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attn: guitarists

[Jun 30,2006 12:47pm - animal_magnetism ""]
anybody know any books or websites with some decent scale lessons, i need to learn more scales, metal to blues, rock..anything

anybody know?

[Jun 30,2006 12:50pm - watchmaker666 ""]
music theory is for homos
[Jun 30,2006 12:53pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
watchmaker666 said:music theory is for homos

he aint lyin' :bow:
[Jun 30,2006 12:53pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
just buy the "Guitar Grimoire" it's like 25 bucks at any decent music shop
[Jul 1,2006 1:52am - ethos ""]
Guitar Grimoire.

And btw, Theory = Goodness.

[Jul 1,2006 2:13pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
www.chopsfromhell.com has a lot of free lessons.

And watchmaker, theory is simply the analysis of whats already there. Everything you play involves theory, don't knock someone else for wanting to learn it just because you personally don't understand it. "playing by ear" just means that your ear knows more theory than you do.

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