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Need bands for a show at The New Wave in New Bedford

[Oct 6,2003 2:53am - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
Alright, I need 2 bands for a METAL show at the New Wave Cafe in New Bedford MA, its on Thursday October 23rd. I need bands that will bring at least 5 people that ARENT in the band with them. Its a bar so its 21+.

I gotta hear your band if youre interested, only because they prefer the bands to fit together, and if you totally suck I dont want to be responsible for that. hah.

This is a show that just got thrown at me and I want to make it a good one. Thursdays at the new wave are their heinekin 3 dollar nights so it has a pretty decent regular crowd

.:whipper: Email your website, band description etc to lifeofsinpromotions@earthlink.net

[Oct 6,2003 10:14am - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
you know who to book

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