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I hate this fucking cunt....AMERICA IS DOOMED!

[Jul 1,2006 8:13am - hungtableed  ""]
ok so I recognize her right to say what she wants, just as I will always exercise my right to say that this bitch deserves to be set on fire for what she says. I hate these cunts from the wesboro baptist church and they honestly deserve to wake up one morning to find their church of filth engulfed in flames. [this is not a repost - new video of the same ugly cunt ranting]
[Jul 1,2006 8:36am - dwellingsickness ""]
God hates FAGS! hahah
[Jul 1,2006 9:58am - animal_magnetism ""]
both of those whores should be hung
[Jul 1,2006 10:52am - BlackoutRick ""]
No just that Roper broad. I would literally take a piss on her.
[Jul 1,2006 10:56am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
What is this, that lady that all the journalists are interviewing to make themselves look good by arguing with her?

Why even bother giving her and her stupid church any attention at all. Hell, why pay attention to ANY church.
[Jul 1,2006 11:06am - ShadowSD  ""]
All good points. This woman is fucking nuts.
[Jul 1,2006 11:25am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jul 1,2006 11:33am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
also since im in the cutting and pasting mood

yet another reason why america is doom....hey how about people like rick santorum

[Jul 1,2006 11:42am - HailTheLeaf ""]
Yes, truely these people know the exact word of an imaginary entity in the sky that watches everything we do and will pushish us severely if we stray from a book that was written over 4000 years ago, transcribed several times, and changed by powerful men who want to comtrol people thru fear. This entity will make us burn in fire if we act on our natural, human instinct, but "he" loves us. And this imaginary entity put these rules on humans, but no other species that dwells the earth.

Yeah, I'd say they're fucking insane.
[Jul 1,2006 11:53am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
well yeah its why i pray to tom waits too.
[Jul 1,2006 12:01pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I support this lady 100%. Fuck anybody who disagrees with her.
[Jul 1,2006 12:04pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I support this lady 100%. Fuck anybody who disagrees with her.

tom waits is so gonna fuck up your day now
[Jul 1,2006 1:00pm - baptizedinresin ""]
i think shes hilarious, but its stupid how people just bring her on their shows to argue and insult her. i hope she has gay kids
[Jul 1,2006 1:09pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
baptizedinresin said:i think shes hilarious, but its stupid how people just bring her on their shows to argue and insult her. i hope she has gay kids

kinda like dick cheney
[Jul 1,2006 8:29pm - hungtableed  ""]
other than a profound love for the beloved cannabis sativa, I think my opinion regarding how much this cunt is a fuckjob is about the only thing other than maybe a few bands [that I can think of at least] that Whiskey/HTL/and my self actually agree on.....wierd.....but I'll smoke to that!

BTW, I think I heard that she has like 8 kids, all of which are active members of their church of filth that also stand with the rest of the congregation at their many Iraq KIA funerals.
[Jul 1,2006 9:49pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
This is the same church that okayed incest because they couldn't get more than a dozen or so followers from outside the family.

I guess it's ok because didn't Cain and Able have to bone Eve if there were to be any people aside from mom and dad.
[Jul 2,2006 10:09am - niccolai ""]
I'd bone her.
[Jul 2,2006 10:12am - niccolai ""]

She's nuts. She makes the Raeliens look like.. well... genetic engineers.

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