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[Jun 28,2006 6:55pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
My name is Brandon. I live in Rochester, NH. I have been a vocalist for about 8 years. I can sing yet growl like the best of them. I can do anything with power metal too. I've been in 2 bands previously but they did not work out due to immaturity in my bandmates.

Check out http://myspace.com/phinnus

Influences include but certainly not limited to:

Bolt Thrower
Cannibal Corpse
The Black Dahlia Murder
Cattle Decapitation
Despised Icon
Into The Moat
Napalm Death
Blind Guardian
Iced Earth
Black Sabbath

You can email me too at TheLatterRain777@yahoo.com
[Jun 28,2006 7:22pm - ethos ""]
hehehe .... Youth Pastor. You kill me.
[Jun 29,2006 4:33pm - PryoryofSyn ""]
I would be into trying to do something with you, but I think it's too far from me. I'm only 15 miles north of Boston.
[Jun 29,2006 4:45pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
ethos said:hehehe .... Youth Pastor. You kill me.

Hey, I ROCK for Jesus. HaHa. Christians can like metal.
[Jun 29,2006 11:14pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
PryoryofSyn said:I would be into trying to do something with you, but I think it's too far from me. I'm only 15 miles north of Boston.

Well, depending if I go to the college I applied for, I would be in Quincy, MA. That's close enough.
[Jun 30,2006 3:19am - Y Draig Goch  ""]
You are Christian.

I don't let Christians in my bands, and I only let angry Jews or Angry Mooslums join becuase it is funny to see how much they hate the other.
[Jul 4,2006 12:17am - Abyss ""]
Christians in metal I find this contradicting
[Jul 7,2006 7:48pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Why is that? I'm still a person I just have beliefs. Get over it. I'm not ashamed.
[Jul 7,2006 9:15pm - ethos ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Why is that? I'm still a person I just have beliefs. Get over it. I'm not ashamed.

I'm still a PERSON! Gahhh!!!!1


[Jul 8,2006 12:37am - Abyss ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Why is that? I'm still a person I just have beliefs. Get over it. I'm not ashamed.

Have you heard a santanist play christian muisc? Metal belongs to satan and all anti-christian/catholic :satancross:
Thats my belief. But you probaly won't listen you one sided bible thumper
[Jul 9,2006 5:05pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
That was hypocrisy if I've ever seen it. Just that statement alone is one-sided. Music belongs to everyone no matter what style it is. You think rap belongs to just black people and thugs? No. Get over yourself.
[Jul 9,2006 5:27pm - Josh Martin NLI  ""]
Maybe these guys need a singer.

[Jul 9,2006 6:52pm - ethos ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:That was hypocrisy if I've ever seen it. Just that statement alone is one-sided. Music belongs to everyone no matter what style it is. You think rap belongs to just black people and thugs? No. Get over yourself.

If you posted here, and expected a different response, you're either naieve, or an idiot.

Since you believe in fairytales, i'm more inclined to think the latter.
[Jul 10,2006 1:48pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I friggin posted here looking for a band to scream in!!!!! Why is this harder than it needs to be?
[Jul 11,2006 11:05pm - Abyss ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I friggin posted here looking for a band to scream in!!!!! Why is this harder than it needs to be?

Because no one wants to be raped by a christian GET OVER IT!!!!!
Why don't you ask pedafiles at your chruch
[Jul 11,2006 11:09pm - Abyss ""]
Speaking of hypocrisy look at your religon. If god is so forgiving why did jesus die on the cross?

Speaking of hypocrisy again, the band hypocrisy was good when they were satanic
[Jul 12,2006 1:10pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Jesus died because he wanted to die for the sake of humanity. And I think I will say this again. I don't like religion. Religion can suck my nuts but as far as a living relationship between me and Jesus that's what I care about.
[Aug 20,2006 7:30pm - some jerk nli  ""]
[Aug 28,2006 6:46pm - tsectpathogen  ""]
we need a singer

[Aug 28,2006 7:20pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Abyss said:Why don't you ask pedafiles at your chruch

pedafiles - IS that some new X-Files spin off?

And while I am at it, what the fuck is a "Chruch"?
[Aug 29,2006 10:17am - anonymous  ""]

and it's that little piece of skin between your nuts, and your asshole.

Brandon, we left you a message on your myspace page.
[Sep 8,2006 9:05pm - secthammer  ""]
c'mon penis faces! we need a fukin singah! we dont give a shit what you are. as long as you dont sound like you're retarted and want to do vocals and are at least decently reliable

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