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Beef Jerky

[Jun 28,2006 10:26pm - Abbath ""]
the greatest thing in the world, agreed?
[Jun 28,2006 10:34pm - niccolai ""]
the familly dollar up th street from me has those 5$ bags of pemican for 99 cents.
[Jun 28,2006 10:56pm - Abbath ""]
holy and fuck
[Jun 28,2006 10:56pm - notorious_D.U.G. ""]
I concur. I do like the turkey jerky as well. Gator and Ostrich are quite tasty too.
[Jun 28,2006 11:08pm - powerkok ""]
Beef too, but Venison is my Fav.
[Jun 28,2006 11:28pm - niccolai ""]
beef is pretty much it in this area of mass.

When I was living in FL I could get gator and turkey jerky, but haven't found a place in the south shore area.

If anyone knows of a place, let me know.

apparently bear jerky also exists.
[Jun 28,2006 11:29pm - niccolai ""]
[Jun 29,2006 12:46am - Abbath ""]
i had deer jerky before and oh baby boners unite
[Jun 29,2006 1:38am - retzam ""]
[Jun 29,2006 2:38am - thedeparted ""]
niccolai said:the familly dollar up th street from me has those 5$ bags of pemican for 99 cents.

wow, you are truly the luckiest man on earth.
[Jun 29,2006 2:38am - dwellingsickness ""]
The store bought stuff is nasty,Way to much chemicals and preservatives in it...Make your own, I make venison jerky 3-4 times a year, when I can get my hands on some venison. Buffallo and Elk are good also. KOK , Next time I make it , I will invite ya over to try some
[Jun 29,2006 9:02am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I had some homemade deer jerkey in philly once, i was in heaven
[Jun 29,2006 9:51am - niccolai ""]
there's a place in Hanson called the sausage hut that make their own homemade beef jerky, but it's the exotic stuff I'm looking for. I can't find a place to buy small amounts of gator, ostrich, kangeroo, ect.
[Jun 29,2006 10:48am - sinistas ""]
there's a place on 117 in concord that has non-standard brands...and JERKY IN A CAN.

sweet mother of fucking god, jerky chaw is the shit.
[Jun 29,2006 12:39pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I'm a jerky man myself, I'll try and jerky that is thrown my way and do hope that one day I can taste human jerky just to know what it tastes like.
[Jun 29,2006 12:54pm - Beaver McD  ""]
how do you go about making home made jerky?
[Jun 29,2006 12:57pm - thedeparted ""]
i had goat jerky before
[Jun 29,2006 12:59pm - sinistas ""]
Beaver McD said:how do you go about making home made jerky?

get a dehydrator, cut up some beef an marinate it, and go to town.
[Jun 29,2006 1:19pm - niccolai ""]
chris_from_shit_fuck said: hope that one day I can taste human jerky just to know what it tastes like.


[Jun 29,2006 2:24pm - MikePile  ""]
niccolai said:[img]

Thank you for this.

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