3:38pm - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 1,2008 4:02pm - tyler nli  ""]
i will seriously kill you if you smoke that cigarette
[Mar 13,2008 5:12pm - ouchdrummer ""]

XtoughX said:This shit is for real. Bring your drunk ass around and you'll get a beatdown.

Please do us all a favor and make a thread with the shows you will be going to. You sound like a really cool guy.
[Mar 13,2008 6:33pm - path of resistance  ""]
xXshits no joke yoxXx

i need a hug (
[Mar 13,2008 6:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"the only straight edge i need is the one that cuts my cocaine."
[Apr 28,2008 11:13am - Demogulatory  ""]
Hardline Straightedge is for fags and taint sniffers. Mommy, that bad man over there is smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer, oh fucking no!!
[Apr 28,2008 11:15am - RichHorror ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:"the only straight edge i need is the one that cuts my cocaine."

haha, I found a few of those the other day. I oughtta sell them shits.
[Apr 28,2008 12:16pm - XinsaneX  ""]

Demogulatory said:Hardline Straightedge is for fags and taint sniffers. Mommy, that bad man over there is smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer, oh fucking no!!

Nah, there ain't no crying to your mother.

Cigarette=punch to the face
Drugs=curb stomp
[Apr 28,2008 12:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

XinsaneX said:
Demogulatory said:Hardline Straightedge is for fags and taint sniffers. Mommy, that bad man over there is smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer, oh fucking no!!

Nah, there ain't no crying to your mother.

Cigarette=punch to the face
Drugs=curb stomp

All of the above = touched by an authority figure at an early age.
[Apr 28,2008 12:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Probably a scoutmaster.
[Apr 28,2008 12:25pm - xmikex ""]
what a huge surprise that this band never panned out.
[Apr 28,2008 4:32pm - SxEMoshSxE  ""]
Hi Guys
I dont know what is so funnyu with this post. You people who do drugs and drink make me sick.
Ive been listening to Earth Crisis my whole life and live by the rules.
anyone who disagrees and get my brass knuckels into there skull.
[Apr 28,2008 4:52pm - SxEMoshSxE  ""]
[Apr 28,2008 5:02pm - RichHorror ""]
Everyone who thought this was anything but a joke thread should chug some liquid drain-o.
[Apr 28,2008 5:22pm - SxEMoshSxE  ""]
yea ok
ill make you cry like you were watching the end of titanic in a pit of cockroaches

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